Happy Friday: Hubby Lends a Hand

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Sent from reader, Stephanie:

We needed some body wash and I told my husband about the deal at Rite Aid you posted where we could get free Irish Spring (deal no longer available). He said he would help me out and go get it with my coupons. He came home excited he saved us money and handed me the receipt. See anything anything wrong with this picture?

He went to CVS and spent 13 bucks on 4 bottles of body wash!


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Comments 118

  1. DS

    Aww, that is so sweet of ur husband who wants to help u out. None of the guys at my house want to be seen holding coupons. They say that the coupons just make the checkout lines slower.
    But am happy that you husband “tried” to save u some money 😉

    • Melanie

      Yeah my husband too. Or he usually loses the shopping list or forgets to give them the coupons. I have to do it all myself to get it done right.

      • Rebe

        I am glad to read I am not alone! 😉

        • lu

          happy to hear that is not just me haha

    • Kim

      Love it!

  2. J

    That is hilarious! You can’t really be mad because he tried! Soooo funny

  3. Jo

    hahahahaha classic!! I read this to my husband and he couldn’t figure out what the guy did wrong until I really spelled it out for him.

    • Diana

      Haha! Omg i couldn’t figure it out at first! I had to read it a few times! I got it 😝

    • Mia

      same here LOL

  4. jess

    Awwwwwwwww he tried 🙂 too cute

  5. Steph

    Cvs …rite aid. It’s all the same isn’t it!! Lol

  6. Barb

    Omg! That is so something my husband would do.

  7. Jennifer B

    LOL 🙂 thanks for the Friday night chuckle!

  8. Happymama

    LOL love it. Thanks for sharing!

  9. Judy

    Sounds like something that would happen here! Too funny – thanks for sharing!

  10. Leighton

    Haha! My husband says he can relate!

  11. fran

    We laughed so hard over this! Don’t try this at home, kids!

  12. Anna

    OMG….too funny!!! You definitely made my Friday!!!

  13. Denise

    That is soo funny that looks like something my hubby would do

  14. Kathryn

    Buhahahaha! This seriously hilarious! I nearly choked!! Hahahaha!

  15. Ashley

    I don’t get it… He bought 4 body washes and used 4 coupons. What was he supposed to do?

    • Stacey

      He went to the wrong store. If he had used the store coupons combined with her coupons, the items would have been free – at Rite Aid, not CVS.

    • Jenn

      He was supposed to go to Rite Aid … not CVS.

    • Gwen cake

      Me2… I’m a little confused here … Joke is Over my head :p Sumone help explain ???

      • Gwen cake

        OHH, Lol !!!!

      • Taylor

        isntead of going to RiteAid where the deal would have come out free he went to CVS where he paid way too much even after using coupons, etc lol

    • Just Me

      Got to rite aid. He went to cvs

    • Victoria

      Perhaps he could’ve tried the correct store! lol My husband would definitely do something like this!

    • lindsay

      He went to wrong store.

    • laurie

      He went to the wrong store. 😀

      • lenmar01

        No, wait a minute. He went to the right store for the wrong product!

  16. Michele

    Sent my hubby to cvs Wednesday for diapers and he did the deal perfectly😊 lol

  17. Flossie

    I love this! I sent my husband to Rite Aid to grab a huggies diaper deal a few weeks ago. I literally was on the phone with him shortly before he went in and re-explained that all he needed to do was get 4 packs of diapers, check-out, hand them the coupons, say “yes” to using the $5 +up rewards I had on the card, and then pay the remaining amount. He called me after the fact and said I only had 2 dollars on the card and the mentioned how much he had paid and it was completely over what it should have been. I then asked “Did you go to Rite Aid or Walgreens” and he response was “I have no idea, I just went into the drug store (they are right across the street for one another). It was Walgreens. Not only did he go into the wrong store, do the wrong deal, but used the points I had and therefore canceled out getting any points from the deal that walgreens was running on Huggies. It was an absolute mess, but I could only be so annoyed because he was doing us a favor and thought he had succeeded. Wished I’d taken pictures but I didn’t know this event existed 🙂

    • Stacey

      “…just went into the drug store.” haha!

      I sometimes start thinking couponing is pretty easy until I try to explain a deal to someone. There are quite a few things to keep straight – like which store you’re in!

      So sweet that he tried though!

      • 5pink1blue


    • jenn

      Hmm, my walgreens only lets me use points in $5 increments… As recent as a few weeks ago. Is this something that changed or one of the different stores do different things?

      • Stacey

        You can use $1, $2, or $3, but you have to request it and it sometimes takes them a minute to find the button on the screen that takes them to this option. I’ve used it often.

      • Tarin

        The Walgreens in my hometown will still only let me use them in $5 increments as well. Any other Walgreens I visit let me use them in $1, $2, $5.

  18. Leighann

    Totally made my day…hilarious. Bless your husband for trying, this soooo could have been my sweet husband, too‼️

  19. Joy

    I totally cannot send my husband for deals! After a minor outpatient procedure I sent him into the store for bread on our way home. I didn’t give him the store card and the clerk didn’t ask him for phone number to look it up. He was FUMING when he came out having paid $4.29 for a loaf of bread. Dude, get with the program, lol.

    • Rebe

      “Dude, get with the program” LOL!

    • Erin

      Keychain is a lifesaver! Put all those loyalty cards there!

  20. TS

    LOL! Sounds like my husband! Although lately he is getting better.

    I remember the time I sent him to CVS a while ago to get the Xtra laundry detergent deal where it would be like 50 cents a bottle after 4 coupons (so $2 plus tax total for the 4 bottles). Well he ended up coming up with 4 bottles of Purex which totaled $27.96 plus tax with the Xtra coupons still in his pocket. He said he got confused because he did a Purex deal a few days before. “A” for effort I guess! lol But he was so upset I couldn’t be mad 🙂

    • Stacey

      ROFL! That’s so funny. $27.96! Oh no!!

      • TS

        Lol yeah but he still thought it was a good deal! haha

    • Marie

      I too was getting confused about the XTRA coupons, the XTRA laundry det., the XTRA bucks and the PurEX detergent… too many XXX’s! Poor guy! No wonder they get frustrated when it comes to couponing!

      • TS

        LOL! So true!

  21. Gayla

    Aww, bless his heart! This is hilarious–thank you, Stephanie, for sharing this laugh with us! 😀

  22. Jessica W.

    LOL! This made my night. Absolutely love his effort, enthusiasm, and willingness to go though!!!!

  23. Maria

    Same thing happened to me. I had a coupon for FREE NESCAFE INSTANE COFFE MIX that i gave my husband while he was going to walmart. He came back so excited saying there was a $.75 peelie on the bottle and i used both the coupons. And you know what he did he scaned the $.75 coupons first at self check out and just dropped both coupons in the bin

    • DS

      Ouch, that would have hurt. Lol!! Losing a freebie over a mere $0.75. However, the Leslie would be on cloud 9 for someone using it instead of the freebie.. Hahaa 😀

    • Stacey

      Oh no!! That’s funny! and so sweet at the same time. I never know exactly how to react when things like that happen ’cause I don’t want to discourage him from trying, but oh my!

      I remember once convincing my hubby to trim the back of my hair. I have given him full haircuts for years, so I thought it would be nice if he just trimmed off the ends of my hair for me. He was VERY reluctant, but I told him all he had to do was cut off the end about 1/4″. After repeatedly showing him “no more than this much off” with my fingers, he started trimming. When he was done, I looked at the floor and saw 4″ pieces laying there. I expressed my surprise and asked him why so much. “Well, I had to get it straight!” He tried so hard to do a good job and had been so nervous that I couldn’t say much. But I’ve trimmed my own hair since! haha

  24. Steph

    Haha!! Sent my husband out ONCE with a few coupons!! It was a disaster! He got all the wrong sizes that he was supposed to get so the coupons wouldn’t work😩 he was so mad! And ended up not getting anything! Hahahaha!! He has never offered to help again. He also won’t use the reusable bags for some reason?!?!? I don’t get it:/ he’s insane!😜

    • Erin

      Sometimes I think that if they can’t do something (and show us in so many ways) then they won’t have to.

  25. Mary

    That’s priceless!

  26. Amy

    My husband does CVS for us and I am so grateful. He usually takes one of our children with him too:) Every once in a while the diapers are the wrong size and the shampoo is sometimes for color treated hair(which I don’t have)…but I’m just happy he is willing. It took me forever to get him to scan his cvs card twice at the magic coupon machine:)

  27. Heather C

    Buah ha ha!! My bestie & I always say that if we want couponing done correctly, we have to do it ourselves. We have each sent our hubbys numerous times with detailed written instructions, and they STILL manage to get it wrong. Thanks for the laugh 😊. I’m so glad to know I’m in good company

  28. Yoli

    Soooo funny!!! Definitely made a good Friday night laugh after the annoyance I’ve endured the past two hours. Thanks for sharing!! 👍 to this so willing & helpful hubby…

  29. Cassandra

    LOL! What a great story. In his defense, it took me almost as long to figure out what he did wrong as well. 😛

  30. lee

    I know you all say sounds like my husband but i am saying sounds like my wife. She never knows what store is what and does none of the shopping because of this. Rite Aid, CVS all the same to her.

  31. Cindy L

    At least he tried, my hubby feel embarrassed, when I hand the coupons to the cashier, he doesn’t want to wait for me or shop with me. 🙁 I do shopping by myself all the time.

  32. Carla

    LOL!!!! Aww

  33. Jean

    Hilarious! That would be my hubby too! I’m usually sending him detailed text messages, and then he would get frustrated and end up FaceTime’ing me to be sure he got everything correct 🙂

  34. Brianna

    My husband won’t even step into a store unless it either offers food or big boy toys to look at. He went to the grocery store a few years ago for a quick list of three or four items that are basic and easy to find. After two hours I drove to the store and found him standing in the aisle with a shopping cart full of items not on my list and desperately trying to find my basic items. He had no sense of the layout of a grocery store and had been going back and forth and up and down every aisle several times ‘looking’ for my items. He hasn’t been to a grocery store since. He couldn’t stay on task and find items off of a list, I wouldn’t dare send him with our 3 kids because it would completely distract him. Maybe one of these days I will train him how to grocery shop and send him with a store layout map.

  35. Shannon

    Sweet of him. But I bet I know what you were thinking “can return the pricey body washes but my coupons are still gone.” Woops!

    • Kim

      You get the value of the coupons back since they will get paid they can not keep it unless they give them back.

  36. Shelly

    Haha, here is one for you. When I was new to couponing, I would take an evelope of coupons in with me and the ones I was going to use I would hand to my Husband to hold until checkout. We continued through the store and of the 10 or so coupons I gave him, he only had 1 at checkout. He somehow managed to drop them and then couldnt find them. Ugh I was so frustrated.

    • Erin

      Oh my goodness! This sounds like my nine-year-old son! I guess I should be grateful that my husband (1) tries and (2) bombards me with texts and calls when he has questions (and there are a LOT of questions–even with easy-peasy, no coupons deals) 🙂

  37. Tammy

    Lol! I could see my hubby doing the same thing!!

  38. lilyonthevalley

    I am sure that you are heading back tomorrow to get the refund!

  39. paintfrog

    Lol This reminds me of one of my sisters. I got her started on shopping at CVS and rolling ECBs but she still likes to call me up while she’s in the store so I can talk her through it. There have been a few cases where she calls me right after checking out and telling me how good she did and then I realize she forgot to use a whole bunch of coupons or she used too many ecbs and ending up spending more than she needed at the time. 😛

  40. aV

    When I first started couponing my husband would begrudgingly help me. Then one day he uttered the dreaded phrase . . .”Is it worth the hassle?” Barely keeping it together, I marched him to the computer and made him register for a coupon class. Surprisingly, he kept the date and attended. The next food shopping trip, he voluntarily helped clip and gather coupons, went over the shopping plan/list with me and accompanied me to the supermarket. Standing beside me (still a little skeptical) I watched as his eyes widened when, after coupons, our total OOP dropped to nearly 27% of the original register total. All the way to the car he kept repeating “. . . we saved all that money and it’s for stuff we need and use too!”

    At the next opportunity, he repeated the same cooperative behavior with one exception. This time, upon loading our groceries on the belt, he confidently took all the coupons and shopping list from my hand, gently hip checked me and told me to go sit down and relax. As the total from the register dropped with every coupon he became more and more animated. When it reached 50% of savings, with a fistful of coupons still to go, he started the coupon dance. I was very proud of my convert.

    Then, after several more trips with the same scenario, I realized why he was being so considerate. He’s was a Savings Dance Hog! Bemused, I explained to him that it was only fair if we both share in the opportunity of “the Dance”. Now, when we go together, it feels more like a date than a chore. When he chooses to fly solo (with a few bumps along the way) it feels like a mini-vacay.

    • Paula

      So fun to read! You should be a writer! Oh wait, perhaps you are 🙂

    • Stacey

      Love, love, love this! Too cute!

    • Happymama

      Love it! I agree with Paula. It was like reading a suspenseful short story. I love to see men using coupons in the store! My fav is older/retired men using coupons. It just makes me smile 🙂

  41. B bitter

    You got the REAL DEAL if he is doing shopping WITH coupons for you!

  42. Gretchen

    Awww, poor guy! He tried, that’s worth $13. On the rare occasions I send my husband out, I just accept that he is going to spend $20 and come home with only 3-4 items, sometimes the help is worth a couple extra bucks. I hope he doesn’t feel bad. I sup you could take em back, but you’ll probably never see your coupons again!

  43. Whitney

    Too funny. I read this to my husband and he reminded me that I wouldn’t have any coupons if it wasn’t for him because I can never get the computer/printer to work 🙂
    So true. He is great when he goes couponing with me, sometimes even pointing out extra awesome deals when we’re in the store. One was even good enough that Collin posted it on here.

  44. Tory

    My husband always shows me his receipts “to see how he did.” I just smile and nod because he never uses coupons and hardly anything is on sale. When he introduces me he usually mentions that I’m a great couponer, I think he thinks I’m magical in someway. I’m just hip ;).

    • Candace Parker

      lol, cute! My husband tells people I have coupon voodoo.

  45. Jw123

    Aww that’s funny..he’s a keeper.

  46. Jaelindsey

    My hubby always come back with the product & the unused coupon. He always forgets to use them! It’s the thought that counts…

  47. Unknown

    Make him return it guys will do this kind of stuff on purpose

    • S

      No, no. Actually they don’t….they really try.

  48. mommyX4

    Aww this is too cute … he really tried … sounds like something my husband would do if i tell him to go couponing usually its me and my 4 kids and my daugther knows if she wants somethig find a coupon for it lol she lives coupons

  49. sherri

    Happened to me too… he used the coupons but bought the wrong brand so I saved nothing (was expenseive as hell actually) but he was so proud that I faked it and never told him.

  50. Jcooper5183@gmail.com

    Classic! This is soo my husband! He comes home saying things like “I don’t really feel like that was as good a deal as you were talking about, but I did exactly like you told me too…” He usually either goes to the wrong drug store OR forgets to split it into 2 different transactions for ECB’s or forgets the coupons. God Bless him, he tries! LOL

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