How to Keep Your Chopped Veggies Fresh Longer
Do you struggle to keep sliced veggies from spoiling quickly? 
I know I definitely do! However, lately I’ve been trying to spend a little more time chopping and storing produce in air tight containers, instead of just throwing everything in the fridge still in the clear plastic produce bags. I’m finding that if veggies are conveniently ready to grab and go, then my family is more likely to eat them as healthy snacks or in quick salads.
Here are some simple strategies to keep fresh veggies lasting longer to avoid having them spoil faster than you’re able to use them.
1.) Keep lettuce/salad greens stored in a container lined with paper towel.
When bringing home fresh lettuce from the grocery store, wash it, and run it through a salad spinner. Then store it loosely in a covered container lined with paper towels. This will help it keep crisp for up to a week!
2.) The paper towel trick also works for storing bell peppers.
Wash and sliced bell peppers, then store in an airtight container lined with a paper towel.
3.) Keep chopped carrots and baby carrots in water.
Ever notice how carrots can become dried out and limp when stored in the fridge? Keep them stored in a covered container with fresh water to keep them crunchy.
4.) Layer sliced cumbers in a covered container and top it with a paper towel.
Store the container in the fridge upside down and the towel will soak up any extra moisture and keep them crunchy.
Written by Lina for Hip2Save. Lina is a proud mom of 2 small kids who loves photography, all holidays, cooking, thrift store makeovers, bargain shopping, and DIY makeovers. Her goal is to create a beautiful life and stylish home on a dime! To see all of Lina’s DIY/Crafts created just for Hip2Save, click here.
I do the paper towel trick with lettuce but haven’t tried it with other veggies- thanks! Also had been doing it on top of produce and not underneath- will have to try and see if it makes a difference
I do this with fresh fruit as well, i.e. strawberries, blackberries and raspberries and find it really helps. I also turn the container upside down so the fruit that was sitting on the bottom is now on top.
Awesome! Thanks for sharing
Tupperware makes some amazing containers that have vents on them. You open/close the # of vents corresponding to which veggie/fruit your storing. Work fantastic!
Love these tips! Keep them coming

Thanks Jackie!
At my local farm, they told me to freeze green peppers by slicing the peppers and putting on a cookie sheet to freeze for 10 minutes. Then put the green peppers in a zip lock bag and they will not freeze together.
Oh nice! I love bell peppers and will try.
I pre cut green pepper and put in storage container put paper towel in first and the peppers last really nice. Will have to try and freeze
This also works for celery and green onion
Love these tips! I hate seeing produce go to waste
I know same here! Thanks Erin!
Any tips on storing freshly picked tomatoes? TIA. By the way,
posts like this.
Store your tomatoes stem side down. They will last longer that way!
I make salad in jars, they usually are still crisp at day 3. Can get 1-2 more days if I vacuum seal the jars.
I thought I was the only person who did this! Lol. It helps SO much, I would highly recommend anyone who doesn’t do this to give it a try!
I just started doing this with the lettuce and I was amazed at how well it worked! Thanks for the great tips!
We do this too! Great post just a side note never store fruits/veggies in the plastic bags. It makes them rot faster they need to breath just store them while in the crisper draw. You will notice a difference.
I place my bell peppers and celery in water after cutting them and I find they are still crispy also.
What about whole potatoes?
Potatoes should be stored in a cool (not cold), dry, dark place where they can get air circulation. And never store them near onions or apples. They will encourage each other to spoil more quickly.
Debbie Meyer green boxes are excellent for storing both fruits and vegetable. I do NOT wash prior to putting in boxes. I cut peppers in chunks (unwashed) and put in box. Berries I lay on top of paper towel (unwashed). You can also wrap peppers and English cucumbers (removed plastic seal carefully) and wrap tightly in Press N Seal. I have had them keep up to 2 weeks. Have large boxes that I keep on counter with tomatoes and breads in them. With just 2 of us I have cut the waste way down. Amazon and HSN carry these boxes…I prefer the ones that the lids fit over as opposed to the ones that press inside but both work equally as well.
I recently started chopping up veggies and layering them in mason jars for quick-grab salads. We keep salad dressing as the first layer. Using the ball mason jars with the 2 piece lids, I have them last at LEAST 5 days! The leafy greens are still crisp and yum!
@Crystalsnow…I do that too! Everyone, it’s a good idea to make sure your greens are bone dry and that way they’ll keep for 5 days in the mason jar. From the bottom to the top I layer….salad dressing, cooked quinoa, carrots, red bell peppers, cucumbers (if not seedless remove the seeds to minimize any watery leakage), cherry tomatoes, chunks of feta cheese and chopped romaine (seems to last longer than other lettuces).
I have been spending more time with prep as well and this way I can also buy organic. I have done the same with cutting up fruit but not as consistent.
Don’t forget about herbs too…wrap them in paper towel and you store them in Ziploc bag. Or use Ecobags like I do for my produce I don’t want to chop just yet.
Yes great point! I do that also
I’m not a big prepper but this definitely gives some good ideas in case you need to!
When I use mushrooms I keep them in the container they come in. I put paper towel in before I put the plastic wrap back over before closing up. It absorbs the moisture. The mushrooms stay fresher longer.
Any tips for keeping cut up melons (watermelon, canteloupe, honeydew, papaya, etc)?
Since dark green leafy veggies are healthier I enjoy spinach, arugula, and kale. I too was finding it difficult to keep these fresh and tried putting them in cold water in the refrigerator. Works like a charm. BTW, I love combining any two of these (with a small amount of salad dressing) in my salads.
I keep leafy greens and herbs wrapped in very slightly damp paper towels sealed in a plastic ziplock baggie, making sure to “burb” all the air out before sealing. Works great!
Great tip! Thanks for sharing!
Will this Trick work for all vegetables? And will it actually increase its shelf life?
You can keep all your herbs fresh by sticking them in a glass of water stem down like you would flowers they will last at least a week just remember to change out the water every 1 to 2 days. I would also add as a side note you can keep many of the ends of vegetables like onion, chives, leek, potato etc and regrow. Lettuce and other greens can be kept in a pot and trimmed leaving a few inches and they will continue to grow back. Peeling and slightly wilted or less desired veggies can be saved and used to make broth too.
SO cool! Thanks for these tips, Kat! Super helpful.
I’ll have to remember this!