High Value $2.50/1 Kit Kat Minis CVS Store Coupon = Only $0.50 Per Bag Starting 7/7 (Print Coupon Now!)
Hurry on over to the CVS site and watch the short video to print a new CVS store coupon valid for $1/1 any bag of Kit Kat Minis 8 oz or larger. Even sweeter, you can choose to share the offer on Facebook, Twitter, or Pinterest to increase your coupon value to $2.50/1 bag of Kit Kat Minis 8 oz or larger. You can use this high value coupon at CVS starting 7/7-7/13, 7/21-7/27, or 8/18-8/24 to score the following *HOT* deal…
Kit Kat Minis 2/$6
Use the $2.50/1 Kit Kat Minis CVS store coupon found here (share with friends) – can’t be combined with other CVS coupons
Or the $1/1 Kit Kat CVS store coupon found here (watch video)
Final cost as low as $0.50 each!
*There’s also a $1/2 Kit Kat, Minis 8 oz+ manufacturer’s coupon found in the 6/16 SS or a $1/1 Kit Kat Minis manufacturer’s coupon found here (share with friends)
*Hurry and print – this coupon won’t last long!
Maybe go back and try again. I just printed TWO at 6:10EST.
No More left ! Rats !!
I just printed 2 of the $2.50 coupons at 7:56 pm EST.
Got 2. I will have to try it. Never have it before. Thanks Mrs.
Says no more coupons available, 7:29 Central time
Wished these worked on the Japanese flavored KitKats! I love the green tea KitKats!
No more coupons
“No more coupons available”, 8:50 pm EST. Bummer, I love these candy bars
Just a heads up, I was having trouble getting the coupon to load earlier. I just tried going through my email again and it popped right up. So if they sent you the email, you might want to try it again if you couldn’t get it to print before.
No wonder there’s none left with everyone printing two :/
most coupons you are allowed to print 2 times.
I just got a message that there are no more coupons
They mostly will come back like all other coupons CVS offered.
said there were no more coupons. ;o(
I can print it right now 10:37 PM EST
I love how it says “no more coupons” AFTER I give them my email address
it said “there are no more coupons” after the video
Same here
I did the deal twice yesterday on way home from work.
Bought 4 bags, using 4 $2.50 CVS Q’s, and 2 25 cent IP’s.
Great deal!
I just printed 2 $2.50 coupons at 950 EST
i tried yseturday and it was not letting me but i just got my coupon, so maybe it reset in the morning?
Just printed two right now at 10:52 AM CST
You can use both the CVS and the manufacturers coupon to make it even lower right? Thanks for all your help!!