Be Your Own You Magazine Subscription Only $7.99 (Self-Esteem Magazine for Girls Ages 7-14)
Through tomorrow at 11:59PM ET, head over to to snatch up a one year subscription to Be Your Own Magazine for ONLY $7.99 when you enter the code HIP2SAVE at checkout – you can even buy up to 3 years at this low price of $7.99/year.
This self-esteem magazine designed for girls ages 7-14 empowers confidence, inner beauty, anti-bullying, making a difference, being authentic, & positive thinking. And it is rated 5-stars on where it currently sells for over $17!
Thanks! Perfect for my nine year old daughter
Do they use teen girls of different sizes on the cover?
Does it bother anyone else that “self-esteem” magazines even have to exist for girls? You would never see one for boys!
Anything that helps a girl feel better about herself seems like a good idea to me! But I understand your point.
It’s all part of the same rant I feel coming on about the extremely popular LEGO research team set which is perpetually sold out. Here is the rant: My daughter (who does NOT like LEGOs in general) is really excited about this set. Obviously there is a demand for things like this for girls (and I think this would more clearly help their self-esteem more than magazine!), but you can’t get your hands on one. If you go to a LEGO store and try to build a mini figure that looks like you (female), there is next to no selection of appropriate tops, weird skirts or generic blue pants for bottoms (nothing that really looks like jeans), and bizarre, over made-up faces. For males … Well, within seconds, my son was able to find pieces that looked EXACTLY like him and his best male friend (but not his best friend’s wife. — it was supposed to be a little housewarming gift for them and she ended up looking like a Hobbit elf). And Lego is supposed to be making a push to make their product more female accessible because studies have shown that it can really help in college with engineering! So, Lego, don’t make weird pink “friends” products — make more admirable women! And I DON’T mean Wonder Woman
I have never heard of this magazine, but I am going to try it for my daughter. $7.99 for 6 issues is worth a shot, right?!
Thank you!!! I have been wanting to try this for my 12 year old daughter!
I’ve never seen this magazine but I ordered discovery girls for my daughter when she was 11. She loved it. I just renewed for Christmas.
My 11 year-old daughter’s subscription to American Girl magazine ran out recently, so this is great timing. This magazine looks similar and is much more affordable. Thanks!
I think the use of “perfect” looking girls on the front cover isn’t quite right…how about celebrating the beauty of the girl next door? Seems like a great idea to make a magazine for this reason, speaking from a girl who’s eating disorder nearly killed her. I would just love to see one with “average” girls.
I’m in no way saying that it’s not a good magazine, because I haven’t read it…I may have to order it just for my curiosity. 🙂