Happy Friday: Emailing Companies for Coupons

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Sent from reader, Jamie:

A couple of weeks ago, I decided that I was going to try emailing companies and asking for coupons. I sent out a bunch of emails and was so surprised when my mailbox started filling up with coupons and even a package at my door with products! I have received positive responses from 9 companies so far. I wasn’t successful with many of my emails; I did receive a lot of responses telling me to check my local paper for coupons. However, the coupons that I did receive definitely
outweighed the no’s!

My method was going to the websites of the products that I love and use frequently and clicked on their ‘contact us’ link. I would write them a short note telling them why I liked their product and how I use it. Then I would ask if they
could direct me to where I could find coupons for their products and leave my name and address. I thought that your readers could benefit from the coupon friendly companies that I have come across!

Chobani – 3 magnets, 3 coupons for FREE 6 oz yogurt, and 3 coupons for 30 cents off a 6 oz yogurt
Fresh Express – 2 coupons for 55 cents off any packaged salad
Ocean Spray – 1 coupon for a FREE juice 64 oz or smaller
Skinny Cow – 2 coupons for 75 cents off any product
Edy’s – 2 coupons for 75 cents off any product
Barilla – 1 coupon for $1 off any microwaveable meal

Earthbound Farms and Yoplait responded to my email saying mailed coupons were on their way but I am still patiently checking my mailbox.

But my favorite of all was from Five Hour Energy – they sent me a package with 6 Five Hour Energy! When I opened it, I squealed like I won the lottery and my husband thought I was nutty! 😀

I plan on continuing to send out emails to see what responses I can get next!


Do you have a funny, “Hip”, or unique photo to share?! Email us at happyfriday@hip2save(dot)com. Every Friday, I will post one photo, submitted by you and/or another Hip2Save reader, that gives us a glimpse into your frugal lifestyle or simply makes us smile. If your photo is published on Hip2Save, we’ll email you a $10 Amazon e-card!

** Check out all of the previous Happy Friday pictures here.

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Comments 135

  1. Doxie

    I love writing to companies for coupons!! I’ve yet to recieve anything other than coupons in the mail though. Lucky you!

    • Patty

      I once received a cutting board from Pilgrim’s Chicken. It had their logo on it, so I had no trouble remembering which board was for raw meat 🙂

  2. Jennifer

    I received a $20 gift card from target for doing my wedding registration w them

  3. Julianna

    Could you give an example of a letter you sent them?

    • Tiffany

      Here is what i typed to yoplait. “Hello- I love your products. I have been using alot of your items to help with my weight lose. They all taste amazing. My children as well love them. I was wondering if you can point me in the right direction to get coupons for your items. Thank so much for taking your time to read this.” Hope that helps some

  4. dani

    can you give a template on what to write to these companies. Im not very good at doing that lol… would appreciate the help

    • Tiffany

      Just compliment what you like about the product and/or share a story about using it or your family using it. Often just complimenting will get you a coupon. Usually you don’t even need to ask for them! 🙂

    • Rachel

      It needs to be sincere a template will sound fake like a chain letter. I think couponingtodisney.com has emails for companies and also a list for mail in rebates too

    • MommySpendsLess

      Be honest and specific. Ideally people write these companies because they really love the product, were disappointed, want to try another variety or have some constructive criticism. The feedback will hopefully give the company insight on how to make their products better and who to market them to. Freebies and coupons are just a nice reward for taking the time to give your input.

  5. janet paula

    when you comment them on their products they also send your freebies to try and all sorts of samples 🙂

  6. Ashley

    I used to do this a lot and it was well worth the time. I emailed a regional company telling them how much my husband loved one of their snacks, and they replied that they don’t have coupons but instead sent me a BOX of individual and full sized chips, pretzels, etc. It was pretty awesome!

    • Sus S

      What Company was that, that u wrote to?

      • Ashley

        It was a smaller, regional company so I don’t want to say the brand and have them bombarded by emails. Sorry!

  7. Ashley57

    Lots of “healthy” type dog food companies will send a sample or treats too. One company I got like a pound of dog food from them.

  8. rebate queen

    Great if you have the time!

    Unfortunately, the more people that do this, the less the companies give! Not trying to be selfish, but when I used to do this, I kept it to myself. These companies will now get bombarded and they will prob change their policies!

    • Conswalla

      I agree with you 100% Rebate Queen.

      • Geena O

        So true…!

    • Jennifer G.


    • Erin

      That was exactly my thought when I saw this post. Now that couponing is popular, coupon values are down and deals are worse. Sigh. It’s even getting harder to score the awesome clearance deals I used to get at Target these days because of this site, lol.

      • Tiffany

        Sounds like you are blaming this site for giving so many deals’ information to us…. just curious, aren’t you on here too?

        Just saying…..you are here to get the deals other people would have potentially gotten, had you not know about it via H2S.

        That said- Thanks Collin for all you do! Not eveyone single one of us can get EVERY deal posted, but I, for one, have only been on here a few months and have SCORED things I NEVER knew or would have been able to get otherwise! So thankful for sharing!

        • Sheila

          Tiffany, you are so right-we are ALL trying to save these days. I’ve been couponing for 2 years and have no plans to stop. But I have been able to pass up some of the deals just because I have been able to grow a pretty decent stockpile and some stuff I just don’t need to get anymore right now. And personally, I don’t think the lower coupon values are just because more people are using them. I think it has to do more with the fact, that with an increase of coupon users, there will naturally be an increase of coupon abusers. (and deal hoarders) Also, I work in a small retail food store, and the price of food is just going through the roof these days! In 20 years I have never before seen the drastic increases in price that I have seen over the last year.

    • Jamie

      I think you all are extremely rude and I do not appreciate your comments telling me that I did something wrong by sharing this bit of information. It is no secret that if you email companies they sometimes send you coupons. Very rude.

      • Erin

        No one said you did anything wrong at all. It’s not the information that’s the problem; it’s how it’s used. Decimating it widely just means that those who couldn’t/wouldn’t/didn’t think of this may now do so. Hopefully those who are essentially asking for form letters and lists of stingy companies so they don’t “waste their time” on them won’t have much luck and will give up.

        • Erin

          *disseminating* 🙂

      • Sally

        If it is no secret, why did you share it then? Don’t we already know?

  9. Patricia

    I do that once in a while some companies are good about it…other ones tell you NO 🙁 but I never received more than 1 or 2 coupons.. so far the most generous is Turkey Hill 🙂

    • Doxie

      I’ve heard Pepsi Co. is very generous, but I’ve written to them 3 times in the past year and a half (once every 6 months) and the answer is always a straight out no for me. It’s a shame since Pepsi is my go-to caffine. I guess come companies are just like that, some very generous, others not so much.

  10. Anna

    Way to go! I have been procrastinating, but I know this would be a great thing!

  11. llc

    I sent out about 20 emails to various companies telling them how much I liked their products and only got a few responses via email thanking me for letting them know. I did not specifically ask for coupons.
    I have emailed a few companies telling them I did NOT like their product and everytime I got my product price refunded and one company sent me a free product coupon (which was weird becuase I told them I would never use their products again).

  12. Barb

    That’s awesome. I have to do that again. I have received a coupon or 2 here and there but never like that.

  13. Kristie

    I contacted Progesso just to find out when they would have coupons out again because my stash was running low and they sent me a Progresso mug and 2 coupons for free cans I was so shocked and very very happy…I love my big soup mug 🙂

    • Lisa René Dunlap

      I called progesso because I bought 4 cans of the same soup opened 2 and 1 looked funny so I called to find out if it was ok. They asked for my address and the store I bought them from plus all the codes on the cans. She did ask a lot of question but was really nice I thought no more about it and a few days later got a little package in the mail with 4 coupons for free soup it had other stuff in it but I just don’t remember it’s been more than 5 years. I thought that was really cool

  14. Lisa Abbott (@csupink26)

    What companies didn’t respond with coupons or freebies that way I don’t waste time with them.

    • Doxie

      A lot of times, it can vary on who you talk to within the customer service whether or not you get coupons.

    • llc

      These are companies I did get anything from –
      Tide, All, Clorox, Lysol, Coke, Dr. Pepper, Pepperridge Farm Cookies, Purina Cat Chow

      • Betsy

        I had good luck with Pepperidge Farm. They sent me some pretty good copons when I wrote to them. Same here though with Coke and Tide!

      • Edie

        Purina Cat Chow is usually pretty good about sending coupons out.

  15. Melissa

    I have been working on contacting companies too. I’ve been trying to e-mail as many as I can to see how full I can get my mailbox with happy mail.

  16. Lisa Abbott (@csupink26)

    Does facebook messaging work or just emailing from the company site?

  17. Cakie

    I emailed Dennison’s chili once, asking for a coupon, and they told me they don’t need to give coupons because their price is competitive 0_0. NOT! They are about 50-75 cents a can more than the other brands. I thought that was a pretty rude response, lol. Unfortunately my family can’t stand Nally’s….

    • Tilla Ham

      um I love Nally’s spicy, but Stagg chili is delicious and often there are 1 off 2 coupons

  18. Sanj

    Science Diet is really good about sending out $5 coupons. Plus petsmart is doing a deal where you get a $5 Catalina with specific science diet food purchase.

  19. Terry

    Blue Diamond was very gracious when I complemented their new Artisan Nut Thins and sent coupons.

  20. Dayna

    If the price of stamps isn’t too much for your budget, you can send the thank you or like your product type of mail also. I bought some inexpensive thank you cards to use for this, I decided i wanted to give it a personal touch. I try to do several a month this way and have gotten back coupons and samples about 75% of the time. Even try some of your locally owned stores and restaurants, I have gotten coupons this way too for meals etc.

  21. Caroline

    Bayer is very generous! I emailed them to compliment them on their new gummie vitamins and they mailed me a booklet of coupons for bayer products- aleve, vitagummies, midol, etc.

  22. Lynne

    Companys I’ve gotten things from also are Campbells ($1 off any campbells product) and Welchs .$75 off coupons. I emailed Quick Sticks and got 2 samples from the along with two $1 off coupons. I would say about half the time I get the ‘check the sunday paper’

  23. Tonia Shunk

    Wow! Way to go!

  24. hon h

    kudos to all the companies who do respond. They know giving out a coupon will for a reduced price once, could gain them a life long consumer

  25. karen

    I made an excel list of companies, their contact information, when I contacted them (you can usually request/get coupons every 3 to 6 months), and what I got. This way I can keep track of the gold mines or companies not to waste my time contacting in the future. And I don’t have to think of a company and find their information every time. Streamlined!

    • Nadia(:

      Can you email me a list? Thanks.

    • artemis d.

      Karen, if you would be so kind as to email me the list, it would save me a lot of time! Feel free to say no if you don’t feel comfortable emailing it out 🙂

    • Lisa Abbott (@csupink26)

      Will you please email me a copy of the list. Thank you.


  26. erinlinthicum

    I love doing this! I’ve gotten some really great stuff!

  27. Olivia Douglass

    Great job- I need to spend more time doing this myself! 🙂

  28. AdamnStephanie Cole

    Cape Cod chips did the same for me when I contacted them via their website to tell them how much I love their product. I received a coupon for free chips and several $.55/off coupons.

  29. Danielle R

    I have received product coupons from All, Turkey Hill, and Softsoap in the past. Many companies have told me that they do not give out coupons because their coupons are in the newspaper.

  30. laura

    I do this also. I have been keeping a log of the companies I email for 3 years now. Every year, the companies that sent me really good stuff, I will email again! Sweet Baby Rays, Arizona Tea, kettle chips and Frigo Cheese heads are some of my favorite. This pays off A LOT because of how many completely FREE vouchers I get from companies.

  31. FuzzyPeach73

    Johnson & Johnson are amazing too! I e-mailed them requesting a coupon/sample for Aveeno sunscreen, since I am allergic to several sunscreens and wanted to try theirs, but no store will refund me if I am allergic to it and I don’t want to toss a whole bottle, since sunscreen is expensive. They sent me a nice thank-you e-mail for loving their products, and I was surprised to receive 5-6 $1 coupons in the mail that I could use on ANY Johnson & Johnson product or sub-brand. I not only got the sunscreen, but was also able to stock up my first aid kit and buy some things for baby. 🙂

  32. Ashley57

    Also, I have heard a letter from a child can get a really good response from a company (I don’t have any so I can’t try it myself).

    • Doxie

      There was an article running on Yahoo the other day of a little boy that wrote Lego because he lsts one of the pieces in a specific set he had. He recieved a great response! It’s great when companies go out of their way for people.

      • Doxie

        *lost Sorry about the typo!

      • Tilla Ham

        you can go on the lego website and request any piece you are missing

    • Conswalla

      Really? Wow!

      • Conswalla


  33. katie

    i once got a bunch of free coupons from a yogurt company for telling them that i found mold in one of their cups… haha. i have worked in quality control, so i know how important that info is, and then i was happily surprised by the free coupons!

    • Tilla Ham

      I hope you really did find mold!

  34. Monica

    I emailed Nivea when my daughter was stationed in Africa. She wanted some lotion and lip balm. In the email I asked about coupons in order to buy products for care packages. Nivea sent me several coupons for lip balm, body wash, and lotion, the coupons were various amounts for $1 to $ 5.

  35. melissa s

    Pampers is VERY generous. i would email them every 6-12 mths when my kids were little and id always get 3 coupons good for $20. cant beat that. and the few times id get a bad box id email them and theyd refund me plus send more of those $20 qs. i emailed my husbands favorite coffee place (theyre not local) and asked if they ever had coupons as my husband was deployed so me sending him bags of their stuff was adding up and any little bit would help. i mentioned that they have a starbucks on his air craft carrier but he wont drink it as hes a loyal customer to them and they emailed me back asking for his mailing address and they mailed him 100#s of coffee for free. needless to say they did not need coffee anywhere in his shop for the rest of deployment. talk about going above and beyond.

    • KACEE

      Bad box of diapers? What di you mean?

      • K

        I’ve had diapers that numerous diapers in a box have very sensitive tabs that constantly ripped off. Or diapers that “explode” once used and all the gel stuff inside gets everywhere.

        • KACEE

          I see. Never had that happen. I was just curious what you meant 🙂

    • Darcy

      wow ~ that is so awesome about the coffee!

    • jennifer

      Pampers was very good about diaper coupons and I contacted them about bad diapers also

  36. Donna K.

    I’ve written to a couple of different companies in the past.

    I wrote to Food for Life (makers of Ezekiel 4:9 bread – among other things) because I love that bread. Basically saying that I love it, but it’s quite expensive. They sent me 6 $ .50/1 coupons.

    I also wrote to Smart Balance (but this one was for a gripe – it happens). I opened up a milk that wasn’t near the expiration date, yet it was completely spoiled. They were VERY generous and sent many coupons (1 for any free Smart Balance item, and $1/1 on many other Smart Balance products).

  37. Angela

    Oreida potato products! They well send a coupon for a free product up to $6.

  38. Brittany

    I have also had luck with writing to companies for coupons and samples.

  39. Patti

    Tide is not good at all about sending coupons. They really are pretty cheap with their coupons in the weekend papers. Their coupons used to be much higher value than they have been. They hardly ever give coupons for the Tide pods and those things are not cheap. JMO

    • Kristin

      I agree with you. I love Tide because of the scent but I’m pretty sure after we use what we already have that we are going to try making our own. Hard to justify spending so much on something that literally goes down the drain 🙁

    • Ashley

      I’ve emailed Tide a couple times and have gotten a coupon for $1 off any product. Which got me a free travel sized pack.

  40. Tina

    A bit off topic but I won those $5.00 free fresh produce coupons from Del Monte awhile back. They gave me 10 of them so =$50 worth of fresh produce… awesome thanks Mrs. Hip & team

    • Edie

      That’s freakin awesome, congrats! Not many things in the couponing world better than free produce. 😉

  41. Melissa

    I have not had good luck doing this but it never hurts to try!

  42. Kelly

    I have contacted a few companies asking for coupons and these were the the ones that sent me some:

    Hawaiin Bread – 1 for free product and 2 $.50 off.
    Era – $1 off
    Johnsonville – 3 $.50 off 1 and they said to contact them in 90 days for more
    Pompeian olive oil – 3 various coupons for their products

    Most do say to check their website and facebook.

  43. Shirley S

    I emailed Charmin with a complaint about their double ply toilet paper being only one ply for about 50% of the 12 roll pack I bought and they sent me a coupon for a free 12 roll pack! That was the first free thing I had ever gotten with a coupon!

  44. Sarah

    We had to do this as an assignment in our 9th grade English class to practice persuasive writing. We chose the company, it was neat to see who got responses.

  45. Renata Blosser

    If you sign up for Earthbound Farms, you will get daily tips and once a week they send out a coupon you can print twice for 75cents!

    Also, if you are not able to print out Stonyfieid coupons, they don’t mind if you call them once a month and they will mail them to you 🙂

  46. Lisa René Dunlap

    I called coke and complained I was upset because every coke I bought for a month form different stores were undrinkable they tasted so bad kinda made me made you figure once in a while but not everyday I use to drink 6 – 20 oz bottles a day. I really need a good coke and as many as I drank I had enough lol..

    Any way they did send me a bunch on coupon for free cokes 20 oz bottles and 2 coupons for match box cars I keep the coupon for the cars I thought it was cool and it in my collection of cars coupon worth more than car to me lol.

    P.S. I don’t drink that many any more I just drink them every once in a while and only Cherry or Lime coke now.

  47. Marilyn

    I contacted Luna years ago and received actual bars and coupons sent to me and about once every three months they send me their new flavor.

  48. Michelle

    Good for you guys! What a great idea – thanks for sharing all the information – I appreciate it. I’ll pass on anything good I get 🙂

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