Amazon: FREE Baby Welcome Box w/ $10 Baby Purchase (Prime Members Only)
Expecting or know someone who is? 
For a limited time, Amazon Prime members who create an Amazon baby registry and make over $10 of purchases from their registry not including taxes, gift cards or shipping (from either themselves and/or gifters) are eligible to receive a FREE Welcome Box containing a selection of products for both baby and parents.
Just add everyday items to your baby registry list (diaper, wipes etc) and then stock up on baby essentials from your list to reach the $10 threshold. Be sure and check out our baby deals to get ideas!
Once your $10 in purchases are shipped and you are eligible to claim your Welcome Box, you will see an area to “Check Status” at the top of your Amazon Baby Registry. If the box is in-stock, just click the “Claim Now” button to automatically add the Welcome Box to your cart. Be sure to use the $35 promotional credit to pay for the box so you won’t be charged. You should also receive an email to the address associated with your account in 1-2 days.
Does this offer applies to 30 days prime member trial period? I check with the Amazon customer service about this welcome box, they told me this offer is only available to prime members and not to the trial prime members.
Yes, it is. I did it recently during my trial.
I just received mine in the mail and I only have the 30 day prime trial.
This box is awsome, I was very impressed!
I agree! I know they vary, but the one I received was very nice …. Swaddle, burp cloth, wipes, diapers, bottle, etc
Glad to hear you were pleased with this box! Thanks so much for your feedback Maria!
So I signed up for this TWO years ago, and they ran out. In error today, I got an email from Amazon saying someone had bought something from my registry. Perplexed, I looked over my registry and nothing additional was purchased. However, I clicked the welcome box tab and sure enough, it said I was eligible for the baby welcome box and I was able to order it. TWO years later! LOL (I just had another baby, so perfect timing!)
I got an email saying something had been purchased from my registry also! Now I’m wondering if it’s an error or a scam?! I checked and don’t even have a baby registry anymore!
Not a scam. Amazon sent emails in error. It was reported on our news channel.
I received that email as well.
We should all get the free baby box if we got that email! Certainly the “gift purchaser” must have spent $10.
Doesn’t Amazon run deals on Pamper Swaddlers anymore? I used to see them all the time!
There was so many Pampers deals in general awhile ago, now hardly any.
I created a registry a couple of days ago.
Will I still be able to get the box if I make a $10 purchase or do i have to make a new registry?
It should be valid with the registry you just made.
You need to spend $10 on something from your new registry.
I have 2 extra $5 Enfamil checks if anyone can use them. Im looking for boxtops or pp. Message me if interested. Thanks
I created a registry back in the fall of 2015 and just checked and saw I was eligible for this, which is great because my husband and I are TTC again. It looks like registries created after September 2015 that meet the $10 spending minimum should be eligible.