Have You Checked Your Credit Score Lately? Get Your Score FREE (No Credit Card Required)
Did you know that experts recommend you check your credit score at least once per year?
If you’re planning on making a large purchase in the near future and/or just want to get an update on your credit score and report, consider heading over to Credit Sesame to get your credit score completely FREE as well as $50K identity theft insurance, identity protection AND credit monitoring!
Credit Sesame is a 100% FREE personal finance credit, debt management, and credit monitoring tool with NO credit card required or trial period. Go here to sign up and get your FREE credit score!
You can also get your free credit score and monitoring service from CreditKarma.com. This site is wonderful, and you don’t have to give credit card info either! You get your score free from Transunion and Equifax. You also get email alerts for new credit report activity. I highly recommend it!
Most major credit card companies offer free credit score as part of their member services.
I think I’ll need you to post a wine deal before I can check my credit score. 🍸
😂 love it
Haha Good Thinking!!
Here you go! https://hip2save.com/2017/01/20/have-a-favorite-wine-please-share-score-6-bottles-of-wine-corkscrew-for-under-36-shipped/ 🍷
Hahahahahahahaha, agreed!
I second the credit karma. The app is great and easy to use.
Mint.com also gives you credit score.
Credit karma is great and monthly
It’s weekly not monthly
Free score with discover card. Updates your score monthly. Love it;-D
I haven’t checked mine in two years and I’m quite scared. I’m pretty sure it’s at a -5🤔
I agree with credit karma! I have raised my score by checking it monthly. I’m finally able to say that I have good credit
LOL, don’t want to know mine. I know it is bad. Might try in the future but not now.
I use credit karma also and I love it! Hubby uses it too and he was able to pay off a collection he had from 15 years ago he didn’t even know about it.
OR…all you have to do is go to TransUnion or Equifax website and request it directly. Free once a year. Leaves out the third party having your info.