FREE Sample Pregnancy Anti-Nausea Drops
Are you expecting or know someone who is?
Head over to to request a FREE Sample of Lemon-Ginger Flavored Morning SickLESS Anti-Nausea Drops! To claim this offer, just place the sample in your cart and head to checkout where your total will be $0 shipped!
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Any suggestions for pregnancy sickness??
Ginger hard candies! They work really well and it doesn’t matter what brand.
There is a relatively new prescription drug called Diclegis (Diclectin in Canada) which is FDA approved as a Category A drug for pregnancy and helps with morning sickness. A Category A drug means that it was tested on pregnant women and did not cause any birth defects in the offspring. Even drugs like Tylenol, which most pregnant women think are safe to use, hasn’t been given that rating.
I also agree with aldeau’s suggestion of ginger candies.
I was miserably miserably sick with both of my daughters. With my second daughter somebody suggested these bands that they usually use to help with motion sickness. They look kinda like sweatbands but use acupuncture. I was skeptical but desperate for anything that would help. They were amazing. Fairly cheap and they absolutely work you can find them on Amazon and in any drugstore. I wore them all summer long and didn’t have nausea anywhere near as bad when I was wearing them.