KidzEyes: Where Kids (Ages 6-12) Earn Money
I posted about this awesome survey site for kids back in April of this year and thought that it would be a good time to post about it again for all you new Hip2Save readers.
Do you have kiddos between the ages of 6-12 who want to earn a few extra bucks?! If so, head on over to KidzEyes, a website that conducts market research among 6-12 year old kids (note: this research is compliant with the Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act). KidzEyes has clients that are interested in hearing kids’ opinions in order to provide better products and services for children and sometimes they are interested in hearing parents’ opinions too, in which case, you will help earn your child(ren) additional KidzPoints.
Here’s how it works…
* Kids complete the surveys that they receive from KidzEyes via email (surveys are emailed to both the kid’s and parent’s email addresses). Upon completion of the survey, kids earn KidzPoints that can be turned in for cash or prizes (100 KidzPoints = $1). Most surveys are worth between 50 and 1000 points, sometimes more…the longer the survey, the more points they award. The KidzPoints system works kind of like a bank account and KidzEyes will even keep track of your KidzPoints in an online piggy bank.
* After 1000 points ($10) is reached, your kids can cash them in or they can save them up for something special. When the points are cashed in, your kiddos will then receive a check in the mail, in care of the parent or legal guardian.
* Each month, kids will also receive the KidzEyes SuperPoll survey which enters them into a sweepstakes where they could win an iPod, a Playstation 3, an gift card or some other cool prize!
* In order for your kids to become a member of KidzEyes, you (i.e. the parent/guardian) need to complete the brief registration survey found here. You will be able to register multiple kids at a time, so the sign-up survey only needs to be completed one time per household. The registration process takes about 5 minutes AND as a thank you for completing the registration process, KidzEyes will award your kiddo with 400 KidzPoints ($4)!
* Once the registration has been completed, the parent/guardian will need to provide permission for each child registered. You can provide permission by printing the permission form at the end of the registration process and mailing/faxing it to KidzEyes.
* Once KidzEyes receives parental permission, your child(ren)s accounts become active and they are now members of KidzEyes. You will also receive a final registration survey via email which is worth 100 KidzPoints ($1)!
* Only families that currently live in the United States are eligible to sign up for KidzEyes.
On a side note, my niece, Saylor (age 9), has been participating in KidzEyes for over a year now and LOVES it. She has earned over $50 and actually enjoys completing the surveys. My sister cannot say enough good things about the program and loves the fact that children get rewarded for simply sharing their honest opinions. Very cool! ๐
And check out these comments from Hip2Save readers who currently use KidzEyes…
Just a quick thank you for posting about the KidzEyes survey program. I signed my daughter up and we have been doing the surveys often. Well we recently cashed in her points and my daughter just received her first “paycheck” for $64.50! Thanks again Collin! We love Hip2Save!
I signed my kids up last time and they have earned $40 (my son) and $60 (my daughter). A lot of the surveys are long (8-15 minutes) and repetitive, but they tell you they are worth say $5 at the beginning (so it has been worth it to them). My kids are 7 and 9 and I usually sit with them for the surveys because they are pretty long and they still aren’t experts at the mouse. A lot of surveys come for the mom or the dad too and then credit money to the kids account. Also, we have done several things other than just surveys. . .one was a snack journal and another was a trial on some cereal and you video taped the kids opinions on a little recorder that they send to you. These were worth over $20 in their accounts.
I signed my 8 year old daughter up last time Collin posted this and she’s made over $75.00. I have also been invited to join in on surveys through Kidzeyes and have made over $200.00. This is a great way for my daughter to earn money and learn how to save money. When she requests a check she decides how much she will keep for spending money and how much to put in her savings account. I definetly recommend signing up.
I signed up my son last fall and he earned about $40 by the end of the year. He also won 2nd place in one of the monthly surveys and won 1,000 pts ($10). This past weekend he completed a simple 3 day survey worth 3,000 pts ($30). Kidzeyes has been awesome!
My son is also signed up and likes it. I don’t know if $50+ dollars is normal for everyone-we have been members for over 10mons and he has $10 in his account ($5 of it was from signing up and we have done ALL the surveys they have sent to us). He is still happy with the $10 so I would recomend them, just don’t expect to have your kids make a lot of money.
This is a very legit survey site. Short, fun surveys and I’ve been paid several times!
Love this site! My son is 6 years old and isn’t really on the computer yet. I help him take the surveys. He has made $37.50 since April 2011. He loves getting the checks in the mail, signing his name on the back and depositing them into his savings account.
I just tried signing my boys up and got to the end of the registration, entered his email then it gives me an error message. Says that there was a problem and the parties would be contaacted or to cantact them.
That’s exactly what happened to me! I emailed them, but wonder if I need to start all over again?
same error here…guess i’ll wait to see if i get an email.
The same happened to me maybe there is a problem with the site.
same here, waste of my time
Hi Stacy, I’m sorry you had to experience that. We have since resolved the issue, so please try again. We look forward to seeing you and your child(ren) in KidzEyes!
I am sorry that some of you are having issues with the registration process. I have emailed KidzEyes and they are actively working on resolving the issue. Thanks for your patience. ๐
Thanks Mrs. Hip for alerting us so quickly and thanks to everyone else who emailed us to let us know. We tried to remedy the situation as quickly as possible…we didn’t expect such a positive response and so many sign ups at once! ๐
My girls love being a part of this site! My 7 year old has already earned $25 and my 10 year old was so excited because she won the Superpoll Sweepstakes last month so she got $100! ๐
I tried to register my boys. I clicked on “I’m a kid” because my boy was standing next to me. I received a message telling me that an email was being sent to me for verification. Funny thing is that I did not even provide my email address to them. How can they send me an email??
That happened to me too. I had to use my phone to hop on and register, but we got him in.
My son loves this!! He earned over $100 in a year!!! We had one sampling opportunity that earned us extra money and we also do ParentzEyes that give him an extra 100 points every now and then.
Hi Alea, that’s great to hear that you son loves KidzEyes! ๐ Just wanted to mention that the parent site is called ParentSpeak. For those parents who are interested in being a member, the site is
So I’m unsure, is this site connected to kidzeyes but the parent’s version? would you please explain a little. Thank you very much.
WOW! Thanks you to everyone for heading straight over to KidzEyes! Your kidz will love it!
We understand some of you have experienced some problems with registration…thank you for bringing that to our attention. It appears that there was so much traffic, it caused some issues for a few of you. We have resolved that, so please go ahead and try again. Just in case the site is busy again, you will get a message this time to come back later, so that you do not error out.
Also, keep in mind that you can fax in or mail your permission forms instead of calling. As you can imagine, our phone is ringing off the hook, so we will be permissioning your child as soon as possible.
Thanks so much to all of you for joining and thanks to Hip2Save for the shout out! ๐
My girls are 6 and 9 and are part of KidzEyes. Like one other person commented, they haven’t gotten nearly this much money. One has earned $10 and the other is at 9.50, and it’s been almost a year. They do every survey sent, and I do the ones sent to me, but they just don’t get many. It seems maybe they could be spread a little more evenly? They LOVE doing the surveys.
is there a way to get the permission form, I saw the link as i hit next and was unable to get it (i selected I would print and email it)
You should be receiving an automated email from KidzEyes after you have registered. Did you receive that email yet? In the email there will be an attachment or link with the permission form, so you can fill it out there. IF for some reason you don’t get that (check your junk mail too), send us an email at and I’ll send that over to you. Thanks!
My son is trying to earn money for a class trip to DC. This will be PERFECT for him! Thanks!
My son is into the computer right now, so this will be ideal for him! Hes 6, so this will make him feel like a big boy!! And he gets to earn a little bit of cash to, perfect!
Thanks! I just signed up my 3 boys. I’m sure they’ll be excited to start earning money!!
Are there similar sites for 13+ kids? My teen could use extra money for a class trip.
There is! Here it is: …Good Luck!
Thanks Hip to Save! I just signed both my boy and girl up for this program, they are so excited to get started!
Is it possible to find the Permission Form online somewhere? I registered my kids yesterday and wasn’t able to print at that time and now I can’t get through on their phones.
We asked for the form to be sent in the mail….
2-3 weeks now….
Where is it?
My daughter is trying to save up for a plane ticket she can use over summer.
(she’s 12)
We just sent all those forms out right before the holidays, I believe it was the Thursday before. So you should be getting it any day now. Thanks!
Hi SK,Correction to some of the names : 3. Woo Yam Kee, Teacher isMr. Voon. 15. Tommy Loke Kheng Hoong (St. Peterโs Church, Fair Park).