BuildABear Workshop Event: Easter Furry Friend Savings + Free Hide & Go Beep Chip (April 15th)
Hip Hop over to your nearest Build A Bear Workshop Tomorrow!
Tomorrow, April 15th, head over to your local Build A Bear Workshop for their Hip Hop Hooray event. From 1PM-2 PM and 4PM-5PM local time tomorrow, you can take a selfie with Pawlette the Build A Bear Bunny. Plus, kids will score a FREE set of paper bunny ears to wear while dancing and bunny hopping along to fun music.
While you are there tomorrow, take advantage of special in-store only deals like buy one Make Your Own Furry Friend priced at $12 or more and get an Easter Furry Friend for just $15.
Plus get a free Hide & Go Beep sound chip ($5 value!) with the purchase of any Easter Furry Friend both in-store and/or online.
And spend $25 or more in-store and get the option to purchase a $10 Build A Bear Gift Card for only $5!
Is the $15 only tomorrow or could we do the buy one get one for $15 today?
They are running that promo now, so you could grab that deal today! 🙂
I have BAB gift cards if anyone is interested in swapping for gas or restaurant gift cards