Extreme Couponing Affecting the Un-Extreme?

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So, I received the following email from reader, Rashelle. She is feeling very discouraged about using coupons and even dreads going to the store. Here’s what she had to say:

Hi Collin, I know this may seem odd but I was wondering if you have heard from any readers that they have been feeling down about using coupons lately because I have. Ever since the “Extreme Couponing” show has been airing I feel myself getting looks from other customers. For example, I was at Toys ‘R’ Us the other day with my son and a lady in front of me had items that I had a store coupon for which I wasn’t going to use and I asked if she wanted it, she was very thankful and asked if I was sure I didn’t need it and my son said, don’t worry she has a whole binder of them at home, and her tone changed drastically as she said “Oh, you’re one of Those.”

I was in Publix last night doing my weekly coupon shopping and was flipping thru my binder when a couple of women walked past me, looked me up and down and then one said to the other “she’s loco” (crazy in Spanish) and at checkout a husband and wife came into line behind me at the end of my transaction while my coupons were being scanned and started talking very loudly about how the people on “that show” take advantage of shopping (and I didn’t even have a cart full of stuff).

There have been so many times lately when I feel glaring eyes upon me and I feel I need to justify myself to these people and say I am not a hoarder, I don’t have a small grocery store in my house, I am not clearing shelves, and so on, but of course I just smile and keep my mouth shut. I hate this feeling of being embarrassed and ashamed of my coupons because I use to be so proud and happy of all of my great savings and I don’t want this to ruin couponing for me, but it has left me very discouraged, and instead of being excited to do my weekly trip, I almost dread it. I was just wondering if I am the only one experiencing this behavior. Thanks for your time and for everything you do!

Since I cannot give you a hug (I so love hugs!) or tackle the stores with you, I am hoping that all of you readers can make Rashelle feel inspired to continue being proud to use her coupons! What ways have you motivated yourself in times of discouragement? How have you made your couponing adventures positive and fun?

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Comments 1072

  1. NIcole

    Yes, TLC’s show SUCKS the energy out of my couponing too (actually I think the show just sucks =) . My weekly trips are getting to be a drag too, as cashiers who used to be so friendly and accommodating on my purchases now look at me like I’m “trying to get away with something” ringing up my coupons.
    You definitely have to have thick skin to deal with the haters out there. I’ve had a cashier ask “why would you buy this” when I was getting hair relaxer, had some kids snickering and pointing at me when I was buying Depends, and have had other customers scrutinize items in my basket and on the conveyer belt, but who cares. I’m not embarrassed to get anything for cheap or free. It’s money in my pocket, money I’m using to help my family and lots of other families.
    My best advice is just to look at what your goals are – write them down and put them on the fridge! Long term goals tackled one coupon at a time. My family is now saving at least $100 each week compared to our non-coupon shopping last year. That $100 put into my son’s 529 plan will be over $100,000 when he’s ready to go to college. I think I’ll be having the last laugh! =) Hang in there, Rashelle. There’s always a bigger picture!

    • jenny

      Is that considered discrimination, to ask “why would you buy this?”

  2. samantha

    I think the show is going to ruin it for us non-greedy couponers. I think stores are going to start cracking down on the coupon use. I see episodes where the people get their bill down to pennies, so who is paying the taxes on that stuff?? everytime I go shopping, even if I have a coupon over the value of the item, I am still responsible for paying the taxes on the items. I think some people really do take advantage a little too much when they start getting greedy. There is nothing wrong with being frugal and couponing, but it’s the people who get greedy that make us couponers look bad. just sayin. 🙂

  3. Ann Kriegelstein

    I had never cut a coupon before a month ago. I’ve never seen the show (because we don’t have cable), and my neighbor and I started couponing together because although we were living within our means in a well to do neighborhood, but it seems that no matter how we started cutting back (ie, getting rid of cable), it felt like we were being squeezed with the economy and still maintained both of our jobs ( I like to blame my decision to coupon on the tax man). I never knew that it was like money sitting right there in the newspaper! Now as I go around the super market, pharmacy or what have you, I carry my giant binder with pride. Pride that I know that I will never have to pay full price for most things I actually use ever again. And as I look around, I see people from all walks of life, coupons in hand, the smart ones are everywhere. Do not hold your head in shame, finding couponing has been the most fun, most financially rewarding thing I’ll ever do (second to winning that lottery someday). Be proud, because you are the smart one. And think of what you can do with all that extra money you’re saving. They’ll be the last ones staring and pointing as you’re using those savings to take an amazing vacation. (I’m saving mine for granite countertops.) 🙂 I’m a dorky coupon newbie, with my silly binder, and I’m loving every second of it!

  4. Collin (Mrs. Hip)

    I have never had any bad situations. Enjoy saving money and love it. We will never get everyone to approve of us couponing or not couponing.

  5. Lindsay

    Since Extreme Couponing, more shelves are cleared around here and our Kroger used to double up to a dollar and is stopping starting June 12th. They will only double up to $0.99. They changed their coupons from 4 like coupons per transaction to 3. I feel like this show has ruined my $30 a month budget and with rising food costs, I don’t know what I am going to do.

  6. BJ

    I’m not going to be shamed by anyone willing to spend 10, 20, 50, or 90% more on food and HBA. Thats all that matters. If possible shop at off times to avoid lines and impatient cashiers and customers. Most drug stores get one shipment during the week, find out when and shop after that to avoid bare shelves. We just recently had a triples event at a local grocery store, I didn’t get there until the last day and only missed out on one deal even though people were complaining about cleared shelves the first day. Most busy grocery stores get trucks every 1-2 days (except HBA items).

    The great thing about having a robust stockpile is you can take a break as needed. I didn’t even clip any coupons for 3mths this winter b/c it wasn’t fun anymore. I would just get coupons for awesome deals and skipped everything else.

  7. shfrier

    I watched Extreme Couponing for the first time this past weekend. What amazes me about a lot of the people is that they hoard up every available space in their house when so many people out there are in need. Do you really need 50 years worth of body wash? For what? Out of the 4 couponers the show featured, literally only 1 donated some of the items purchased that were essentially free. And even that person was a bit stingy with what they decided to give. One person claimed the stockpile was a legacy to their children. OK, so, WOW is your son/daughter going to be super excited to inherit 6,000 bottles of catsup after you die.

    I also think many of the stores and even the manufacturers are going to be evaluating their policies as a result of this show, and tightening the noose. I literally just started couponing about a month ago, and I see the shelves cleared out in my area literally a few hours after the items are featured on the various blogs. Really? You need 50? You can’t just get 1 or 2 and leave some for the rest of us? There’s a huge difference between realistically saving money for your family and there’s the downright ridiculous.

    • Bethany S.

      Well put!

  8. Aleisha

    what i do to feel good when i coupon, is just smile, and know that u are saving money. it really doesnt matter what people around u think, what is important that you save money and use it for things u need. sometimes i even tell the people that are giving me dirty looks cuz i have a cart full of things i actually need, is, o i have a coupon for that, and hand them a coupon, and when they purchase the item, they smile and thank me. and i tell them, see? it does feel good to save money! : )

  9. Diane

    Yes, I agree. I think people do look at us differently b/c we’re using coupons but, you know what?? WHO CARES!!! The show has ruined it for us!! Some stores around me have changed their coupon policy, it’s ridiculous and not fair!!! Don’t worry about what people have to say!

  10. watchingmy_money

    Rashelle, I’ve had some of the same kind of treatment when I’m shopping. I just keep on shopping and think to myself why on earth wouldn’t the non-couponers want to save some money. I had two people say loud enough for several aisles to hear, “Oh look, one of those couponers”. I just thought to myself that I’ll be smiling at the register when my out-of-pocket goes down. I’m not extreme at all, I’ve used coupons for many things, especially fabric stores. I’m so used to buying my material with coupons, the transition to purchasing groceries was easy. Don’t stop couponing, if the non-couponers want to pay retail let them. I understand your frustration with the cleared shelves. I believe that the some of the stores understock on purpose. I know one store in particular that does, which is why I don’t shop there very much. Anyway, don’t stop doing something that brings you pleasure and helps your family out financially.

  11. Yessi

    I just started couponing 2 months ago because a friend turned me on to it. My husband and I are so grateful to her for showing us how to do it. We definitely are not hoarders and would not buy 100 of or even 10 of anything like they do on the show. I have actually received many compliments from people here in Los Angeles when they see me with my binder. I have had people follow me to see what kinds of deals I was getting. Living here is VERY expensive so I am happy that I can get what I need at low prices. The key for me is really reading my coupons so there are no surprises when I get to the register and if there are not fighting or making a big deal about it. I try to find the younger cashiers and start off by asking them about their day. Once you connect with someone it is a little bit harder for them to be rude (not impossible though). I understand how you all feel about the looks, I had never used more than 1 coupon at a time because I always worried about what people would say. But now I only worry about me and my family. People will always have something to say (good or bad) you just have to keep your head up and know that there is no reason you should pay $8 for stuff like Advil when you can get it for $0.49! My latest deal! 😉

  12. Tara

    I feel the same way! this sucks! we need to email TLC aSnd tell them to take it off the air! its RUINING it for us, who have familes and NEED to save!

    • Collin (Mrs. Hip)

      I agree!!!! The show is really hurting the ones who need the product most!!! I have always been able to get what I needed until about a month ago, now if I dont go early on the day when the sale starts everything is gone! I am so sick of it…..I can totally relate to feeling discouraged!

  13. Krista

    Just keep doing what you’re doing and know that it doesn’t matter what anybody thinks. Nobody knows your story and too many people judge others without knowing them! I grew up with a mom who used coupons, which caused me to be one who has always used them and I pride myself in knowing I can help others when they are interested in learning how to save money. I’m 29 years old now but even back when I was 16 I would use them and get looks from people. I have never taken my use to the extreme that some of these people do but knowing that I’m saving money that I can use later towards my son or even a treat for myself is enough to just continue using them! Even if you were one ot those that hoard items and have a mini grocery store at home, who cares? We each choose to live our life the way we want to and what makes us happy. If hoarding groceries is what makes you happy then so be, it isn’t hurting a single person who decides to give you that evil glare or make a rude comment! I personally have a hard time not saying something to people. My favorite thing to do is when the cashier or people in line want to say something rude or give me looks I’ll ask if they want to just give me the cash for what I’d save in coupons instead of waiting while they process them! Hopefully this show won’t last too long and the craze will settle down as people realize just how much work it takes to save like those do on the show. Until then just keep on saving and doing your best to provide for your family!

  14. Megan

    Chin up! I’ve been couponing for a little over a year now and friends think we’re rich! For example, last year at my son’s first birthday blow-out bash (around 100 guests) we had a TUB of Sobe in addition to the normal water and soda thanks to all of the CVS B1G1 sales that matched up with the coupon. People couldn’t believe it and kept saying my husband must be doing better than they thought. Little did they know I also got the water, soda, chips, dip, Chex mix, M&M favors, etc. for next to nothing.

    I’ve tried to speak with many friends about couponing as a way to extend their incomes (and even sent them links to this site!) but they’re not interested, so they can continue to think what they want about our financial state and continue to overspend on their shopping trips.

    Don’t feel any shame about what you’re doing, or not doing. A guy I used to work with had a saying, press on regardless. In difficult situations like the one you’re describing in stores, I take that to mean, give them no regard and press on to do what I need to. Hopefully this will help you also. 🙂

  15. jenny

    I feel the same way – the dirty looks, the impatient cashiers, the empty shelves, the unwelcome association between me and the empty shelves, the policy changes due to Extreme Couponing, it all bites. I continue to coupon, honestly, no different from before. I don’t buy more papers, I don’t copy the coupons. I don’t even buy the item limit dictated by the store. If we change what we do, they win. Keep Calm and Carry On – they still make the coupons!

  16. Twila Solari

    I was at CVS and some poor girl was having trouble getting her Gas Bucks. Everyone was rolling their eyes and grumbling. I went up to her because she was so embarrased and told her that I was mad at myself for leaving my binder at home. I’m 48 and look like I do not need to use coupons. Well, I do. Coupons help me feed my designer habits, save my son some money and pay an expensive car payment! I could tell that she was grateful because I made sure that everyone (including her annoyed hubby!) heard me. I would use coupons even if I was a socialite!
    All of us need to keep our nose in the air and look haughtily at these Mean Girls. They are ignorant for overpaying for things. People are people. Have some decency, right?

  17. Amy

    My father has a great saying that has helped direct me through life, knowing that I should do what I feel is right without worrying over who thinks I’m making the wrong decision. He says, “People are going to talk no matter what you do.” So you might as well do what makes you happy! In the case of couponing, it’s providing for your family. It only takes a few minutes of watching a nightly entertainment channel to hear how messed up the values of most people in society are, what is considered ok and what’s not, etc. So the next time you’re holding up the line at the store while your coupons are being scanned, remember my dad’s quote, and think to yourself, “Geez, look how dumb those people behind me are for NOT using coupons.” 😉

  18. Cathy

    I understand the disouragement and frustration. You aren’t crazy, you’re saving money – that is probably one of the most sane things we can do nowadays. So don’t let people who THINK you’re crazy convince you to actually DO something crazy… like pay retail! 😉

    I too have been a bit frustrated, but not really discouraged. I don’t clear the shelves (i.e. I don’t hoard) and my overall goal is to save 50% each month, which means sometimes I save 80% and other times I only save 20%. But it is frustrating to go to the store to buy 1 or 2 of selected sale items only to find the shelves cleared out. I am glad that people are saving money, but I hope the ‘hoarders’ out there lose their steam – and soon! – so the rest of us un-extreme couponers can maintain a reputation of sanity within our communities.

  19. Tammy

    I think it’s important to know why you are using coupons… and typically it’s because you are trying to save money for your household. It is like a school yard at the grocery store, though. Jealousy, envy, impatience… I think they all play into comments that people make.

    I can’t watch that show. I don’t spend hours upon hours in planning to purchase unreasonable amounts of mustard etc. I only stockpile things we will use. Keep on using coupons and saving money for your family. I think it’s a good thing we do for those we love despite TLC trying to “expose” couponers as hoarders.

  20. jmartcougar

    I also live in a city where everyone coupons lol so I have had very few problems with rude cashiers or customers and really who cares what others think of you they just wish they were as coupons savy as you are lol

  21. Mary

    Those who say hang in there because you’re doing it for the right reasons are 100% correct. I am so blessed to have discovered couponing at a time when my family really needs the help. When people make comments or give me the huff and puff as the cashier scans my coupons at my Dillons, I just comment on how I couldn’t afford to shop there without coupons or how hard I work at planning to save my family money- because it does take work & smile. Now, as for a certain store that is always out of everything, I have to stand up for the mysterious midnight shoppers wiping things out (and no I’m not one of them : ). When there are only 2 or 3 items available to start with, if any, you can’t blame someone for clearing the shelf. I imagine that’s what’s happening if that store is anything like the two I have have tried without success. Even those shoppers should be innocent until proven guilty of something, lol!

  22. Michelle K.

    The way I feel is when these people start paying for my groceries then they can say whatever they want, until then tell them it is none of their business what I do with my money.

  23. brenda3

    I totally agree, they should cancel the show, gives couponing a bad rep………….As for the people that are giving you the stares or the silly comments, they DO NOT PAY YOUR BILLS, so as long as you are couponing correctly in your eyes and in God’s eyes you are good to go……..I myself coupon, we are a family of five and only one car……and my husband is a salesman, so I really have to plan my shopping trips around his schedule……everyone is struggling now a days in one way or another…………..Be Blessed and keep on couponing

  24. Michelle

    Keep doing your thing, there will always be someone to discourage you. You have to rise above negativity.

  25. LTibbs

    Welcome to coupon therapy!

  26. Angela

    During a recent trip to CVS I scored some major deals on beauty products that I and my children had been needing…I was extremely proud of my saviness as if I had not got these deals I would not have been able to afford what we needed. I am a single mother of three children and recovering from a hysteramy left me out of work for almost 2 months and on the brink of losing everything. I asked the cashier for seperate transactions as I placed coupons w “orders” and I heard people people behind me groan and make comments…and I was only doing 2 transactions. As the cashier finished my second transaction she made a big fuss about how she couldn’t believe I’d saved so much, getting most things free or almost free and then said, “I bet you watch that Extreme Couponing, don’t you?” I laughed and said I’d seen an episode but thought it was pretty rediculous…I stated that I am a single mother of three, making it without any child support and couponing makes it possible for me to make ends meet, that I coupon for what we need and that’s it. I am NOT ashamed, I’m proud. It’s hard making it on your own but I’m doing it and couponing has made it possible.

  27. Latisha

    That stinks!!! i haven’t had any bad experiences, and in fact, ppl ask me if i watch the show, which i do – but i’m not an “extremist” lol – my typical savings are about $40 – $50 per trip and i don’t care WHAT ppl say to me when i’m saving money like that – w/ 5 kids, we need it 🙂
    I’m sure you’re doing this for the same reason the rest of us are – to save money for your family – so keep that as your number one priority and don’t let others get you down. You would think most ppl would be grateful for the extra coupons, but apparently not – so share w/ the ones who will let you and be a blessing to those you can! and you know, when you’re organized, it really doesn’t take that much longer to check out than the non-couponers, and you certainly sound organized. keep up the good work!!

  28. Christy

    You know, I would just look at them and smile, they are just jealous because they are not saving money or taking the time to do so, so let them be the ones to spend all their money and be thankful of all the money that you are saving!!

  29. Whitney

    I feel the same way about that show. At first i was like wow this show is neat!! Now i stopped recording it, I want their views going DOWN!!! People need to stop watching this show it is spreading like wildfire and if everybody starts doing it they are going to stop putting coupons out or make the value a lot less. It seems couponing is all the rage now and even though I smile at fellow couponers when I see them in the store I secretly think “great, they probably took all of what I wanted.” The stores in my area, ESPECIALLY WALGREENS are always out of EVERYTHING. If you do not show up right when they open on Sunday you get nothing. And yeah they give out rainchecks but that is such a hassle. This is what discourages me the most.. stores being out of everything because more and more people are couponing and stealing it all. And there are the couponers that DO hoarde and clear an entire shelf and leave none for the rest of us. That could be one reason why stores are limiting coupons/items. Walgreens is the worst because they are out of all of it and you can get a raincheck but by the time they actually have it, it will no longer print out a RR so it’s worthless. and for some reason even though they know people will buy their stuff they don’t order more stuff! They have like 10 of one item and that’s it!

    I get frustrated a lot at the store but when people look at me weird i just let ’em look. I might have 10 toothpastes in my cart and a pile of coupons in my hand but when they need toothpaste and I don’t, it’s worth it. What do I care? I’m never going to see these people again, they can think what they want when I’m spending half as much money as them.

    • Ashley

      I am sorry if this comes off harsh but I think your attitude is a little contradictory. When you say “more and more people are couponing and stealing it all” is not exactly a fair assumption since a few sentences later you state that a store has “10 of one item and that’s it!” Who are you to assume five or ten different people were not at the store before you made it in and that is why the store is out of stock?

      I actually consider purchasing 10 toothpastes at one time a bit much IMHO but I am not going to waste a minute out of my day wondering how or why you chose to pick up that amount.

  30. Amanda

    I’m not much into couponing; I’ll use a coupon or two every now and then. I envy the people who take the time to coupon and save money. I say continue couponing, if the people in line don’t want to wait, there are always other lines open. Don’t let others negativity keep you from doing what you love!

  31. Martha Barrios

    Shame on them!!!!! I give thanks every day for my coupons. I am able to help so many people that are in need. Right now, several of us have started a coupon ministry. We are planning on going to people that are not active in a church and ministering to their needs with the items we get through couponing. So many people are struggling, financially, these days. I can only help them with the use of my coupons. Just think of the positive things you are doing with the use of coupons. Why in this world would you want to give any store more money then you have to.

    Keep your head held high and march on!!!!!

  32. Crystal

    EXACTLY how ive been feeling! I spent this morning look up some deals just so I could save money on some diapers. I have an almost 6 year old and a 15 month old. My husband was let go from his job 2 MONTHS before I gave birth and let me tell you it has been a MAJOR struggle keeping up with finances, food, diapers and HIS smoking habits on my small but managable income. Sometimes we dont even have enough money thru the end of the month to buy diapers or even a soda. So I started using coupons a couple months ago… and NOT even extreme. I use maybe 5-10 coupons when I go to the store and half the time the shelves are EMPTY so I cant even get the deal. So I just pass it up because why do I need to spend money on something I dont need to save money on something thats NOT instock. So anyway I can save money on something i sure do try! Just remember that you will most likely never see those “rude” people again. So who cares what they think or say cuz they only get a glimpse or a few minutes of the day to see your life style. We get to LIVE with it every second of every day!

  33. Laura

    People that give u dirty looks or cashiers that harass you about coupons and getting items for free, I feel are only jealous of what u can do and what they can’t do! I am not ashamed to say by using coupons I have been able to send various items twice to an orphanage in Guatemala, donated over $10,000 in baby items to pregnant moms at our high school, have donated to the homeless in Downtown Dallas, donated to animal shelters, donated to people in our community who’s spouse had lost their job, donated thousands to our Christian Care Center and am in the process of helping a Junior in high school have a successful non profit organization that she started herself! Not to mention be able to provide food and stay on a budget for my family after I was injured on the job and have been screwed over by the Texas Workers Comp system!
    In my opinion there isn’t anything to feel ashamed about or to feel like others are looking at me in a ugly way! I am very thankful everyday that I am giving the gift of couponing and that I use it! I couldn’t imagine paying full price for items I can get for free! I believe it is more a jealousy issue for these people than anything!

  34. Parveen

    I think its time we all wrote to TLC and gave them a peice of our mind. This show has taken it too far. They keep going back to the few extreme couponers that they did find on the east Coast where coupons are doubled and keep using those couponers. There are not that many extreme couponers out there. This show is ridiculous and makes all of us look bad. I really think we need to go straight to the source and let TLC know how wrong they are to air this show.

    • Kathy

      I work for an office supply store and our shelves all of a sudden are cleaning out of the baseball card sheets and the zipper binders. We can’t keep up with the demand since this show has been airing. But the company is working on uping our stock on these items. I can’t even get to the sheets cause they sell out so fast, so I lose on this as well as the deals :(.

    • Collin (Mrs. Hip)

      Completely agree….I HATE this show…..as if there are people out there that have 1000 tubes of toothpaste in there garage….ummm hellooo expiration dates!!!

    • Bethany S.

      TLC also doesn’t show the whole story. They don’t take into account how much the people spend on newspapers to get coupon inserts, and they only show transactions with the groceries/items for which they have coupons. I know these people aren’t getting their meat and produce for free, but you never see them buying that on the show. (And, seriously–what are you going to do with 15 bottles of Maalox? Or 93 boxes of croutons?! They can’t possibly be used up before the expiration date. What a waste!)
      A good episode would be to show the “normal” couponer–a “regular” person who still shops around, clips coupons, doesn’t empty the shelves, and has to pay for the majority of what is scanned, yet still manages to save their family money while stocking their fridge/pantry with products that will actually be used/consumed.

  35. Collin (Mrs. Hip)

    Hey there not PAYING for your groceries, so if they dont like it too bad. Thats where YOUR freedom comes into play. Maybe there just jealous and are acting out there feelings like children. LOL…. I actually held up the line for quite sometime once when my store changed there policy, so i did like 10 transactions with a stack of co’s per one with a screaming 2 yr old, it was crazy insane!! The lady behind me was awesome and said “power to ya, these days, every little bit helps” So I do understand the feeling but like my mom always said to me…”dont let what you THINK other people are thinking about you RUIN or RUN your life, go on with your day the way you want to because there not gonna give a second thought about you in there’s”…..i really wish i had listened to this when i was younger, it would have saved me from alot, haha…hope this helped some.

  36. Bethany S.

    What I find most frustrating now is how stores are changing their coupon policies because of the extreme couponers. I’m not a big couponer, nor a big shopper for that matter (so I can’t relate to the stares/looks), but I do love a good deal! I used to enjoy saving . . . . now it sometimes doesn’t seem worth it.

  37. Kathy

    I feel for you. I have been couponing for two years and now find when I get out to get some deals, they are GONE. I blame that extreme couponing show for ruining things for most of us, epecially when we don’t go and clean the shelves. I have respect for other couponers and will not clear the shelves so others can enjoy the savings as much as I do.

  38. Megan

    I feel so bothered by everything happening because of that show!! I have used coupons for a while but just started to make a stock pile and then this show started. Everything changed…the shelves are always cleared and the papers always gone. People give me looks and cashiers talk bad about me behind my back. Here is the thing…I am a mother of four and I only go shopping once a week. I hate taking my kids shopping, so I pick once a week that I try to go. I try to only take four of anything and not to clear the shelves. One day I was in Walgreens and I did have 8 of something but that was because my mom sent me with her coupons because she had to work and lately everything is always gone when she gets there so I was getting the stuff for her. The ladies know us there and they know I follow the rules and etiquette of couponing so they didn’t say anything. But there was a new manager and the way she looked at me almost made me cry and then she says “I knew I should have held some stock back…DID YOU CLEAR MY SHELF.” I had not cleared the shelves….they had about 20 more but it made me fee so awful. Anyway since that I haven’t kept my binder up and I just don’t get excited anymore. I do still try and use coupons but I find I can’t build a stock pile and can’t get great deals anymore. I want everyone to save money but I do think that show promotes more hoarding than anything. When trying to build my stock pile I only try to have 3-6months worth of anything and if I do have more than that it is only because it is a product I truly love and can’t find on sale that often and even then it is only a year’s worth….basically I mean just my favorite body wash or shampoo.

  39. Jennifer

    Luckily in my neck of the woods (CT), the extreme couponing has not become as popular as it is in other areas of the country, so I haven’t had to deal with the attitudes of fellow shoppers. Most of the casihers I have come across will actually tell me how much I saved I think partially because they have never seen someone save so much off one order. Highest was $60, with most weeks now being in the $40 range. While its only my husband and I we have 3 cats and one dog to feed, so coupons always help.

    I do agree with other posters that I wish the Extreme Couponing show never came out. I still use one of the expanding coupon binders, that is starting to fall apart on me mostly because it fits in my purse. I probably need to upgrade to either a binder or something but I am afraid to due simply to the looks I will get from other customers, and the fact that they may assume I am one of them. We shouldn’t be ashamed to use coupons, but that show is giving couponing a bad name and causing many stores to change their policies because of it.

  40. K

    Target got me upset several times. What did I do? I stopped going, I don’t even look at their ad. Same thing with Walgreens. I won’t set foot in either store because of the treatment I have gotten and I have never tried to “beat the system” or “get one over on them.” I guess you could say it saves me time because those stores weren’t my faves anyway.

  41. Pam

    Sweetie, I am so sorry that they make you feel that way. Please remember if anything takes work somtimes people think it is crazy (loco) and coupons take time and work. I have only been coupon less than a year and I used to think it was crazy. I thought saving a couple bucks now and then, that not much until I learned the right way to coupon with sales and etc. Please remember you are doing it for yourself or family. I have found now that I coupon the right way, I can donate more and I know those people are very appreciative of the items. Keep you head held high and remember things that people don’t understand make them crazy not us.

  42. patti

    you should never feel bad about saving your family money! I am a stay at home mom and I feel like saving the best I can at the grocery is my way of financially contributing to my family of 6. We manage to stay within around $400 mo grocery budget thanks to my couponing. Which I dont think is bad at all and that’s every need for the grocery store. I have been trying to keep track of what I spend vs. what I save and I’ve been saving around the same amount. I dont know about those rude people but I’d MUCH rather spend $400 a month rather than $8-or $900 !! Dont let them discourage you. They’re uneducated. They see a couponer and they thing we are all EXTREME like the show and we ARE NOT!

  43. Cathy K

    Let them pay full price! You are teaching your child to be financially responsible! Those people will be lending money to their full grown kids, because they don’t know the value of a dollar!!!!! Kudos to you and me and all of us trying to make our money stretch!!!

  44. jami

    Just keep looking at it this way….as I tell my husband about his family and co-workers…they must have more money than brains(which we know most of them DO NOT have $$$ as they owe everyone and their brother). I think many people are jealous that us, the couponers, as saving so much and living so much better, maybe even debt free.
    On a side note I didn’t really clear the shelf, but I did buy 24 packages of Bar S hotdogs today, got them all free and donated 20 packages to the mission in town which helps the homeless VETs and others and then “donated” the other 4 packages to a neighbor that has 2 kids(one my daughters age) that does not have much and is having an anourisym removed from her head again end of this month.

  45. shannon

    Ive felt a little embarrassed at first. Now I really could care less what they think. In my opinion, the papers (coupons) I am holding is CASH!!! You are not robbing the store or doing anything wrong. Me being me would turn around and rip them a new one (in a nice way of course). If they only knew the work we went through to get it all ready, they would bow at our feet as we walked in.

  46. Deborah

    I too have been discouraged. because many of the items that I am shopping for are not available. I have occasionally used a coupon clipping service for a few years, and now it is almost impossible to get any kind of coupons that I can use, and justify the minimum order and shipping cost. It is hard paying close to $4.00 a gallon for gas and finding empty shelves, but I feel this is a phase that will pass. People jump on the bandwagon when anything is new, but quickly drop off when the work becomes too much. I am hopeful this is what will happen with couponing. In the meantime I’m doing a small amount of coupon shopping for what I really need, and am hopeful that things change once the show’s season ends this week..

  47. john

    About a year and a half ago I was out on disability for 6 months due to an illness. As single dad I was looking for a way to trip my expenses and a friend told me about this site in particular. That started my coupon journey and I was AMAZED at the savings on name brand products. Before that I was of the mindset that store brands were the ‘cheapest’ and best bang for my buck.

    I am here to tell you now that I have been getting the same types of looks from other shoppers. I have ‘paid it forward’ giving away coupons and helping other customers in the grocery store when I see them getting something that I have a coupon for that I won’t be using. I just smile and go on about my business when people give me ‘the look’ or make a smart comment knowing that they are either lazy, uniformed, happily ignorant or are just independently wealthy. I know what a dollar is worth, how hard I work to earn those dollars and how far I can stretch them and how many people I can help with my savings.

    Chin up! Hold your head high and be proud of being FRUGAL and not a HOARDER! I have noticed that EVERY SINGLE PERSON on that show that I have seen has stated that ‘this is my biggest coupon shopping trip ever’ or something to that extent. I have also noticed that a few have said that they call the store managers ahead of time and pre-order quantities of items so that they don’t clear the shelves for other shoppers. It is the latest cultural shocker reality show that will soon fade (hopefully).

    As far as the drug stores go, most of the staff and all of the managers know me by name and are quite friendly and helpful and thank me for stepping aside to let another customer or two go ahead while I wait to do time consuming transactions. I get thank you’s from the customers as well as comments, but I just smile and tell them that I have purchased the items they have or similar ones for pennies on the dollar and that if they would like I would be happy to teach them how to do it. Usually shuts them up pretty quickly.

    Remember CHIN UP!!! You are doing what is best for you and your family’s budget, who cares what others think! They don’t know your situation or anyone else’s. People like to focus on what they do not understand and usually put a negative spin on it to make themselves feel more secure.

    That’s my 4 cents! I could afford to double up today because of COLLIN’s site and the fact that I too save a ton of money by switching to coupons!


  48. Helen

    I, too, have been using coupons way before the extreme couponing show. And no I don’t have a small grocery store in my house either. I do, however, buy for my kids and grandkids and the church pantry. Do you ever see the people on tv using coupons for milk, eggs, or meats? Are they going to live on croutons for a month? I applaud them but lets get real. Buy only what you can use.

  49. Valerie

    I want encourage couponers by reminding you it doesn’t matter what people think! I know it’s easier said than done. But if we are shopping and using coupons in a way that is ethical and considerate of others, there is nothing to be ashamed of. Any judgments are simply a lack of understanding. I coupon to save money for my family (and to bless others!) and that is more important than a remark from a stranger.

    There are still days I am embarrassed while couponing. So I try to be aware of situations I am most likely to feel that way and do what I can to avoid it:

    1) I try to make sure I am as organized as possible before going to the store and again before approaching the register.
    2) I like to shop at times when I know there won’t be a lot of other people in the store trying to check out, so I am not in the way.
    3) If I am not in the mood, not thinking straight or too tired…I put off my shopping to another day. This is because I know if I am in good spirits, I can more easily avoid or deflect awkward situations.
    4) And most importantly (for me), I pray before I shop! I’ve learned there is no issue in life too small to pray about and I find this helps me get my deals (or better deals) with little or no trouble.

    I hope this helps! 🙂

  50. Mary Brock

    I’ve experienced the same “reference” to the Extreme Couponers. Twice in the last week or so I’ve had folks make references to me being an “extreme couponer.” Each time I almost felt like I had to defend myself but I resisted the urge. It was, however, disenheartening, because it does lump “regular” couponers who just happen to have a well-organized binder into the “extreme” lot of folks shown on the show–many who appear to be hoarders.

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