Pre-Order Finding Nemo 3D Blu-Ray Only $19.99 Shipped (Reg. $49.99!)
Wow! Today only, is offering up a sweet movie deal for those of you with Finding Nemo fans in your household (perfect for Christmas!)! The Daily Deep Deal over at is the Finding Nemo 3D/Blu-ray/DVD/Digital Copy movie available to pre-order for ONLY $19.99 + FREE shipping.
This movie will be released on December 4th and would make an awesome Christmas gift! Also, this same movie is available to pre-order from Amazon, but is currently selling for $33.86 so this seems like one *HOT* buy!
Thank you!
I am assuming you need to have a 3d tv to watch right? Thank you:)
These editions carry multiple discs – so you’d get a regular DVD, a blu-ray, and a 3D blu-ray. So don’t worry if you don’t have a tv capable of 3D cause you’d get the regular blu-ray disc with it too. You’d just have an extra disc. 🙂
Thank you:)
Just an FYI, I ordered from Deep Discount before and it took 2 months to get the order. So you might not recieve it on time for Christmas!!!
Awesome!! You can rarely get any 3D movies for $20, let alone a good one like Finding Nemo 🙂 A Christmas present for the hubby ordered, woohoo.
I have ordered from Deep Discount before, and I didn’t have the same problem as the previous poster – my order came in a reasonable amount of time.
Ebates has 3% cash back too!
wow what a Great deal! i snatched one up yesterday, but checked on it today and it still let me add it too my cart. so maybe you could still order it today.