Get This FREE First Day of School Printable Sign (Pre-K thru College!)
You’re going to love this first day of school printable sign!
Make the new school year memorable with a printable first-day-of-school sign!
Are you and your kiddos excited and ready for the new school year?! How about all you parents?!
As we say goodbye to the fun memories of summer vacation, we look ahead to a new and wonderful school year. What better way to commemorate this picture-perfect moment than with a first day of school printable sign?!
While your kids may have mixed feelings about returning to school, let’s try to make it as fun and special as we can! These FREE first-day-of-school sign printables make a cute photo prop to commemorate the start of another school year and capture your child’s excitement.
I’ve designed 16 signs using this fun and stylish watercolor school supplies clip art with grades ranging from preschool all the way to college. There’s even an option for new or returning teachers who would like to save some memories from their career as an educator!
Let’s use these back-to-school signs to document these special milestones and celebrate our kids’ progress!
This is such an easy way to document these important milestones and commend your child’s growth. To use, just print the grade or grades you need for your kids. You could even put them in picture frames first, or use them as-is.
Print these now so you’re prepared ahead of time and not scrambling the morning of the big day. That usually happens to me!
Free First Day Of School Printable Signs:
- Preschool
- Pre-K
- Kindergarten
- First Grade
- Second Grade
- Third Grade
- Fourth Grade
- Fifth Grade
- Sixth Grade
- Seventh Grade
- Eighth Grade
- Ninth Grade
- Tenth Grade
- Eleventh Grade
- Twelfth Grade
- College
- Blank Sign for Teachers!
Not a student? Teachers, use our Blank Sign and fill in “First Day of ——” For example: “My 12th year of teaching 5th grade!”
Happy First Day of School, everyone!
We’re hoping all the students, teachers, administrators, and parents have a wonderful school year.
I love these signs. I have used them every year for my daughter; who is now in the 8th Grade. I use a glue stick and mount it to a stray piece of cardboard. And then my daughter stands next to the tree in our front yard for the photo. However, we moved a few years ago, so now she stands by a different tree. Great time table for her and the tree.
Oh i am so glad to hear you are enjoying them! Thanks Vicki!
What a wonderful way to chronicle your daughter’s first days.
Thank you! Love these
Great! You’re welcome. Have a great school year Jen!
I printed off a whole set (Preschool-12th grade) of first and last day signs for each of my kids when they started preschool. I keep them in a folder with other important papers and then just pull out the one I need and write on the date. Another thing I do is take ‘first day’ photos the day before school starts. This way we aren’t rushed the first morning.
I love this idea Andrea! Great tip – thanks.
Thank you for these! I have been using them since my son was in 3rd grade. He is now going to be a Senior! This has been a great ride!
Wow that is amazing! Thanks for sharing