Lowe’s Sweeps: 10,000 Win $10 Gift Card

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Yay!  How about a FREE $10 Lowe’s Gift Card?! Well, you may be able to score one! Head on over here to possibly win one of 10,000 $10 Lowe’s gift cards by entering the Lowe’s Plant A Tweet Sweepstakes! Note that this does require a bit of work, so keep that in mind before proceeding.

Here’s how to get started:

Now through May 29th, visit PlantaTweet.com and follow the directions to create a Tweet that is made of available text characters to resemble a flower or plant.  Then authorize the PlantATweet application to use your Twitter account, then provide your e-mail address, and verify eligibility.  Once you do so and click “Submit”, your Tweet will post on Twitter.

Then, be one of the first 10,000 people to score 50 points through social media activities on Twitter, Pinterest, and foursquare.  Head on over to PlantaTweet.com for more information, including details on how to earn points.  Good luck 🙂

Limit 1 entry per person/email account holder during the Promotion Period. If your Twitter account is private, your Tweets will NOT be eligible.  Go here for official rules.

(Thanks, Dayna!)

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Comments 1914

  1. Karin

    I’ve been RTing everyone for last few hours.lol I still need 13pt to go. Could you please RT me? I tried to RT everyone here, but if you don’t see me(@Private_Skipper, penguin icon) in your tweet, let me know your link, so I can RT you! Thank you in advance!! 🙂

    https://planted.it/1X7j9KkA @Private_Skipper

      • Karin

        Did yours too! Thanks so much!!

      • Karin

        Tried to RT you before, but it says your account doesn’t exist. But finally I found your original tweet & RT you. Thank you!!

    • thebentpenny

      retweeted you, can you please retweet me–bumblebee660

      • Karin

        Just RTed you! Thank you!! You’re almost there! Good luck!! 😉

        • thebentpenny

          thanks!! only one more! this is fun!

      • Karin

        Sure! Just RT you. Thank you!! 🙂

    • Karin

      Thank you so very much for those who helped RT me! I finally reached 50!! Woo-hoo!! 🙂

      • Tomoko

        Congrats! And Thank you for RT mine 🙂

    • Lowe's (@Lowes)

      Wow, great support Karin. Thanks for planting and watering. You’ll have your remaining 13 points in no time.

    • Lowe's (@Lowes)

      Wow, what a show of support Karin. Thank you for planting and watering. You’ll have your remaining 13 points in no time.

  2. Alicia C.

    Good luck everyone…finally made it to 50. Thanks for all the rts..

    • Suzy

      Thanks for all of the help!! I got to 50. 😀

      • Lowe's (@Lowes)

        Congratulations Suzy!

  3. Marlena

    STILL NEED HELP @MarlenaBond . thanks!!!

    • Suzy

      Retweeted. I am @suzyduvall

    • @Hollytwig4

      got yours. please do mine.

    • Marlena


  4. thebentpenny

    ᴓ◦[–æ https://planted.it/Ivrz-BRk @lowes #plantatweet | RT my tweet and help make it bloom. No Purchase Necessary.

    promise to retweet yours! thanx

  5. Judy

    Just need 4 more…..Please help, my front yard is screaming for some flowers to brighten its day…Thanks!!!

    judy bliss ‏ @blissfulgal03
    ~~ξ~@ https://planted.it/Kg0TENhJ @lowes #plantatweet | RT my tweet and help make it bloom. No Purchase Necessary.

  6. heather

    Can someone send me a pin invite please, thx !

  7. ala

    ═–Ҝ═@ https://planted.it/bT4VfnK6 @lowes #plantatweet | RT my tweet and help make it bloom. No Purchase Necessary.
    i did yours do me

  8. Kasey

    Just need 5 more. Please….
    Kasey ‏ @nachonacho135
    ≈≈↕÷@ https://planted.it/HQEKWZF2 @lowes #plantatweet | RT my tweet and help make it bloom.
    I’ll retweet you if you post your username. Still can’t figure out how to retweet the link people post. Or if someone could tell me how… Thanks!!!

    • heather

      hi kasey, please Rt mine, I will RT urs.
      thx !

    • Marlena

      got it, @MarlenaBond

  9. Leslie

    Thanks all!…I’m still helping even after you guys got me to 50!

  10. DinN (@DNNM16)

    It is spring and we all need a pretty garden or lawn. RT mine and I’ll RT yours. :] https://planted.it/VHztIxE7

  11. Dana Smith

    11 More to go! Thanks guys!
    RT my tweet and help make it bloom. No Purchase Necessary. https://planted.it/z59l_AWK

    • DinN (@DNNM16)

      did urs, here’s mine planted.it/VHztIxE7

  12. floridagld

    OHMY…I only have had a few retweets/watering, and I started as soon as Collin posted this…can anyone please help me and thanks! Need flowers for my dads 77 birthday! I just realized you can check your tweets from a upthread poster. Thanks again 🙂 I have a long way to go.

    RT my tweet and help make it bloom. No Purchase Necessary. https://planted.it/2UJnYZvl

    • @Hollytwig4

      it says your account is protected.

      • Suzy

        Won’t let me. :/ Maybe change your Twitter settings??

        • floridagld

          Gosh NO Wonders LOL…I am new to this please try again 🙂 lol i AM A NUCKLE HEAD HAHAHAHA…hope I turned off setting.
          I got Samantha and DInN too!

    • Karin

      Tried RT you earlier, but it didn’t let me. But just did it now. Good luck! 🙂

  13. ala

    9 more pleassssssss help ═–Ҝ═@ https://planted.it/bT4VfnK6 @lowes #plantatweet | RT my tweet and help make it bloom. No Purchase Necessary.
    i did yours do mine

    • DinN (@DNNM16)

      did it, here’s mine planted.it/VHztIxE7

  14. Samantha

    I’ve still have a ways to go, I’ve retweeted quite a few on this page and last so far . If you RT me I’ll RT you! Here is mine https://planted.it/yh2owf5o

    Also is there anyway someone can send me a pin invite. I’ll pin you in return! sdee201@yahoo.com Thank you!!

  15. ala

    ═–Ҝ═@ https://planted.it/bT4VfnK6 @lowes #plantatweet | RT my tweet and help make it bloom. No Purchase Necessary.
    i did yours do mi

  16. DinN (@DNNM16)

    RT it, here’s mine planted.it/VHztIxE7

    • @Hollytwig4

      I already did yours.

      • Tomoko

        Thank Holly!

    • Marlena

      got it . tweet and pin !
      help me @MarlenaBond

      • Tomoko

        Thank you,Marlena. I RT yours too!

    • DinN (@DNNM16)

      RT urs, here’s mine planted.it/VHztIxE7

      • Sheila

        Thanks, just RTed yours!

    • Marlena

      pin and tweet !
      help me out @MarlenaBond . thanks!

      • Sheila

        Thanks, Marlena! I got yours earlier! 🙂

  17. floridagld

    I will water, can’t repin if you water for me. I need 20 more!!!!! I will do this whole page in return! Thanks 🙂

    I Just Planted A Tweet.


    • Marlena

      got it, help me out @MarlenaBond

    • DinN (@DNNM16)

      retweet it, here’s mine planted.it/VHztIxE7

    • Marlena

      got yours too !

    • Marlena

      got it.

    • ala

      ═–Ҝ═@ https://planted.it/bT4VfnK6 @lowes #plantatweet | RT my tweet and help make it bloom. No Purchase Necessary.
      i did yours do

  18. Bridgett Colglazier MacInnis

    Made it to 50, thanks everyone!!! I hope I helped everyone that helped me. Kinda hard to keep track with over 700 comments coming in just a short amount of time. 🙂

    • DinN (@DNNM16)

      done, here’s mine planted.it/VHztIxE7

    • Kelly

      wow, how did you do that? That makes it so much easier!

      • Adam

        On the page with your flower, click under your flower on your twitter name and it will take u to your original tweet. Click “embed this tweet”. Then cut and paste the link– I used option 3– “link”.

  19. Patty

    Has anyone had their twitter suspended? How do you unsuspend? BTW HELP!!
    RT my tweet and help make it bloom. No Purchase Necessary. https://planted.it/zKXkV0NZ

    • Marlena

      got you, help me out @MarlenaBond

  20. floridagld

    LOL…Sorry no wonders I am not getting any water…I am so thirsty. hahah…I had security settings private…turned them on I “think” so here we go again. Thanks Samantha and DinN for telling me. I have been at this for over 3 hours now. 🙂
    Here is my linky:
    RT my tweet and help make it bloom. No Purchase Necessary. https://planted.it/2UJnYZvl

    • Sheila

      Hmm, I was able to RT yours earlier! I did notice some people had privacy which excluded me from being able to RT them!

      • Pkinter

        Gotcha! Your only 4 away!

    • Marlena

      gottcha . help me @MarlenaBond – thanks!

      • Pkinter

        Gotcha, you were one of the very first one’s I retweeted about an hour or so ago!

      • Pkinter

        Gotcha! You are almost there! Just a couple more to go!

  21. martha

    help me please @ florsinterreno , I’m tweeting too

  22. pl4ygiirl

    clicked on alot of links and all of them but a couple had reached 50+ =) gratz, I got an email bout 30 min later so keep an eye out for it, ill be going through the comments to make sure I get all of you =)

  23. Allison

    Here is mine again. I posted a few hours ago and then my computer crashed. I was finally able to get back on and I still need 15. I will make every effort to retweet back anyone who retweets me.

    ÷~₤~۞ https://planted.it/HxyDJll9 @lowes ‪#plantatweet‬


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