Victoria’s Secret: Find Out How Much Your Secret Reward Cards Are Worth NOW
If you’ve received Victoria’s Secret – Secret Reward Cards from all of the recent Victoria’s Secret promotions I’ve posted about, starting right now you can find out whether they’re worth $10, $25, $50, $75, $100, or even $500! It states on their site you can start using these cards on 12/5, however, they are working now online.
To find out what your card is worth, you can either take it to a store or head on over to and add an item to your cart. Then enter your card number and pin at checkout and it will reveal your secret amount! Keep in mind that you can add any item to your cart and enter the card number to find out the value, then remove it if you’re not quite ready to make a purchase yet.
I so hope many of you Hip2Savers win the BIG $100 and $500 cards. Good Luck! 😀
Both are mine are $10.
I also got a $10 off in the mail today, so keep your eyes open.
I’m giving mine to my boys to “buy” me lotion for Christmas. They’re so excited! lol
6 $10 cards and 1 $25!!! So excited, my mom and i get as many as we can every year and only ever got $10 before!
I just wish they would let you use at least 2 at a time if theyre only worth $10!! oh well, guess i’ll be doing a bunch of transactions for free/cheap panties!!!
congrats to everyone who won more!!! so jealous
This is the first year I’ve done it. I have 12 $10 cards to use so I’ll be doing a bunch of transactions too. I figured I’d stock up on almost free panties and maybe lotions and body washes that I can put away for birthday gifts throughout the year. I got one $50 card too 🙂
I have 3 cards $ 10 each. Can I combine the cards and get $30 off of a more expensive item?
nope… that has alays been my problem with the $10 cards. I usually pitch them in the trash
If have cards that you aren’t using this time, please let me know! I would love to have them.
Kelly don’t pitch them in the trash!!! They have 10 mists that would make a great gift or lip gloss. DON’T FORGET teens while they don’t believe in Santa… Sometimes like to get a gift on Christmas too exspecially when times are tough. so donate!!!
There are many people here that would love to have them!
So you would throw a $10 bill on the ground? Crazy!
Well, it’s not really a $10 bill. It’s a VS coupon. If you read the comments here, lots of people have a number of $10 cards that they cannot possibly use without spending a small fortune at VS. It is exciting to see all the big prizes, but honestly, I personally wouldn’t know what to do with a $500 at VS, or even $100. I’m allergic to body sprays/perfumes, I don’t wear makeup, I don’t really need bras (carpenter’s dream here ;)), and I don’t particularly like their underwear. If I ended up with a $10 VS card, I’d probably toss it, too, since I’d almost certainly have to spend my cash on something I don’t need or want in order to use their coupon. Even spending a few cents is a waste of money if you don’t need or want the item (and driving to the store, spending time looking for free to cheap products for donation with two children is a waste of time for some of us). Congrats to all the winners!
Dong throw them:) email me the codes….last year they had thrir gift sets on clearance for $10.50 near xmas ao 50 cents for 3 full size products
Last year I used mine to buy gift cards
Excited for my $25 card!
I have 5 $10 and one $50!!! I will also be getting two more soon! Woohoo!
I’m so excited! I got 2 bras and a blanket for free with my $50 rewards card and I will be receiving another card with the shipment!
which blanket?
Use code blanket to get a free fleece blanket with the purchase of two bras. I’d use code doubleup too and if you have a vs card angeldec.
I did that too! 3 times last night! LOL I was REALLY needing new bras, so I figured the blankets would make good gifts!
I have three cards. 2 at $10 each and 1at $100. So excited!
I got 3 10.00 and the best of them all I got 500.00!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This just made my day!!!
and you’re a guy??
Hey he may be the couponer in the family!
Yes I am I love couponing
His wife is lucky. 😉
I think if his wife is getting 500 bucks worth of Vickies HE’S. Pretty Lucky too 😉
I am actually 19 and my mom will have such a great Christmas I bought her a present for Christmas and they gave me a secret reward
Congrats Kevin!! Your mom will love it!
Thank you
So awesome that you’re a 19 year old guy that already knows how to save money because you’re here on Hip2Save!!
I have been couponing for almost 6 years!!!!! I LOVE COUPONS!!!
…or he might cross dress! Whatever his situation, it really isn’t our business. Congrats Kevin!
I have an Aunt Kevin! So Kevin can be a woman’s name 🙂
Wow Kevin congrats that is awesome!!!!!
That is so awesome! Congrats!
Got 1 $50 Reward Card and 5 $10 reward cards !!!
My 6 were $10 each, but the two in store purchases I made came with an internet survey that gave me a $10/50 code at the end… I plan on stacking those with the rewards for $20/50 🙂
I had 8 cards: 7 at $10 and 1 and $50!
I saved one gift card from the last secret reward ($25) and I used it to purchase my current rewards 2 $10. It’s a win win situation. :] Last year I had better luck with two $75 and one $10. I put that into a Christmas gift cards and gave it as presents. 😀
You can use these for Giftcard purchases!
I had three cards, all $10.
Three $10 but I got three lipgloss at 3 for $15. I added one of the secret cards so my total after shipping was $12 and change. And according to their site, you get another rewards card until 11:59 on 12/4 so I’m hoping I get another. 🙂
I got 1 $50 and 3 $10 cards. Happy with the results, I’ve been getting nothing but $10s until this time.
Got 2 $10–bought 2 bras, used a free panty code and free blanket code. Total after SRC and promo codes was only $28 shipped! So excited!!! woo-hoo!! Idk if I’ll be getting another SRC in the mail since I ordered it tonight after the SRC went live and the promo was still running on the website, but I’m pretty happy already with what I was able to score for under $30 from VS! yay!
Chelsea, what bra code and blanket code did you use?
Chelsea what bras do you choose?
Can you use these to purchase Giftcards?
no u can not
Thanks! I just tried it online and it did let me purchase some Giftcards with free shipping as well!
I’m not sure about in store though! :)!!
Is there a code for free shipping??
yes you can — I did last year
17 cards…all were $10 but one which was $250! Super happy. 🙂
Do you know if you can use the $250 in multiple transactions or if it needs to be in one? I just scored a $250 on as well =)
You can use it in multiples. I used about 175 last night and saved the rest for later.
i got reward cards @ 10 dollars each. Does anyone know if u can use more than one at a time? Also, i have a $10 off any purchase coupon. Can i use it with the reward cards? Thanks!
only one reward card at a time but you can use the $10 coupon with the reward card
Only if u have more than one item in your order like if u have 3 cards and u have 3 different items! It can’t be like 3 panties! That’s what they told me in store!
Is anyone giving away one of their $10 gift cards?
i am
Will take your code. Please e-mail it to me.
8 cards so far, all $10. 3 yet to come in the mail so Im still hopeful! Never received cards worth more than $10 – congrats to all the big winners!
Dang, site is down :S
I have 3 that are ten each ad one for 25! I’m happy!
All 8 cards worth $10. Same as last year:( on a different note if you simply call the number on the back of the card they will tell you the balance on the card. Easier than doing it online:)
Mine was 25.00! So excited as purchase was only 35.00 shipped and included a 52.00 perfume!
Mine were all $10, except one, $50! Woohoo!!
mine was $250!!!!
All 5 were $10 :-/
Me too 🙁
Ah well. Free stuff, right? I don’t know about you, but the only thing in the entire VS store that’s my size is the perfume 😀 I got bralettes and panties and I’m hitting up eBay with these suckers.
all five of mine were $10. BOOOOO. lol Congrats to the big winners! 🙂
So cool to see so many cards worth more than $10 🙂
I have 5 to check.
Anybody know if you am use more than one card at a time per order? I called because I have a 10/50 survey and they said I can’t use that online and only one vs card per order!
My 4 were only $10 each! That’s okay though. I got lucky last year with a $50 card and that totally made my Christmas! Congrats to everyone that got lucky this time around!! 🙂
I’m looking forward to all the deal match-ups, and unique ways everyone shares to use their rewards. I only had 2 that I could check last night, waiting on 3 others. So far 1-$10, and 1 $50!!! Seems like there are a lot more people who have them worth more this time. I’ve never gotten anything more than $10, which is fine, I don’t usually spend much to get them, I think this time I spent around $45 to get all 5 that I’ll be getting, and I will have at least $90 in cards!
Congrats to all the winner! All 3 of my cards where $10 a piece but that’s ok maybe next time. I’m just happy to get my money back I spent and to get free items in the process lol! Merry Christmas everybody remember the reason for the season at this busy time of year!!
I only got one card this year (with a $10 purchase) but it’s worth $25 🙂
8 cards all $10 🙁 Oh well
I just found out I got a $250 card!!!! Can I use the card and do multiple transactions or does it have to be in one transaction???
Had 10 total cards…8 were $10, 1 was $50, and one was $100!! Gonna stack the $100 with the $10 off $50 code from my Black Friday receipt plus my $30 gift card on December 8th when VS is running their $50 off $200 promotion! Wooo!!
Wow! So many great cards!!! I can’t wait to get mine this week.
I got 2 for $10 and 1 $25 🙂
Al 3 of mine were $10 :/ I wish you could use them together.
if anyone wants to give away their $10 cards i will take them 🙂
One $10 : ( But I can use it to buy something for my niece
Waiting for mine to arrive. Hopefully soon, so I can turn hubby loose with them when we go to the mall.
Is there a code for free shipping??
I’m really happy for everyone who won a lot of money. It makes me happy to see that they do have secret reward cards that are more than $10 out there!
Side note: I bought a bralette online and I got a secret rewards card. I actually don’t like it because its so itchy. I can just see my skin being all red after wearing it all day. I was going to return it and I was wondering if I had to return the secret rewards card? I kind of feel guilty keeping it
Mine every year have always been just $10 and I thought that they probably never gave anything higher, so I am super glad to see people on here who got up to $500 like Kevin did! That is awesome news, and now I feel better about these cards…mine was $10 again.
Id love a $10 if anyone wants to trade for my $10 llbean code off any order,and they are offering free ship no minimum..
I may want to do that Shannon. I have 3 $10 and really need to get a backpack from LL Bean for my daughter. What is your email?
I actually have 2 ll bean codes worth $10 each if anyone wants to trade vs codes for them?