Kohl’s: Check Your Email for $10 Coupon
Wow! If you are signed up for Kohl’s.com emails, you may have received an email today with a *HOT* $10 Promotional in-store gift coupon! Quite a few readers have emailed me about receiving one, so I thought I should post since lots of you may have deleted thinking it was trash. Also, it may have gone into your spam folder.
The subject line of the email is “Extra 30%, 20% or 15% off + $10 in-store gift and Kohl’s cash” and you can also search the email address it came from kohls@email.kohls.com .
To use the $10 Promotional Gift, print the page in your email and take it to a Kohl’s store near you! Keep in mind that this coupon can ONLY be used once per customer and is valid 12/21-12/24.
Come back to let us know if you also got this email!
(Thanks, Margaret and Diane)
I got it in one of my two emails- I had deleted it, so thank you!!!!
Yep, totally deleted it too, not seeing the promo. THANK YOU COLLIN!!!!
Has anyone recieved their awesome JcPenney emails that we signed up for a few days ago? I have not seen anything yet and was just wondering.
i didnt get the $10.oo i got the email from kohls that had the“Extra 30%, 20% or 15% off today but it didnt have the +10 =(
Same here. 🙁
Me too
mine was a 30% 20% and 15% too, but the $10 was in the same email. double check ladies.
Thanks for pointing this out! I was able to find it in the deleted file and print it.
Thanks for posting this one! I had deleted it without reading through the entire memo line – found it now, printed and headed to the store!
Thanks for the post! I had deleted this e-mail thinking it was just a notice of the sale. I was able to retrieve it and there was a $10 off bonus offer!
Me too how AWESOME was that !! I would have thrown away a great coupon.
Didn’t get the $10 coupon either. Disappointed because I do a lot of shopping at Kohl’s. Thanks for letting us know of the possibility of a coupon though.
I’m glad I double checked it because I almost deleted it! Thanks! 🙂
Thank you so much for the heads up! ! Like others, I had deleted it this morning with a bunch of other ad emails. I was able to retrieve it and now have $10 to spend! Thanks!!!
Thanks for pointing it out,I almost missed it.
Yippee! I got one, and like others, it was in my email trash… This is great, I have the 30% coupon still…
Hello, where did you find this 30% off coupon? I’m looking for one to use, as long as I don’t need a kohls card.
My 30% coupon came in the mail and is only for using your kohls card.
Man, I unsubscribed from Kohl’s emails on a couple accounts because I am so SICK of ALL the emails the send!!! Guess I need to create a folder or something for them to go into so I don’t miss out on the once in a blue moon GOOD emails 😉
yippee!!! I got one and hadn’t noticed the $10 off coupon. Thanks!
Thanks I got one, would have never know unless I read this post. So thank you for the $10 Collin!
Thanks! I too had deleted it! Free money!
Thanks! I’m sure I would have deleted it!
I got one but, pretty sure I’m not going to use it, can I gift it to someone- or is it specific to me?
if u can gift it, would u sent it to me?if u dont have some one already in mind.
Anyone can use them!! 🙂 lucky you got one lol
O didn’t get one would you be willing to send it to me 🙂 ? Cassiej2005@hotmail.com
Sent 😁
Thank you so much Suszy! I’ll be running out to my kohls today! Merry Holidays!
If you are not going to use it, I would be happy too. The email states that the Coupon can only be used once.
I would love to put it to good use if you won’t use it! It’s not tied to a specific person, just a one time use barcode. jennygillins@hotmail.com
Perhaps the email was only sent to cardholders with Most Valuable Cardholder (MVC) status?
I am not a Kohl’s cardholder and I didn’t get one of the $10 emails today but I have gotten them several times in the past, so I can’t complain.
How do I print just the coupon? Usually when you click on it the coupons opens in it’s own window. Mine says print the whole page and I have like, no ink left.
Thank you! Like others I had already deleted the e-mail. I got one in both of my e-mails, so as my RAOK I am planning to gift one of them when I go shopping today!
Thank you Thank you Thank you! I would have missed this without you!
Is there a coupon in the email? I read and re-read mine but dont see anything for 10 other than.Kohls cash
Same for me
If anyone has an extra they won’t use, I’d love to have it. My son’s birthday is coming up Dec 29, and I could definitely use some help! Stuart912(at)gmail(dot)com. Thanks and happy holidays! 🙂
I have never got these
Thanks – nibe was in the trash!
Oops – not nibe – MINE!
I didn’t receive 10$ coupon . I would be glad if any one has extra to spare
Thank you 🙂
didn’t get on either…if no one wants theirs you can email me as asiangirllisa(at)hotmail.com
I shop at Kohls, all the time. They even know me by name.
THANKS, I would have deleted it without reading it if you hadn’t pointed it out!
If someone doesn’t want to use their email I would LOVE it if you would forward it to me. 😀
elliethetaco @ gmail . com
Merry Christmas!
Thank for pointing that out, I had already deleted mine! Matched with the 30% off coupon in the mail, I’m sure to get a few last minute things for a steal!
If someone else also doesn’t want to use their email I would LOVE it if you would forward it to me.
If you do—-thank you so much and Merry X-Mas!
What date was it sent?
No coupon here either 🙁 Only thing I seen for $10 was spend $50 and get $10 kohls cash
if anybody got one and won’t be using it…I’m headed over later today and will put it to good use: jhkh09@gmail.com
Thanks for the tip! I had it and hadn’t opened it yet.
Thank you so much- I had just sent this to my trash folder! Free stocking stuffers
I got it.
Hello Friends! I would also very much appreciate it, if someone was not going to use theirs, and would like to pass it along. I do not have a special story, a simple mother of 3 🙂 If you are not using yours, My email is: Stacie_Most@Hotmail.com and I will post a reply immediately if I happen to receive one. I truly appreciate your time & kindness! ~Stacie
thanks so much! i deleted it too not realizing that coupon was in there! Ill be going today with my 30% cpn too!
Is it get 10 when you spend 50? or just plain 10 off of anything?
THANKS! I deleted mine too!
Thanks for telling us! I went to my deleted emails and there it was!
would really love a $10 coupon if no one needs theirs, Me and my husband did not get one 🙁
Thanks Merry christmas!
Does anyone know if Kohl’s accepts manufacturer coupons? I was thinking of using my $10 coupon on K-cups, and was hoping to stack with a mfr coupon. Thanks!!
Awesome deal to use your $10 coupon on:
This retails for $39.99 and is on SALE for $14.99 so it would be $4.99 with this coupon. This blanket is AMAZING and SUPER soft! Got one awhile back as a gift. Would love to grab another one for my daughter is anyone is not planning to use their $10 coupon! (janaedj21@yahoo.com) No worries either way though! Merry Christmas everyone! 🙂
I didn’t get this coupon 🙁 If anyone isn’t going to use theirs, I would greatly appreciate if I could have it! mmallett1 at hotmail dot com
Thank you, I had deleted it…love free Kohl’s money!