Prevention Magazine Subscription ONLY $3.99
Here’s a great deal for those of you looking for a source for trusted and credible family health information. Prevention Magazine is one of America’s leading healthy lifestyle magazines with articles about family health, food, nutrition, workouts, beauty, cooking and more. Through Sunday, August 21st, at Midnight ET, you can head over here and use the coupon code HIP2SAVE at checkout to snatch up a one year subscription to Prevention Magazine for ONLY $3.99 (that’s 88% off the cover price of $33.95!). This price is valid for new subscribers and/or renewals. Even better, you can snag up to a 4 year subscription at this low cost of just $3.99 per year.
Just a warning about Prevention Magazine subscriptions from personal experience: I had one a couple years ago and will never subscribe with its company again. The magazine itself is fine. The problem is the subscription. As is typical with subscriptions, they start sending you renewals months before the subscription ends. I ignored them since I chose not to renew. After the subscription ended, they continued to send me bills for the magazine which I ignored for several months. I finally opened one and was shocked at the threatening language. They were turning me over to a collection agency since I had not paid for a renewal! I contacted them by phone, and they informed me that there had been some fine print in the original subscription that obligated me to continue the subscription after the first year! Good grief! I have never heard of that and by then could not prove otherwise. I finally got them to stop sending me their nasty-grams, but I learned my lesson well about subscribing to their publications!
glad I read your comment~thanks for the info/warning. I, too, believe that Prevention is a good magazine but do not need the aggravation of dealing w/ the renewal subscription nonsense.
When I get those renewals, I always send a note back saying to please cancel after the current subscription is done. Date it and make copy it before I sent it back – sometimes they even send a postage paid envelope so I don’t have to pay postage.
If you put HIP2SAVE on any magazine at this site, you will get a 20% discount! Thanks!!!
I love Prevention Magazine and I am so sorry you had these issues. I have subscribed for many years and this is the best deal ever!! I just renewed for 4 years for $15.97!! I have never tried to end my subscription so I never had any problems. Just to be safe, I always return a renewal notice with the word “cancel” written on it if I choose not to continue a magazine subscription.