FREE Go Red For Women Red Dress Pin
Here’s yet another freebie and to support a great cause! Just head on over to the Go Red for Women Facebook page and “like” them to request a FREE Red Dress Pin!
* Allow 3 to 6 weeks for delivery.
(Thanks, Freebie Shark!)
What a fun freebie! Thanks for posting!
We got one of these pins from the hospital when my son was born last year. All of the babies in the nursery were wearing red knit hats as well. Really cute.
I still have mine from last year pinned on the front of my purse, I love it! The quality is awesome too – the purse is falling apart around the pin LOL!
Love this =) thank you so much for posting it I was able to get one as well as have one shipped to my grandmother in Va. She will be thrilled to recieve this as a suprize in the mail. Thanks again =)