Home Depot: Delta Elongated Toilet Only $149 Shipped (Regularly $219)

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Need a new throne for your bathroom? 💩

Today only, head on over to HomeDepot.com where they are offering up this Delta Corrente 2-piece Elongated Toilet for only $149 shipped (regularly $219).

This toilet is easy to install and features the Delta exclusive SmartFit tank-to-bowl connection to eliminate potential leaks. The elongated bowl and chair height provide greater comfort, while a quick-release seat allows for easy cleaning.

This purchase includes everything you need to remove your old toilet including a pair of disposable gloves, a disposable scraper, a sponge and a cloth – no additional tools are required to assemble and install.

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Comments 26

  1. errrr

    I bought a house with elongated toilets that have a water-saving feature. Not to be TMI, but when you go #2, you have to aim far back. Otherwise, the poo will fall on the front, long part of the toilet where there is no water (due to the water-saving feature). It will stay there even after you flush. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve had to manually dump water on the poo with my Waterpik water reservoir to get the poo down. Evidently, my co-worker’s 7 year old kid has the same issue at my co-worker’s house. Does this mean that I don’t know how to #2 like an adult? Or does anyone else have this issue?

    • Marie

      yep same here. Brand new house with these type toilets and a potty training child. Her and I have the same prob cuz i dont like to touch the toilet lid with my back so i scoot forward. LOTS of manual flushes in this house hahah

      • Agreed

        Same here! My husband put a new one in his bathroom. About a year later he tells me he is going to replace my standard size one in my bathroom with one just like it, I yelled NO! And then he was like “Why???” How do I explain all of this to my husband….I just told him I am not talking about this anymore, but if you put one in…I’m taking a baseball bat to it. Lol I hate them.

        • Yar


      • shawna

        Yeah, i have to roll up towels behind my daughter to be comfortable lol

    • jenn_516


    • Carrie

      Thanks for the input because I’m in the market for a toilet! I’ve been eyeing the elongated ones because I’m beginning to wonder if our old round ones are too small for most people (it’s the guest bath).

      This toilet still looks pricey to me though, I was just looking at it earlier at the HD website lol.

    • Wren

      Ok…. that is awful!!! I feel bad for you guys. And you end up wasting much more water probably in the long run for a dumb ‘water saving’ toilet. 😩

      • errrr

        Not to be TMI again, but the husband drinks a lot of water and goes #1 A LOT in a day, everyday. I go #1 a normal amount, I think. We each #2 once per day. We have no kids. Since there are much more #1 flushes than #2 flushes at our house, we DEFINITELY save water, even with the manual flushes. Even when I manually flush my poo, I only need 1 Waterpik reservoir’s worth of water each time, which is normally only once a day. That said, I DETEST looking at poos. I hate having to turn around after I flush to see whether or not I have some loitering poos hanging around in my toilet.

  2. Jill

    I have the same issue with mine and so hated it. But found pouring hot water over it makes it flush down even faster. Hope this helps you too, errrr.

  3. hugmebeer

    Thanks for the reviews guys!!!

  4. Collin (Mrs. Hip)


    • VaNeSteR

      I can’t stop giggling.

  5. Beth

    Thanks for the feed back, good to know 🙂

  6. Jessica

    This sounds like a really crappy toilet. 💩💩💩

    • Couponer

      No pun intended lol

  7. Cristine

    At least you’ll never miss an opportunity to view your poo. Sometimes with traditional toilets you’re curious and then it just shoots straight down the hole before you even flush!😹

    • Collin (Mrs. Hip)


    • Cat


  8. Jill2

    On the good side note, at least you have the opportunity to check your 💩 if have any gastrointestinal problems….Thanks Collin for this post. Reviews here can’t help me stop giggling! Happy Friday everyone!

    • Collin (Mrs. Hip)

      Lol! You’re so welcome! 😉

  9. Manuela

    We are in need of new one too and now I am reading over the poohoo comments about elongated i guess ill keep looking. We had to replace one last year (better yet the flooring people had too since they broke our porcelain throne while installing new flooring after a flood) anyways they bought us a hyper advanced one with motion detection flush (you wave your hand over some sort of button) (crappiest thing ever won’t flush #2 down or bring it back up) so all our guests/ visitors are warned “please don’t use the crappy porcelain throne for your “big business”)

  10. Jamyules

    Newest home trends are elongated vs. round and taller.
    I’ve also been told at HD and Lowes the #2 issues, caught in bowl is the future. Water levels are VERY low so even if it’s not caught on tI’m very top it will get caught further down. Wth. Can’t they leave the toilet alone. It’s personal!

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