Amazon: Pre-Order Limited Edition L.O.L Big Surprise Doll $69.99 (HOT Toy For Christmas)

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Hurry over to where you can pre-order the Limited Edition L.O.L. Big Surprise Doll for $69.99! This is going to be one of the HOT toys for 2017, so don’t miss your chance to pre-order now.

If your kids love surprise eggs and blind bags, they are going to love this L.O.L. Big Surprise Doll – it will be filled with 50 never before seen surprises!

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Comments 82

  1. Nicole

    Thank you! When I remembered to look for these yesterday I saw that Toys R Us was already sold out of the preorder! Got two!

    • Collin (Mrs. Hip)

      You’re welcome Nicole!

  2. Suzy

    Good idea yet I don’t want to be stuck with them lol

  3. Holly

    Really???? Maybe get a job or find another way to get money instead of making it impossible for hardworking parents to buy the gifts their kids want for Christmas.

    • Lindsey

      Holly, really???? If she is prudent enough to pre-order these to resell then all of the above entails hard work. I have 5 kids and I would never begrudge someone else for getting their hussle on. If a “hardworking” parent doesn’t work hard enough to get one of these before they sell out then that’s their problem.

      • Amy

        It’s isn’t about a parent not working hard enough to get the toy fast enough. Preorders do sell out. Stop being lazy and go out hunting for an actual job.

        • Nora

          When did she say she didn’t have a job? Judgey much?

    • Ann

      Thank you for saying what I was thinking! Wow, Em. Instead of taking advantage of people at the holidays, there are plenty of places hiring seasonal work. Sounds like the whole job thing is a foreign concept to you. I hope no one buys your toys and you get stuck with them all. Karma.

      • Nancygaye

        I hope she has a Merry Christmas and all her needs are met. ❤️

    • Cristine

      I agree with Holly! Just saying that snatching up a good deal to resell and make a profit seems unethical IMO.

    • EM

      I completely agree Holly. It’s a shame scalpers extend to Christmas gifts for children. If you don’t have a child to gift/donate to then why not leave it for those that do? I know, I know so you can make money but it’s a shame especially around Christmas.

      • Frances

        Em – don’t bother with these people with their nasty negative comments. Good for you for having an entrepreneurial spirit ! I cannot believe how nasty people can get on blog posts….wow just wow.. some people never cease to amaze me. Really…if you don’t agree with someone just MOVE ON…no need to post/spew negativity. Some of these comments are just downright nasty. Good Luck to you Em !! IF my daughter didn’t think these toys were “dumb” I would certainly support you and buy one from you !!!

        • Shellyy

          Francis well said.

        • Sue

          U r crazy to support this ludicrous idea. I think there is a spot for you in, well u know where it is. Think of all the displaced families from the hurricanes, I’m sure those kids would love this toy and if people buy to resell the price will go sky high and I’m sure those parents don’t have extra money. Why take advantage of your neighbors and children, small innocent people? The price difference could go to college savings etc… this is just sad.

      • Erin

        Yes, it’s a shame that people have to make money at Christmas. . . .

        • Nora

          I know right! If it bothers them so much, then just don’t buy from people reselling. Period.

    • Ruby

      People have a choice to buy it or not from others reselling toys, no one is forcing them!!! I’ve never been one of those parents that ran out to get the latest and hottest toy on the market. Can you believe my kids have grown up to be well adjusted young adult? Gasp!! For those of you throwing around “especially at Christmas time or Christmas toy” you have no idea what the true meaning of Christmas is. If you did then you would know material things don’t make or break a Christmas, it’s about family and love!

      • EM

        Based on your comments it’s not only obvious that you’re missing the meaning of Christmas and ethics as a whole but bless your heart & carry on.

        • Ruby

          This coming from the one that “tries” to put me down but then ends it with bless??? Who’s missing the point here? :)) :))

    • Amanda

      Lol you have a problem with the wrong person here, Holly. Your comments should be directed toward the makers of this toy and pretty much all other toys sold. $70 for pieces of plastic??? Lol

    • Erin

      Holly, I am a hardworking parent and I don’t care how much Em sells them for. I have a mind of my own and I don’t have to be sucked into the hype. Those who do simply have more money than they need (and if they can’t afford them but buy them anyway, they’re just stupid).

    • Jo

      Without a doubt! I ended up having to go online and spend $128 on one. It is ridiculous and people are greedy. People who are buying them up more than likely don’t even have children.

    • Dee

      lol. I have 3 jobs. But I was smart enough to do research then bought 100 of the “lol balls” along with the other toys you need so i can get my hustle on. I saved up money to invest to make more money from the last minute shoppers. Being late cost money. i have them here hot christmas toys net.

  4. Sandee

    I would not waste my time on these dolls they’re all over eBay save your money

    • Suzy


      • JES

        Just be careful when buying off of sites. I have seen where a lot of people have received knock offs. They are get L.Q.L. dolls instead of L.O.L. dolls.

        • Michelle

          I saw the “knock off” ones and I’m like for a couple dollars my 3 year old won’t care… they just like the surprise factor… however my 15 year old really likes these so she may want the real ones… but after watching this big surprise on YouTube she wasn’t that impressed for the $70

    • Agnes

      And that is why you can buy $10 small water bottle during hurricane. Good bless America

  5. Lindsay

    But what is it?! 🤷🏼‍♀️. I went to the description and couldn’t find any details?!

    • Suzy

      I have no clue either !

    • Heather

      I found an unboxing on YouTube and it comes with two big sisters, two little sisters, 5 bath fizzies, 10 accessory balls, and then the case which is like half a sphere. 🙂

      • Heather

        Oh and I don’t know if it’s worth it if your child doesn’t know anything about LOL Surprise Dolls. My daughter is obsessed with them though and gets one if she gets straight As on her report card. It might seem silly to a child that’s not into them though. My daughter on the other hand will FLIP Christmas morning over this so I’m going to order one even though I never pay full price for anything lol. Thanks Hip2Save!

  6. Erika

    Look on YouTube. It’s basically the same toys that are in the store but you get several of them in a huge set. I personally wouldn’t spend the money on it. My daughter loves LOL dolls but even she wasn’t impressed.

    • Suzy

      Thank you!

  7. Rachel Johnston

    I ordered one…. Hope I don’t regret it. Last year I DIDN’T jump on the Hatchimal bandwagon early and didn’t get one….. Ugh… the things we do for our kids 😉

  8. Sandee

    The hatchimals were a big bust last year. My granddaughter has one it never work from day one. So all you women out there save your money this is nothing but a big hype.

    • Jen

      I think, like everything, toys really depend on the kid. I luckily bought a hatchimal before the craze started last year and my daughter loved the experience of hatching it. Does she play with it everyday? No. But there is no toy besides her tablet that she uses everyday. Almost a year later, she still regularly plays with the hatchimal and her most requested xmas item for this year is the new twin surprise hatchimal.

  9. S

    Lol! I just read your (Holly) comment to my husband and he said “ahh, she’s just a nasty woman” 😂😂
    I think it’s smart! Do it!!

  10. C

    I got one for my 4 year old, she has been obsessed with these since they came out. I looked it up on YouTube and it definitely seems worth it. She’s gonna love it. Thanks for posting! 😍

    • Cassandra (Hip2Save Sidekick)

      You’re so welcome. 🙂

  11. momo

    My 6yr old niece loves these lol dolls. But I dont see the hype & theyre sooooooo expensive!

  12. Mo

    If you don’t someone else will and profit. This is the way the world goes round. It’s not like she’s charging extra for water, it’s a toy that will be hard to find at Christmas. Make your money momma!

    • Shellyy


  13. Raedev

    I just got aHatchimal at a thrift store for like nothing a dollar a bag of toys I’m happy but it didn’t include the egg of course. At least now my kids get to see what it’s like..
    Kind of lol

  14. melanie

    I don’t like the idea of spending $70 on something I can’t see.

  15. kristi s.

    This is what they did last year with the smaller $10 ones. They released them a few weeks before Christmas jacking the price for them waaay up on eBay! They have good marketing folks! Lol we got one after Christmas but it wasn’t terribly impressive.

  16. Nichole


    • Collin (Mrs. Hip)

      You’re welcome!

  17. Lori

    Some of these comments show the value we place on things in our society. I’m with you Em. If parents are willing to pay $70 for a TOY…then I’m willing to buy said toy and make extra money if possible. If you happen to think that I’m taking advantage of you, then thank you, I agree. Toys are WANTS, not needs. Toy: an object for a child to play with. How many of us grew up just fine without expensive toys?

    • S

      Exactly, there would still be Christmas without toys.
      As far as karma. What? And unethical? Seriously folks, it’s a toy. Em, save your receipt and return if you can’t sell it.

      • S

        Also, do you hope those that sell sentsey or Lululemon or anything like that fail? It’s the same idea you know. Capitalism

        • S


      • Courtney

        If you buy up all the stock the store is selling, just return them if they don’t sell…… really? That’s ethical to you? You’ve obviously never owned a business

    • Jules

      It’s Em’a idea the whole concept that our society is based upon. People sell goods for a profit to the individuals that what/”need” them. Everything we buy from groceries, clothing, vehicles, etc. are sold to make a profit.

  18. Abby

    I’m confused. I looked at the lol website too. Do these balls contain a doll? Or just accessories and you purchase the doll separately?

    • Michelle

      Yes you will receive 2 older sister dolls and 2 baby sister dolls… the thing with these is that all the dolls and clothes inside are limited edition to these big surprise ball… plus u end up with a lot more accessories than the small ones in store… if u bought all the stuff individually u would pay about the same… hth

      • Abby

        Thank you for that!

  19. Jill

    Thanks! I didn’t even know these existed but I do know a little girl who would love to get one Xmas morning! For everyone with questions about what they are and what is in them, hop over to YouTube. There are a few vids about them.

    • Collin (Mrs. Hip)

      You’re very welcome Jill!

  20. Carrie

    Thanks! I missed out on them from Toys R Us. I also was able to buy a Luvabella Doll from Amazon at 4 AM the other day. That’s going to be a hot one for Christmas this year too!!

    • Olivia

      Is the Luvabella doll a new toy?

      • Carrie

        Yes! Luvabella is supposed to be a sold out , hot doll, so try to find one early!

      • Erin

        Yes, and super creepy IMO! Bet it’ll be another Hatchimal bust!

        • Jen

          Sooo creepy! I showed a video to my 6 year just in case she would want one and she said, “That’s really creepy- I hope Santa doesn’t give me one of these.” I was so relieved.

    • Collin (Mrs. Hip)

      You’re welcome Carrie!

  21. Amy

    If you really need money why would you spend the money you do have on toys that you might up being stuck with? Yes you can return them later, but you’re still spending money that you say you need.

  22. Frances

    I have no clue what these things are. I just asked my daughter and thank god she says they are “pretty dumb” LOL….glad I don’t have to spend $70 on a piece of plastic !

  23. Ktenny

    I like the surprise factor….it’s a birthday gift so I invested in one thing I know she loves….I personally can’t wait to see her open it…that being said thank you for posting this….we don’t have a lot of money and spend around 50 dollars per kid and buy them what they want…is it overpriced and ridiculous??? Of course!! But I’ll work a little overtime to make her day or cut back on my kcups for a while…they’re only a kid for a short time and soon she’ll want name brand everything so I’m taking advantage of this time while I can

  24. Nikki

    Em. You do you. It’s about supply and demand. Some people are on this thread acting as if you are stealing food from the mouths of hungry children. It’s a toy that a hard working person or a non working person can purchase if they have the funds. As for CHRISTmas, some of you need to revisit your Sunday school lessons. Now I’m going to remove myself from this holier than though pettiness and continue on with my day. God bless you all.

  25. MommySpendsLess

    Hmm I was debating ordering this since my 8yo likes the regular dolls until I watched the YouTube video. You get 4 regular dolls and the rest is accessories and “fizz balls” – those don’t seem very valuable to me. I think I’d rather just get a couple regular ones for her stocking and use the $50 for something else. Just my opinion though…

    On a side note Justice is having a BOGO sale online on their clearance accessories, including some backpacks and lunch boxes. They’re also emailing $15/$40 and $25/$60 coupons to some of their email subscribers. For less than $50 (incl shipping and tax) I got my daughter a backpack, lunchbox, zippered binder and school supplies set plus a dress, a fancy tank top, a cute blanket (Christmas present) and a couple stocking stuffers…

    • Mo

      Thanks! I had a code in my email and got 18 things for $43😱

  26. Patty

    Remember the days of yore, like, a few months ago, when H2S posts were filled with savers helping savers, minus nasty, vicious attacks. I stopped reading this about 10 comments in, but I promise you, if your a consumer that believes that your child MUST have this hot, new, mystery (LMAO) toy that you nor they knew they needed last week, then I will have one to sell you the second week of December….for $125. Be the parent you must.

  27. Sophie

    I must be losing my mind, I just ordered 2 for my twins. We are doing a trip for Christmas, but they will love these when they get them for their birthday.

  28. April

    Pre-orders sold out! So glad I got one! They’ve been sold out at TRU and if it’s anything like the Hatchimals craze from last year, they will be out of stock everywhere soon.

  29. Mike

    Flipper here: these moms don’t want their little spoiled brat disappointed so they will pay double now on eBay. Buy as many as you can. You will actually be teaching these trust fund housewives how supply and demand works.

    • Amanda

      🙌🏼🙌🏼 Fellow flipper! It’s called supply & demand y’all! Put in the leg work, or cry me a river.

  30. Justine

    Keep checking Amazon through this link. I’ve been able to pre order two but had to wait a couple hours before they listed more available. 🙂

    • Krista M

      Thanks, Justine! Hopefully you’re right. I’ll keep checking. I ordered two on my account and one on my sister’s account but made the mistake of using the same credit card. The third was canceled due to the 2 per person limit. My sister’s and I are planning to give them to our little cousins for Christmas. I’m hoping to snag another. Otherwise, I’m not sure I can give them at all. I would hate for one of them to feel left out 🙁

  31. Daisyrios

    Went to purchase today and they were sold out. Do you think this deal will post again anytime soon.

    • Dee

      i have them
      hot christmas toys net

  32. Toni

    Has anyone else noticed the picture changed of their order? Instead of the “exclusive” gold one it shows the regular pink big surprise now. My order has shipped and I’m wondering if they switched them.

  33. Sarah Lovitt

    Are there different dolls in them? I just want a chance to get different dolls if I buy two.

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