Stay Tuned for Something Special…

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Hip2Sing Album CoverUPDATE: My Premier Single “BIG Red Ball” is now available! Click HERE to watch the full music video and be sure to let me know what you think! 😀

Oh my gosh! I am so excited – I can barely stand it! Before I head off to bed, I wanted to leave you with a sneak peek of what’s to come in the next several hours on As you can see from the album cover above, I will be releasing my premier single called BIG RED BALL. Squeal! 😀

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Comments 93

  1. Gina

    I hope this is real and not an April fools joke. You’re adorable!

  2. Carole

    This is why I love you ❤️ 😂

  3. Michele

    Ahhhhhh the suspense!!! 😊

  4. Jen

    Looking forward to tomorrow!

  5. Elisa

    I can’t wait, lol

  6. Gina

    Also, this album should be a target exclusive…Big red ball!

  7. Tonya

    Is this the Target ball that you do your happy dance on?

  8. Amy H.

    Who doesn’t love TARGET! And H2S!

  9. Barb

    You’re hilarious! Can’t wait to see what you’ve cooked up!!!

  10. kaylan

    Yay! So excited!!!

  11. Norma

    Hmmmm? 🙇

  12. Kristine

    😂 I love reading your posts on April fools day 😂

  13. Allison

    I can’t wait! Great Collin, I love it!

  14. Jennifer

    Sooooo excited for tomorrow! Can’t wait!!! 😊

  15. Aya

    Will your album be available at target too?😂😂😂

  16. Chelsey

    I’ve been a fan of the site for a long time, and April 1st has always been my favorite day to visit! 🙂

  17. Liz Ob

    I hope you don’t joke about the deals. I’ll head to the store asking for Huggies for a $1 and your album!

  18. Dany

    Debbieeeeeee Harrrrry!

  19. Pammie

    My ❤️ belongs to Hip2Save!!! 😍

  20. Sandra

    Lol! Can’t wait! Hip 2 sing! Lol

  21. Jessica

    Suddenly, The Voice theme music is playing in my head 🎙This is The Voice🎙

    For about thirty seconds, I forgot tomorrow was April’s Fools Day

  22. Jodi

    Oh, and fyi…Colin really loves April fools day!

  23. April

    I am guessing it has something to do with raising money for kids in poverty…

  24. John

    Collin Rocks!!!!!!!

  25. pamiam

    Happy April Fool’s Day

  26. Jessica

    This will be my first April fools with you.. So excited!

  27. Mary O

    Love your outfit!! You rock Colin!!

  28. Wren

    Sounds fun!!! 😉

  29. claudia

    Tommorrow is the big day!!!! 🎉🎉🎉🎉

  30. Lisa

    I hope that we will get to see some new moves on that red Target ball. My granddaughter and I always make it a point to stop at the ball and try a few. We have great laughs, thanks for the inspiration.

  31. Denise G.

    My son recognizes those red balls the moment we get out of the car and yells “Ball!”

  32. Arty

    hahaha! Can’t wait for the fun!

  33. Jenifer L.

    Can’t wait to download the song and I hope the song comes with a music video.

    • Jennifer L.

      Yes, my wish came true, love the music video. It will make you into a Super Star.

  34. steph

    Lol 😂 I’m sure it’s a April fool joke but I’m still looking forward it

  35. Lisa

    I am sure it will be a day for lots of laughs!Hope that it includes some new moves on the big red ball.

  36. thehenrydthoreau

    ¡unɟ ǝʞᴉl sʞool sᴉɥ┴

    • Heather C.

      Um, HOW did you do that??? I wanna know!

  37. kt


  38. Pamela

    Still waiting…

  39. Kim Hoskins

    Happy April Fools Day! Can’t wait to see what you have in store today! Enjoy everyone!

  40. Denise

    Knowing that you love April fools day…this should be great!!

  41. michelle

    Bring it!! Soooo excited; 😉

  42. Lindsey

    I’m like a kid waiting for Christmas! Can’t wait till tomorrow!

  43. Julie

    Is it time yet? Is it? Is it? How much longer? I want it now. Please. please, pretty please.

  44. Lisa

    I could only read … “Before I head off to bed”.. dressed like that, your hubby is gonna love you (even more)! 🙂

  45. WNY Deals & To-Dos

    LOL! Collin you are the best! Happy April Fools Day! 🙂

  46. marie

    I love April fools on h2s!

  47. julie

    🙂 EXCITED 😊😆

  48. Pamela

    It’s 6:35am est and I’m waiting to see what April Fool’s joke’s will be aired today on Happy April’s Fool’s Day. If you know someone is pranking you – Play along, keep cool, & be on high alert all day.

  49. Emily

    look forward to the balls

  50. Yoli

    😂😂😂 I can’t wait!!

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