Walgreens Deals Coming Later Today…

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Stay tuned for the Walgreens Deals a little later this evening. I have had one of those not so great days (the ones that you wish you could somehow erase or rewind and do just one thing differently!). I have been working since the wee hours of the morning to get my Walgreens Deals ready to be posted. About an hour ago (as I was just finishing up!), I hit the Save button and everything deleted. Yep, not one darn thing saved! 🙁

Needless to say, I have uttered more inappropriate words in the last hour than I think I have over the last year. So as I regain my composure and sit down to re-tackle the deals, I am going to go ahead and post the CVS and Rite Aid Deals (which I do have saved and ready to go). Thanks for your understanding and patience.

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Comments 76

  1. Alicia

    Thank you for all the hard work and dedication to this site and to your followers!

  2. Jen from Germany

    I think you need some of these free coffee deals (or really cheap) to help you out! We appreciate it all Collin! PS: I took the Buy 2, Get 2 Yankee Candles to BBB and they were 25% off plus the free 2. I got 4 candles for $45. My hubby and kids were so excited! Thanks for the deals!

  3. ccre_21

    happens to all of us… no need to be sorry! your hard work is very much appreciated by us! 🙂

  4. couponladyiam

    I am so sorry to hear that you had a bad incident, Collin.
    Take time. I just prayed for you. I bet you will have a much better day, now on.;-)

  5. Kathy

    I have been following you for probably 2 years. In that time, I think it’s AMAZING that you don’t have more of these kind of days. 🙂 I don’t remember this happening before and you’re certainly entitled to “one of those days.” Thanks for all you do… Here’s hoping the second time goes more quickly!

  6. Linda

    Oh Collin! I hope that your day gets better! And whenever you get the Walgreens deals up is totally fine. You do so much for each and every one of us who coupon that we couldn’t thank you enough in 2 lifetimes! You’re a gem of a person- don’t let this get you down.

  7. Jessica

    Oohh I am so sorry!!!! Technology…. Sometimes we love it and sometimes we hate it!!! Don’t worry about not posting them right away!!! You do so much and you are so amazing and I can’t even believe you do and post everything that you do!!! You are so awesome and you have truely helped so many people with everything that you do!! I think we can be patient enough for something of this nature! This is so something that you don’t even have to do and so you really don’t even need to be apologizing to us!! Just please know how much you and your site is loved and appreciated!’ THANK YOU SO SO MUCH FOR EVERYTHING YOU DO!!!!

  8. Teresita

    Awe man! I’m sorry you’re having a crappy day. I would feel so defeated but just know, we are loyal to you and will be sitting here waiting because your match UPS are thee best! I wish there were something we could do to help.

  9. Towana

    You are doing a great job! Relax and take a break to regroup. Don’t feel sorry. We all have our bad days. No rush to get the information to us. You have help me and others on this site on how to save money for our family.

  10. Meche

    Collin, please, please, nooooo need to apologize. Seriously, the hours you spend for us saves us hours of time. So please always know that we are grateful for all you do. Even if sometimes it doesn’t seem like it. We appreciate all your posts whether it be a day earlier than you planned or three days later. Everyone is able to have bad days and you are too. So please feel grace and gratitude! Thanking God for you and ALL you do for us!

  11. Shelley

    You’re deal break downs are the best part of my day! Every saturday I get giddy waiting for them!! Thanks for all you do 🙂

    • Shelley

      And I mean ‘your’ 🙂 don’t want to sound creepy lol!

  12. Susan

    Am so sorry that “coffee day” was spoiled for you! Rest assured we can all wait. It is most important that you give yourself a break!

  13. Jenny

    Coin you should just take the rest of the afternoon off- post Walgrrens tomorrow! 🙂
    I wouldn’t mind 😉

  14. mel

    oh dear! Been there, done that (I used to do matches for a grocery board) Had all the coupon matches done and thought I hit update post, but hit cancel instead.. IDK, over 2+ hrs of typing, copying, pasting coupon matches, along with verifying IP links were still good. Ay-yah-yah… Not fun having to do it all over again.

    Take a breather, get a snack or coffee! we understand!

  15. Tracy

    Collin, thanks for all your hard work and for all you do. Hope your day gets better! 🙂

  16. Amy

    You save us all the time and agony of trying to do the matchups ourselves, I think we can hold off while you have an “inappropriate” moment. Thank you for all you do. Your efforts stretch so far past just your readers. Please take a breath( and a pat on the back from us all)!

  17. Jen K.

    Understanding and patience? Maybe if we were paying you you’d need to thank us for that. I’m grateful you put up with all the hassle of doing this for free for us (at any pace you get it posted, bad day or not)! So don’t stress! Bad days are part of life, but I’m hoping your bad day gets better fast…

  18. Makayla

    What! Noooooooooooo! JK. We always wonder how you balance this and life. I think it’s nice to know your human. lol 😀

  19. Lory

    Collin, I’m pretty new to all of this but boy am I loving it. I’m so sorry about your “faux pas incident” (lol) boy, have I had some of those lately. I also wanted to tell you THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU – for all of your time, hard work, & patience that you continue to put in for all of us, Have a great evening!!! 🙂

  20. CW

    No worries Collin! Our world won’t end if we dont have the Walgreens deals. You have trained us so well that I know I can look at an ad and pretty much figure it out myself for the items I need….you are a great person (and coupon deal teacher). Take the rest of the night off…

    • amanda

      I agree! I think I’d probably just skip Walgreens for this week if I were you and go have a night out with your family! 🙂 You do so much for us–thank you!

  21. Becky

    HUGS Collin….we appreciate all the awesome deals you share with us…Thanks again!

  22. Jennifer

    Oh no! Do not apologize!! You are amazing and no one can thank you enough for all of the help saving money!!

  23. melanie

    Collin don’t stress girl. You don’t always have to be on time. We appreciate all you have done for us on a daily basis to save us money. Have a nice glass of wine and relax. We all have those days. Thanks so much for all you do in saving us time, I wish I could give ya something back in return.

  24. lauren

    I’m having a rough day too 🙁 where is the undo button for real life?

  25. Estel

    Kudos for not putting a shoe through you computer screen as I have often been tempted to do when such situations arise. 😛

    Take a deep breath…walk away for a few minutes…hug one of yours kids or your hubby if they are around…maybe have a bite of chocolate…thank God for ten things you love. Then come back and you tell that computer exactly what will happen to it if such behavior persists.

    • Estel

      Here, I’ll even start one of your ten things for you…

      #1 COFFEE…wonderful proof that God understands our needs and meets them perfectly.


      • Jennifer

        The cute little sayings are adorable children come up with. Thank you for all you.

        • Jennifer

          Oops our.

  26. Lanie

    Awww I’m sorry. Know I appreciate what you do as I’m sure so does every one else.

  27. debra

    I say just skip this week all together. We will all survive and maybe even have a bit more fun in the process. Of course it would feel like I were in withdrawal. I’d probably not leave my house for days, curl up in a ball like a baby, eat a gallon of ice cream, I think you get it. We ALL appreciate the hard work you do. When they’re posted, they’re posted. No biggie.

    • Jenny


  28. Jaclyn

    Oh no! So sorry Collin! Wish I was by your side to help you out!

  29. Jenny

    So sorry Collin! It happens to all of us. We love you and thanks for doing these for us!! Take a deep breath and grab a cup of joe and relax for a minute. We don’t mind! 😉

  30. couponsforc

    Bless your heart, Collin, for all you do! Don’t worry about us having to wait.

  31. Mark

    Take it easy and relax. There is no need for you of all people, to apologize for anything. With this website, you do more for your fellow man than most people, can even dream of doing. Talk of concern for others is cheap, you show your concern through your actions..
    I only hope when your kids are my age, there’s soneone like you to have a website like yours for them to be able to use.

  32. Kirsten Gorski (@lots2save)

    So sorry! I hate those days. Hang in there. Thanks for always giving us the best deals!

  33. Toni S.

    Collin, I know that kind of day all too well. Take a break from it, relax and do something enjoyable. Whether you get it posted today, tomorrow, or not at all, we will understand. Maybe, we need to use our brains and come up with our own deals. I haven’t done much of that since I found you. Thanks Collin! We love you.

  34. john

    A nice vacation in Hawaii would help! 🙂

  35. Suzy

    No worries! You’re awesome, so sorry that happened.

  36. Lori

    We can live without the Walgreens deals this week. Skip it and take a break! Thanks for all your hard work! You deserve some time off! 🙂

  37. AmyH

    Aww, sorry Collin! So frustrating to say the least… I really appreciate all that you do. I wanted to tell you that I’m about 80% done with my Christmas shopping because of all the great deals you’ve been posting. I’ve really been scoring! Thanks so much for your hard work, positive attitude and diligence Collin. (..and killer sense of humor too! :-)) You are one very cool and talented lady!

  38. Jen B.

    oh collin, sorry you are having a bad time too! sometimes you just have to walk away from it all and regroup. i’ve been trying to tell myself that all week- our sweet cat of 11 years had to be put to sleep on tuesday after they discovered he had advanced cancer, and since then my husband and i have just been lost. so hard not to think about it and relive it, but at a certain point, i had to put it in a little box in my mind and shut the lid. it’s ok to do that every now and again. i don’t think anyone would criticize you for making your own mental box with the walgreens deals! you of all people, with all your dedication and effort, deserve some understanding. thank you for everything you do for us! ok, i’m getting back to couponing now- i need to somehow save up some money to pay for the large vet bill i know we will be getting soon 🙁

    • maflies1

      Sorry about your cat. We had to do that with one of ours one time also, as well as our dear grandson’s (who is like a son) dog. It is hard to do. It does get easier, but the memories when fresh are very painful.

    • Shelley

      Jen, I am so sorry to hear about your cat. I am facing the same thing with my 11 1/2 year old dog in a few days. At times like these, sales and great deals do not seem so important. Sending you a great big cyber hug !

      • Jenny

        Ladies, check out petalive.com don’t let the vet tell you how long your pet has to live. They said my cat needed to be put down to. They said he would never get better and the meds they gave him made him worse and wasn’t helping not to mention expensive. Long story short I found this site and cured my pet naturally for only $40 bucks! They gave him one week to live…. that was over 3 years ago!

  39. maflies1

    Collin, please put this out of your mind for this week, and especially the rest of the evening. These things happen and they are so very frustrating and taxing on our energy. Take some deep breaths and be done with all of us for the day…do something fun with your family or take a nice leisurely bath with candles, or whatever. We’ll look forward to next week’s Wag’s ad and see you tomorrow. Nite, nite. 🙂

  40. Tawchy

    So sorry to hear you’re having an off day! take you’re time we can wait. Thank you for all you do!

  41. ellen

    Seriously, don’t worry about it! Take the rest of the day off and let us look for the Wags deal this week! We appreciate all of your hard work, and it’s OKAY to know when to say when and then drink a margarita. 🙂

  42. jackie

    It happens to the best of us. I, and I’m sure a ton of your other readers are eternally, gratefull for all of your hard work! *hugs *

  43. Missy

    We love you Colin! Sending happy thoughts your way!

  44. Ashley57

    Collin, you are so sweet to even tell us they will be late. Thanks so much for everything, we love you!!

  45. blinkycoupons

    Hate it when that happens. But please don’t worry about it. You do so much for all of us. *hug*

  46. Ashley

    Ugh! You must be so frustrated. Take a breather, it’s Saturday! I’ll do my part and have a glass of wine on your behalf :p

  47. Carol_R

    Take care & I hope that you can relax and not let it stress you out.

  48. Sarah

    (Start sarcasm) Gosh Collin, what are you? Human or something? 😉 (end sarcasm). It’s really okay. Life happens sometimes (including cruddy stuff like losing computer files, unfortunately). We ALL appreciate all the hard work you do to help us stay within our budgets while still providing for ourselves and/or our families. Please don’t feel bad!

  49. Karina Koji

    oh no! i hate when that happens. thank you so much for posting this each and every week, i know how much everyone (myself) included appreciates it. *hug*

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