FREE Rotel Tomatoes at Farm Fresh & Other Stores (Must Load eCoupon Today)
If you have a Farm Fresh, Hornbachers, Shop ‘N Save, Shoppers Food or Cub Store nearby, you can score a FREE Ro*Tel 10 oz. Tomatoes (up to $1.69)! Keep in mind that you must load the offer to your card today, but the coupon doesn’t expire until 6/30/16. Click on the following store(s) to download your offer…
*Farm Fresh (located in NC and VA)
*Hornbacher’s (located in MN and ND)
*Cub Stores (located in IL and MN)
*Shop ‘n Save (located in IL and MO)
*Shoppers Food (located in MD and VA)
(Thanks, Free Stuff Times!)
I was excited to see this! Thanks for posting!
You’re welcome!