Sam’s Club: Luvs Ginormous Box Diapers Only $19.98 Shipped (as Low as 8¢ Per Diaper)
Today, May 12th only, Sam’s Club is selling Luvs Ultra Leakguard Diaper Ginormous Boxes for only $19.98 shipped (regularly $26.68)! The size one box has 252 diapers – that means you’re paying as low as 8¢ per diaper!
If your not a Sam’s Club member, you can still order these diapers, but will be charged a $2 non member fee bringing your total to $21.98 shipped. This is still a good deal as the same box sells for $26.99 at!
Awesome! Thanks H2S! I just ordered 2 boxes! I think I am well stocked from Amazon post on diapers a few weeks back!
You’re most welcome, Elizabeth! So happy you could snag the savings!
Thank you so much for keeping us informed, of these great offers! Bought 2 boxes, too.
In the hospital now placing an order for our newborn. Thanks for posting!! 🙂
Thank you so much
I am trying to order these luvs diapers. How does the sale price cme up? It says $26.00
Oh bummer! Looks like this deal has ended. Expiring the post now.