Disney Passholders Special Offer: Park Hopper Tickets ONLY $79 For Friends & Family (Reg. $150)
Heading to Disney World soon? Through September 30th, Annual Passholders can purchase up to six 1-Day Park Hopper Tickets for only $79 each for same day admission to all four theme parks. This is quite a nice savings as these tickets typically sell for $150-$160 each! Wow!
Note that tickets are only available through Disney World theme park ticket windows and the Passholder must be present with their valid pass – tickets must be used on the day of purchase. For additional information and to check out other special offers, head on over here!
hey collin and team heads up! there is 50 cent off tetley tea coupons.com and this box of tea bags is at 1. 00 tree…. this tea is so good!
Sweet find! Thanks for sharing!
For only $6.58 an hour you can go to Disney World and stand in long lines! Originally $12.50 an hour!!
You absolutely do not have to wait in long lines.
Clearly you haven’t been to disneyworld or at least done it correctly lol. You fastpass ! You start with 3 and as soon as you use them on longer line attractions do other attractions with less wait time in between. Once those 3 fastpasses are used you are given 1 more to use repeatedly. But regardless the memories are priceless !!!
Um it was a joke…. Hardy haha!
Lol, when you put it that way it seems like a steal of a deal
Thanks for working hard to give us all the heads up on these great deals! I appreciate all of your hard work!
You’re welcome!
This is great thank you sooooo much for sharing
You’re very welcome!
That’s a great deal! Now if I only knew a passholder member for Disney world.
I’m an annual pass holder if you are trying to go on a Saturday
I have a question here. So if you are a passholder , aren’t you already allowed to go to Disney parks for free?
Yes. This is an offer that lets Passholders get NON-passholders into the park for half off the regular ticket prices.
Best parks recommendation for almost 4 years kiddos? Plus,which car rental service is good. Thanks
Magic kingdom hands down for the familiar characters
Definitely Magic Kingdom for toddlers. Of the other parks, Hollywood Studies is a draw for Frozen fans.
If you are staying on property, you don’t need a car. In most cases the Disney transportation buses are faster than walking to your car, driving to the park, parking and then walking or riding to the front. The buses just drop you off at the front. If you are not staying on property and renting, then I would say to just rent whichever one is easiest at the airport. I don’t have a lot of advice there because I just try to find the lowest rates wherever we rent cars out of town.
If you are just going to a one park, then magic kingdom for sure. Be sure to get there before the park opens. They do a “rope drop” ceremony where the characters come in via the train and it is fun for the kids to watch and it starts 5-10 mins before the park is scheduled to open. If you are driving and not taking the resort transportation, plan on it to take 30-40 mins to get from your car to the entrance of Magic Kingdom. You have to park and then take the boat or monorail over and there are usually lines to load on these and then they take time getting over there too.
Ahh…what a good deal, now I need to purchase 4 tickets from a Passholder!!
Anyone want to volunteer??
Is this good for Disneyland as well? Or just Disney World?
It’s a park hopper ticket so disney world only I assume
Thank you, Bethany!
It is hotter than Hades here in Orlando! I give props to anyone who can stand in those lines all day in this weather.
It is SO hot here. I don’t know how people do it either. We are passholders so enjoy going for a couple hours and then going home
Totally agree-husband was born in Miami (a rare native) and he couldn’t handle the heat. It’s been awful and sadly I bet Sept will be just as hot. We laugh at tourists drinking sodas, they are asking for heat stroke! Lol
That’s not very nice. I personally cannot stay hydrated with just water so yes I drink beverages with sugar/salt. Water follows salt in the body and for me, sugar helps. It’s biology—-
Someone’s always offended. Lol I get it
Depending on the amount of days you are visiting and where you are staying the current fall offer is actually cheaper than this discount.
Can you share the link for that offer?
If you need any help or would like me to give you a quote, I am a Disney travel consultant. All my services are free! You can email me mandy@lovethemousetravel.com or find me on Facebook