USPS: First-Class Forever Stamps Will Increase From 47¢ to 49¢ (Starting January 22nd)
Did you hear about the upcoming United States Postal Service changes? Starting January 22nd, 2017, the price of First-Class Forever Mail Stamps will increase from 47¢ per stamp to 49¢ per stamp. All other letters and postcard rates will remain the same. Go here for more details.
(Thanks, Freebies for a Cause!)
Please remember USPS is self funded. It’s actually very affordable for a card to travel from one coast to another for less than 50 cents. Think about all the traveling, sorting etc. pieces of mail have to go through before it can get to an individual.
It may be very affordable but like with anything, income doesn’t usually change and everything still goes up in price. It’s about what we can afford as an individual.
If it’s that big of a financial drain, use free e-cards instead. No internet? Libraries are free. But since your on h2s you clearly have internet access.
How ignorant are you? She stated the stamps are expensive because the price constantly goes up. Smh
You get what you pay for. The USPS is a money suck disaster.
Boxed has Forever stamps at 100 Count for $46.75, and there are two promos you can use:
1. If you have an Amex card, look in your Amex Offers in your account for cash back on a Boxed purchase – Spend $50 or more, get $15 back.
2. If it is your first purchase at Boxed, use my link and you’ll get $15 off your first order of $60 or more:
Collin, I assume that you have already received the max referral benefits from Boxed. If not, please feel free to delete my link!
You can use both promos at once, btw.
thanks for mentioning this. i just used your link and got $15 off my forever stamps and a couple jars of peanut butter great deal heres my link if anyone wants to use it
Thank you so much for this reminder, plus saw that I had a 5 this offer as well. Also went through ibotta for 2% as well. Woo-hoo!
Meant “5 guys”. Here’s is my code as well “YR94P”
Did you also mean ‘ebates’, instead of ‘ibotta’?
I see that ebates is 2% – ibotta is 10%! so I want to use ibotta. did you get the $2 & $15 sign up/referral and the $15 amex credit plus ebates/ibotta too? (that’s an AWESOME deal!
) TIA!
Your link has been used as many times as possible. I tried using it but they didny give you the bonus.
I also tried to use your link, but it said you were popular and wouldn’t allow me to use it. Here is my code if anyone needs it “CPHMI”. Thanks!
Thanks! Used your code and got $15 off. Also used $2 credit that was in my new account and scored 2 free samples and free shipping. So happy to skip the post office this time of year and so happy they have kind bars. My fam loves them! Here’s my link for $15 off .
Thank you, Ladies!
One more thing:
If you have more than one Amex, open a different tab or browser window for each account you have, and find the Boxed offer on each account. Then add the offer to each account. If you have the accounts all open at one time, you can add an offer to all of them.
Didn’t they just drop the price from $0.49 to $0.47 in the last year or so???
I think so!
They did! The law that put the .49 in place expired. I knew it was only a matter of time til they raised it. I agree. Every time they raise it, I cut back on letters or mailing gifts.
USPS has increased their prices at a MUCH lower rate than any other company. With the cost of everything going up how could USPS stay in business if they didn’t increase? I don’t think 2 cents is going to break anyone’s bank…
Gonna have to stock up now
thanks for the heads up!!
You’re welcome!
Thank you, Collin! I didn’t know this, I will have to stock up.
You’re welcome Denise!
This makes me glad I pay our bills online now. Almost 50 cents to mail a letter is crazy.
Crazy is right! Especially when I usually receive my neighbors mail!! Or have to pick it up from the side of the road. Ugh . Wish there was a better option.
AGREE. My neighbors and I are constantly getting each other’s mail and/or packages. We swap at least once a week. One time I had the three house surrounding mine mail in my box! If I was this careless with my job people would be dead. We are all human, but it’s frustrating time after time!!
Well said!
I went to an electronic Christmas card/letter for the majority of my friends and family due to the cost of postage and cards. I still send a few in the mail to those I don’t see often and/or don’t have email or Facebook.
It is good to use with the if you have Amex offer. Spend $50 get $15 credit back to the account. On top of that if you use my link you will get $15 off $60 and free shipping . Win win
Here is my link
You should all know that USPS will be raising the price of stamps and packages as well again in April 2017. So you should stock up now while the stamps at only 47 cents. Happy Holidays fellow H2S pals. And thank you to the H2S team for making things a bit more affordable.
just did the AMEX $15 cash back and used someones link above for $15 more off forever stamps and a couple jars of peanut butter use my link
Please understand before you start throwing out judgements that the price of stamps amongst other things is what pays my salary. I’m s carrier and it’s extremely hard work that goes unappreciated. We deliver in all weather at all times of day. Pouring rain in 39 degree weather with the wind blowing at 20 mph and yup I’m still out there. So when the cost of a stamp goes up it means I’m getting a small well deserved pay raise so I thank you for that extra 2 cents it costs you now.
I say the same about newspaper carriers. They are independent contractors who don’t get benefits or days off- i.e. Christmas, New Years
But you do get paid pretty well for a job that doesn’t even require a college degree. Understand it’s a hard job, but a lot of us have hard physical jobs making less with a master’s or more and don’t expect or get kudos and gifts. Much less great government benefits and retirement. At Xmas I feel like all I do is buy gifts for teachers, delivery people, etc.. it really adds up and a lot are lucky to even get cost of living increases. I love what I do just seem to hear so much from a few professions how hard it is, when there are a ton of jobs that are hard.
My theory is this: if to get the education required to do your chosen job costs more than what would you would make working full time in that field in a normal year before taxes you need to pick something else that actually makes money regardless if you love it or not. Love doesn’t pay the bills.
Tell that to your Dr next time. Thankfully unlike you there are people that pursue their passion not just money
Wow. No one forces you to buy gifts for these people and if a 2 cent raise in postage invites you to post ugliness like this I feel sorry for you. Why don’t you take what you said about the USPS people and insert military personnel into it…I’m sure you wouldn’t have the coconuts to say something like that about them. I appreciate all service industry people no matter their education or pay. This time of year if you have the extra cash it’s nice to get a gift for them. If you can’t afford it don’t. It’s simple. Belittling people is free so I suppose you can give that out all you want this holiday season.
Yes Beth you are correct my job is not physically hard at all. Facing the elements being attacked by dogs, having to pick up packages that weigh 100 Lbs no I have it easy thank you for reminding me.
Not to mention most that work at the post office actually have degrees and are ex military. Some people are so judgmental. I should stop reading the comments.
My husband is a carrier also. He is a rural carrier so he uses his own vehicle to deliver mail in. He gets a small mileage payment for doing so but the 100 miles a day he puts on his car on dirt roads is tough. We appreciate so much what carriers, clerks, post masters, mail delivery drivers, and everyone else at usps do. For less than fifty cents I can mail a letter across the country and it get there in just a matter of days. I can mail a letter across my same state and it get there the next day. There are good postal workers out there. They took an extremely hard test they had to pass to even be employed by the postal service. Not everyone can memorize like the job requires. My husband has over 500 mailboxes he delivers to five days a week and he has everyone memorized by name and address. Not only is it his job, but he cares about people and he knows the people on his route need their mail. Everyone on his route loves him and will flag him down when we are out in town, just to speak a kind word to him. I hate when people act like their college degree is better than a postal carrier. Like it or not, the postal system is much needed and they deserve every penny they make. My husband is very blessed that he has a job that pays the bills and he enjoys. It fulfills him to know he can help many people by delivering their packages and paper mail.
Rachel, tell your hubby thanks for all he does! We moved about a year ago and now have a rural carrier, that is awesome! Great personality, we’ve never received any of the neighbors mail and he always tucks packages close to the house on the porch so they can’t be seen by the road. I’m thankful for the service they provide and am happy to pay the small increase. The fact that I can send a letter from WA to a relative in Florida for under 50 cents is a bargain to me!
Thank you and tell him thank you too I am also a rural carrier so I know first hand what he goes through.
Thank you for all that you do! Your job is so underrated and people do not understand the difficulties you face so they can get a letter.
Thank you very much. I try very hard.
Tanya, thank you for your hard work. It must hurt to see your profession belittled,
although I don’t think that was anyone’s intent. I happen to be one of the people who
still marvels at the idea of an envelope able to travel from coast to coast in a few days
for less than the cost of a pack of gum. So hurray for mail carriers!
Tanya, I sent packages to Russia to my family. The only option I can use is express because I can track it. Anything non-tracked will never get there (trust me I tried). Last package I sent was 20 lbs – gifts for 3 family members. It cost me $220 to ship. About same size package used to be $150 only about 2 years ago. How can you justify that kind of increase? And here is a real kicker – I flew round trip with 2 40 lbs bags for $600 this year. It’s basically cheaper to fly if you convert costs into per pound basis.
Long story short – the shipping cost is outrageous, especially when shipped internationally.
I’m sorry I had nothing to do with the cost of your packages or them getting there.
Nels, have you checked the price of the other shipping services to ship international? I have a small business and send dozens of packages to other countries every month and USPS by far has the best rate to any country unless you purchase a whole pallet on a cargo ship or something. And USPS has very limited control of international shipments. You said yourself you have to use express because otherwise it’s not trackable and doesn’t get there (because the postal served on the other end is not efficient or trustworthy, not the USPS’s fault). To hold them accountable requires a lot of money. In the USA we take daily mail delivery for granted, most countries don’t have that, so it’s significantly more expensive to have a package tracked the entire way and delivered on a certain date in a place where there isn’t going to be a postal worker going to their house everyday anyway like there is here. Tracked international packages also have to go through customs places that aren’t full of shady people swiping your packages (which costs more money) – it isn’t the USPS’s fault that other countries have an inferior system.
I hate the post office. I drive packages around for a week before I drag myself there. Why? It’s a time suck. I ship packages internationally and no one can ever seem to process intake in under 10 minutes. Stuff gets lost, mail gets delivered to the wrong place… But, I see my local carrier out there in all weather trying his best. And it’s still the cheapest way to send mail. So. I guess $0.49 isn’t so bad.
USPS offers free package pickup so you don’t have to waste time there. I use it all the time!!
For international packages?
No. I tried going online and arranging pick-up for international – the moment you select it – it tells you to go to branch. At least that was the case a year ago when I checked
The USPS will pick up any package, international included, as long as you’re doing it right. No offense intended, but a lot of people have complaints about the USPS that are self-induced and caused by not knowing what to do and not reading up on their perceived problem. Most problems that aren’t caused by our own ignorance are caused by others – i.e. the line at the post office being long because people take in individual items to the post office to ship and have to ask about the half dozen shipping options, package the item, fill out forms, etc. I have a small business and ship about 1000 packages a month. In the last year I have had exactly ZERO domestic packages lost (about 10 were misrouted and took a few extra days, and maybe two got lost in other countries). And if you feel packages cost too much to ship, don’t buy the postage from the post office – it’s 20-50% cheaper to purchase and print online from home. Even if you don’t use a postage printing service you can still do it right from the USPS website (at a lesser discount, but a discount nonetheless). I do take my packages to the post office because I don’t want to fill up my letter carriers truck with 40 packages, but at the post office I skip the line and just put the box of packages on the counter (at their request) and leave because they don’t need scanned while I watch.
The USPS website tells you to go to the branch for international packages because they assume people doing it at home on their own are going to screw it up. If you genuinely know the right way to ship it from home, you can do it. And you don’t ‘need’ to schedule a package pickup, they’ll pick it up even when it is not scheduled. I believe what scheduling the pickup does is gives your letter carrier some added time in how long their route is expected to take, so they appreciate you scheduling, but they aren’t going to refuse your package if you didn’t schedule it for pickup the day before.
Yes we will come to you and get your packages
Used someone else’s link. Here’s mine if someone wouldn’t mind (you get $15 off). Thanks!
I used your link, thanks!
I agree with Kelly and Tanya. We’ve been lucky enough to have great mail carriers over the last 36 years and I’m sure they’re the majority. Being a newspaper carrier for 19 years helping my sons, I know how hard it was to be out there day after day in some rough weather and that doesn’t compare with a whole day. Two extra dollars for 100 stamps seems fair for people who work so hard.
I used someone else’s link above. Here’s mine if someone else would like to use it for $15 off. Thanks so much.
I used some one link and save a lot with my Amex card. Here is my link
I used someones code, if someone would please use mine. thanks
I used someone’s link above. This is a good deal paired with the $15 back from Amex and $15 off $60 if you go through someone’s link. Shipping is free too on your first order. I added granola bars to my order of stamps. If someone wouldn’t mind using my link, I would be grateful:
I just used some one link and got $15 off $60 plus get $15 back to Amex for spend $50. It save a lot of money. I forget to mention that you will get $2.50 for sign up also.
Here is my link
I used someone’s link… here is mine for $15 off! And you will get $2.50 for signing up! Great deal to be had. I got stamps and then peanut butter and napkins “free”!
Used someone else’s link and would love it if someone could use mine! I got 100 stamps, two 40+ oz jars of peanut butter, pasta sauce, and two free samples for $45! If you use my link you’ll save $15 off of $60.
Used someone else’s link and would love if someone could use mine!
If you use my link, will get $15 off of $60 plus free shipping and also works with the American Express offer!
Anyone have Kohl’s cash$10 off $30 or $10 off $50??? I’m willing to trade 2 from vs $25 sports pants and 2nd the bath and body works free item with $10 purchase..message me at….btw I got free shipping code and $20 off $20 cards at shutterfly!
I wish I did! I’d trade for the shutterfly free shipping code!
But I don’t think I have anything to trade. All I know of it the 25% off (good until tomorrow) :/
But if you find yourself not going to use the shipping code anyhow, I would LOVE to have it!
Ibotta has 10 percent back in Boxed. Can you use the American Express card and someone’s refer all to still get the $15 off twice?
Yes. You just use the code part of the offer. My code was 9KFGY
Thanks to all of the delivery people out there who deliver my non-stop packages. I shop mostly online because I have a hard time walking and USPS, UPS and Fedex does a great job. They work tirelessly. I know 1st hand. My husband has been a Fedex courier for 19 years and works 14 hour days. Let’s give them their respect and also let’s please be kind to each other. It must hurt Collin to see her site used for divisiveness.
If anyone needs a BOXED code to get $15 off $60, mine is below.
Thank you. Perfect timing for all the Christmas cards i am sending out. Here is my link to bosed if anyone is interested.
I used your link Kristi. Happy Holidays!
Here is my link to boxed if anyone is new like me. I was buying stamps anyway and bonus free 15$ to spend on something else. Use my link and get $15 of a $60 order.
Thanks so much, Kristi! I just used your link
I used your link Kristi. Here is my link to Boxed if anyone is interested.
Hello, please use my link to get $15 off of $60 which means free $15 worth of product if you purchase the stamps!
Here’s my link!
Here is my referral link for new Boxed customers to save $15:
I praise all the delivery workers, even my mail woman that leaves my mailbox open 80% of the time so that I can get soaked and gummed up bills. It’s hard work and not something I can do so I appreciate them for it. That said, we all work hard and want to save which is why we are on Hip2Save, so let’s be kind to one another, even when we don’t agree, we can still be tactful. I don’t get tips at my job although cost of living increases & pray that I get a raise every few years because the company may say they didn’t make as much money therefore no raises but the CEO will surely get his. Anyway I’m done venting now. Thank you to all that work the postal/delivery work. God bless you.
I used a link above. I would really appreciate it if someone used my link. Thanks so much!
bethany i used your code
I used a code above at checkout. Please consider using mine. Thanks!
I just used Bethany’s code .Thank you. Someone please consider using mine
Thank you! Happy Holidays and Happy shopping! EYM5I
You do need to spend $60. Don’t forget to enroll your Amex card for another $15 savings .
I used Jenny’s link above. If you would like to use mine to save your $15 (off your $60 order), I’d be very grateful! That’s $15 worth of ‘freebies’ if you were getting stamps anyway.
I’m ordering stamps + some snacks that will come in handy for my kids lunches, plus you get 2 free samples! And I activated my $15 credit on my AMEX card, plus I’m going to try going through Ibotta too, for another 10%. 
here’s my link: Thanks so much for considering mine!
I used the link above! Please consider using my link to get the $15 credit
Also, don’t forget to go through ebates for 2% cash back! Every little bit helps
I also used a link above. Please consider using my link as well.
Happy Holidays!!
Hey guys!! Used someone else’s link!!! Omg great savings here is my link if you want to use
thanks happy holidays and savings!!
I used the link above if someone wants to use mine! Merry Christmas!!!
Hello Fellow Hip2Savers! I used someone else’s link if someone would like to use mine! You will get a $15 credit….woo hoo!
Thanks in advance and Happy Holidays to you and yours
This is why I love this site so much!
46.75 stamps
2.99 Ketchup (44 oz)
11.99 coconut milk (6)
7.19 Barilla angel hair and linguini (6)
-$15 first timer promo code
-$2 in my account (first timer?)
-$15 AMEX offer
-$5.19 (10% ibotta)
Discounts on stamps plus free food!
My offer code is 9KFGY if the above codes have already been used. I went through several before I got to one that worked
My ibotta rebate is pending – I actually got credit for the full cart, $6.89!
And my full email
me too! i’m getting back $6.77 from ibotta! (currently pending) but that’s what i was hoping for. in the ibotta terms, it says the gross amount, minus taxes & shipping (which were both $0 anyhow;)!
my first total was $67.72, but after ALL the discounts – the final amt is $28.95! (I got 100 forever stamps, plus 3 big box items, plus 2 samples!) YAY!!!
If anyone needs a link for discount please feel free to use mine. I used one on this page too..thanks!
Here is my link, I used another hip2 saver’s link.
$15 off their first Boxed order of $60
An extra $0.02 is nothing, people. Completely worth it to get an actual holiday card or letter in the mail rather than some silly e- card or (lazy) Facebook message!
We are so spoiled in this country. Many spots don’t even offer daily mail delivery, much less only ask less than fifty cents for the service.
Be grateful.
Great way to stock up on stamps and other things I sometimes get from Amazon Pantry! If anyone needs a code to save $15:
If someone is still interested in this great deal, here is my referral link! Thanks and Happy Holidays!
It is good to use with the if you have Amex offer. Spend $50 get $15 credit back to the account. On top of that if you use my link you will get $15 off $60 and free shipping . Win win
Here is my link
What an awesome deal! If you have the Amex offer for Boxed it’s like getting 100 stamps for $35 and over $20 of free groceries. I got 100 stamps, 4 hand soaps, a big bottle of ketchup, 32 little bags of chips, and a jar of peanuts for $30.29 after I get the Ibotta credit back. Here is my link if anyone wants to try it out.
Here is my link – I used someone else’s!