Happy Friday: Curved Yellow Fruit

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Do you have a funny, “Hip”, or unique photo to share?! Email us at happyfriday@hip2save(dot)com. Every Friday, I will post one photo, submitted by you and/or another Hip2Save reader, that gives us a glimpse into your frugal lifestyle or simply makes us smile. If your photo is published on Hip2Save, we’ll email you a $10 Amazon e-card!

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Comments 55

  1. Alyssa

    well DUH lol.. too cute!

  2. Renee L

    That is HILARIOUS!!!

  3. opnmnded76

    hahahahahahahah! what the heck!?

  4. dwagner84

    that’s hilarious. someone making the signs has been living in a hole 😉

  5. Dawn

    Is this the new “politically correct” version ?? LOL Love it !!!

  6. shoehoard

    Think they reuse the sign for yellow squash. “Maybe no one will notice it’s not a fruit.” 😉

    • Tiki Tommy

      squash is a fruit !

  7. Skye

    holy cow, at that price they have to make a funny joke out of it to get people to buy it! They are only 52c here and can get them for 39c on “Wacky Wednesdays”

    • Carrie C

      69 cents here

    • Morganne

      Wow! Lucky! Ours is usually priced around 89cents a lb. I’ve seen it at 1.19lb though!!

    • anne

      15dollars a kilo in Australia. my parents have not had a bananna in 2yrs.

      • Agnes

        OMG!!!!!! $15 for a 1kg (about 3 Ib) of BANANAS? is that a “normal” regular price !?!:

    • Jennifer B.

      I think they’re $.44 right now in middle TN.

    • Wendy

      Good gracious! I had no idea curve yellow fruit could be so expensive. I won’t buy them if they are over 40 cents/lb in east Texas.

    • Collin (Mrs. Hip)

      Usually around .69 here in Ga. I’ve seen them as low as .39 and as high as .99 though. Terrible for the environment though. They have a long way to travel to get here.

      • Rebecca

        Ours are $.39 this week but have been around $.69 lately.

    • Collin (Mrs. Hip)

      i was thinking the same thing!! i only buy when they are priced at 50 cents or under…we get ads for 3 lb/$1 and even 4 lb/$1…cant beat 25 cents a pound bananas and this is in southern california!!!!

    • Anonymous

      Our local store has calling “Banana Wednesday Special” and every Wednesday, the banana is only 19 cents a pound!! Gotta have extra on the day. 🙂

  8. TeeCee

    just came home from school uniform shopping…. I needed a laugh.Thanks Collin 🙂

  9. Lisa

    I’m glad they had the description above them, I might have grabbed the wrong item! 🙂

  10. lauraleone

    My favorite part is that the sign next to it says “BANANA ice mist” not” curved yellow fruit ice mist” Ha ha. Also agree with Skye. One of the gas station chains here sells bananas for 39c everyday.

  11. abbi

    Too funny!!

  12. Collin (Mrs. Hip)

    HAHAHAHA, so funny! Btw, that is pretty much cheapest price for banana here sadly..:-( North CA….everything is expensive here,sigh..

  13. Renee

    Too funny!

  14. Christine

    Bet the employee making the sign wasn’t sure how to spell bananas, so they found a way around it!

    • Celie

      He should sing “Hollaback Girl” to himself….”this **** is bananas – b-a-n-a-n-a-s!!”

      • Beth


  15. Sharon

    LOL! 69 cents is about the going rate for curved yellow fruit at most stores around here. We love them, so I am always looking for a deal.

  16. CC

    Hilarious!! I’m ashamed to admit that I have no idea how much our Curved Yellow Fruits cost in Chicago right now …? My family OD’d on them about a month ago so I haven’t been buying them 🙂

  17. irene

    A serious case of Alzheimer’s! Collin, thanks for making your blog so fun!

  18. Ashley

    oh…what are those called again? Bannanas? Nah curved yellow fruit sounds right!

  19. Candice

    LOL, I LOVE this! I tried to share on my FB wall and it wouldn’t let me! 🙁

  20. Catherine

    Collin, you should make a tab where we can go back and see all the previous “Happy Friday” pictures….just a thought 🙂 This is hilarious, btw!

    • Collin

      Hi Catherine,

      I actually have that feature! 🙂 Just click on the “Click to View All Categories” orange tab (On the upper right side, below category header), then click on Happy Friday. You can also click on the following link…


  21. donmiles23

    HAHAHA! Can I share this on my FB wall?

    • Collin

      Of course! 🙂

  22. Collin (Mrs. Hip)

    49 cent at my local aldi’s, sign must be at walmart.

  23. Abigail

    lol. is that a joke or is someone totally un-trained?!?!?! ;0 thanks. that gave me a good laugh! =D

  24. hotmamacoupon

    I am laughing so hard. I had to share this with my family.
    What is that thing called again, it’s at the tip of my tongue, people like to eat it for breakfast…
    Oh ell, curve yellow fruit it is. lol
    That is oh so funny.
    Thank you for the laugh Collin

  25. Tiffany

    Wow! In Wichita, on Thursdays, you can get bananas for 19 cents a pound from Leeker’s grocery store or price match through Wal-Mart. Apparently, we would never eat bananas if we lived in Australia. But, aren’t mangoes cheap in Australia? They’re $1 each on sale here.

  26. CoffeeB

    59 Cents here at Meijer’s and 47 cents at Costco.

  27. RB

    I’ve seen it called “curved yellow fruit” before, very funny!
    $0.42 in TN for regular or $0.68 for organic 🙂

  28. Sarah

    Curved yellow fruit are .38 a pound here in MO

  29. Cheryl

    Hysterical! You always have the most outrageous things on Fridays..Love ’em!

    On a side note, anyone know where I can find Sally Hansen pedicure coupon. Seems to have disappeared from 90210 and all other zip codes I have tried. If it’s gone, you might need to update your Target post Collin.

    Thanks for the laughs. And the help.

  30. Kara

    Funny! I think you should have the person that submits the picture write a little story about their picture. Also why don’t you put who submits the picture?? Just wondering.

  31. Laura

    .39-.59/lb here. Very funny!

  32. JulianneB

    Too funny…when I worked in the school system, had one girl that called bananas “monkey apples”…she really thought they were called that

  33. Kara

    I am so happy to see people use descriptive words these days. Why must they take the easy way out and call things by there name? But thanks, now I have a new thing to annoy my husband with when we go shopping. “Hey sweetie can you get me that shiny red somewhat circle thing.”

  34. Priscilla

    Thx for a good laugh! Have a wonderful weekend! 🙂

  35. passion4saving

    Hee Hee Hee!!! 🙂

  36. L

    They know how to spell “banana,” they just don’t know when to stop spelling it.

  37. Amanda

    On a different note… this could be a college graduate unable to get a “full time” job in their field of study and this is their way of havin fun and making a hip situation out of a lemon economy… LOL!

  38. Dianna

    That is really funny!!

  39. Collin (Mrs. Hip)

    Thats funny!! LMAO….

  40. Anonymous

    Our local store sells bananas for only 19 cents a pound every Wednesday! 🙂

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