Amazon: L.O.L. Surprise! Pearl Unwrapping Toy Now In Stock For $29.99 & More
Head on over to where the L.O.L. Surprise! Pearl Style 1 Unwrapping Toy is now available for $29.99. This limited edition set features a Doll and Lil sister, six pearl surprise balls, one shell-shaped doll stand and a glitter case that functions as a purse, storage case and bath playset.
You can also grab the L.O.L. Surprise! Confetti Pop Series 3-Wave 1 Unwrapping Toy for $12.99.
Each toy has five layers of surprises and includes a secret message sticker, collectible sticker sheet, bottle charm, shoes, outfit, accessory, ring tattoo, confetti pop and L.O.L. Surprise! Doll with water surprise.
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(Thanks Stefanie, Danielle & Barbara!)
Is the one for $29.99 the same as the one that was $69.99 over the holidays?
I was wondering the same thing…
No this is the new mermaid version. Think you only get 1 big and 1 little and some bath bombs
This one is different than the gold ball. It has only one big sis and one little sis.
No ladies this one is smaller than the one at Christmas. It comes with one layer of accessories and than a giant seashell that is a bath bomb that reveals a plastic shell with 2 dolls… It is super cute and beach/mermaid theme…We watched videos on YouTube and I have been checking to see if it was in stock yet…HTH
Thanks Michelle! I thought that was a crazy marketing approach if it was, but it had the handle like the larger one so I wasn’t sure.
No problem…when I first saw it I thought it was the same size too, but than we watched a video and realized it is smaller… My 3 year old and 15 year old LOVE these… They shared the big one for Christmas and so I’m sure they will love this one too… The dolls are super cute in this set!!!
These are different than the ones that were 69.99 around the holidays.
Thanks Julie! I remember people complaining that the value wasn’t worth it, so I was curious if they just dropped the price. I couldn’t remember what was in that big one but that approach seemed crazy. lol
I watched a YouTube opening. It is smaller, about half the size. My girls are very excited! Thanks for the heads up! Birthdays are done!
My daughter got the big one for Christmas and loved it. I think I was able to get it for $45ish at Target with that 25% off 1 toy coupon that they had out. She will love this one too I’m sure. Form what I read there are 2 doll (one big and one little) plus some fizzy charms. I’m thinking this will be perfect for Easter.
Julie I just wanted you to know that this one DOESN’T have the little bath bomb balls but instead the dolls are in a giant shell shaped bath bomb that reveals a plastic shell with the 2 dolls inside… HTH
Oh thank you! I just heard about this and my daughters birthday is in a couple weeks. She’ll be so excited. I deleted you tube kids from her ipad so I don’t think she even knows about it yet.
What a fun gift! You’re most welcome Tara! Happy Birthday to your daughter!
Why does my 4 year old want these so bad
My 15 year old LOVES these…they are super cute but can get expensive if you try to collect them all… I just wish all these new toys weren’t so hard to find… I’m glad Hip2save helps us find them!!!
I️ started purchasing my daughters birthday gifts (she’s 5 and shares a birthday in May with her 4 yr old brother) and this would be perfect!! I️ just picked up the LOL game from kohls with the 30% off code. Thanks!!
You’re welcome Kat! How neat that they share the same Birthday! Hope they have an awesome day!
Easter basket yay! Thx!
Such a fun idea for Easter! You’re so welcome!
I saw these the other day in my local target
Found one of these at Target yesterday and gave it to my 8 year old for Valentine’s Day. I have never seen her so excited!!! She wouldn’t stop screaming with excitement and couldn’t believe I had found something so rare:) Personally, I like this option better than the one offered at Christmas. I didn’t buy that one because I thought it was better to buy 7 individual balls then get all those accessories. The dolls are so cute in this set, too!
Hi Sarah, are they priced the same at target?
Yes the LOL pearl surprise is 29.99 at target.
Thank you Barbara
How much are these at target?
They are 24.99 at Best Buy. The also have the Confetti Pop ones for 12.99
Great find Jamie! Thanks for letting us know!
You’re welcome
Yes, great find!
Thank you! My daughter will be so excited for her birthday next month!!
Aww, Happy Birthday to your daughter Shannon! Hope she has an awesome day!
These LOL toys are such a rip off! My daughter got one over the holidays and I wouldn’t allow her to get anymore after that.
My 7 years old triplets love these. But why are they so hard to find? Christmas is over. Anyone has any idea why?
The golden ones are expensive and they are so so small but the mermaid blue one is less and it’s big