Owlet Smart Sock Baby Monitor Just $239.99 Shipped (Regularly $300)
Have a little one at home?
Hop on over to Owlet.com where you can save 20% off the highly rated Owlet Smart Sock 2 Baby Monitor – no promo code required. That means you’ll pay only $239.99 shipped (regularly $299.99)! If you’ve had your eye on one of these, now is the time to buy, as these are rarely on sale!
Hip Tip: If you find the Owlet Smart Sock 2 Baby Monitor for less somewhere else, Owlet will match the price and give you an additional $5 off. Just use the online chat or call the company at (855) 746-6781 to get your discount.
The Owlet Smart Socks connect to a base station up to 100 feet away which uses lights, sounds and app notifications to alert you if your baby’s heart rate or oxygen levels are too high or too low. You can even view your baby’s live readings across multiple phones using Owlet’s free cloud-connected app!
This baby monitor comes with three washable socks that comfortably fit most infants up to 18 months or 25 pounds. You’ll also receive a Smart Sock sensor, base station, charging cords, and access to Owlet App.
What a great gift idea!
On the fence? Check out these positive reviews…
Just got off the phone with an Owlet rep and I’m not one to write reviews or take time out of my day to comment on something but the customer service I just received was so wonderful. Keep up the great work!
My dog chewed up the monitor on the baby sock literally one day after we broke down and bought the owlet monitor after not sleeping at all the first week we brought our new baby home. He’s a great sleeper, and I was up every five minutes checking if he was still alive. This product has saved my life.
On top of that, after crying hysterically last night for hours after finding the foot monitor chewed up, I called Owlet, and they are sending me a replacement model for a great discount. Thank you so so much Owlet I will definitely be telling every new mom about your product, I’m over the moon about it!!!
The peace of mind that comes with this monitor is priceless. Our son was diagnosed with a potential heart defect inutero. We had already purchased a video monitor, but wanted something more to ease our minds. This monitor has been a God send. We can finally sleep at night knowing that we are being proactive.
After having a baby that went straight to NICU for breathing problems, I immediately purchased the owlet. It has worked great from day 1, and has given us great peace of mind while we try to catch up on sleep. Easy to use and set up. Completely worth the money. I highly recommend.
It’s $239.99 plus tax.
It’s even cheaper on Amazon – $216
Owlet has a price match guarantee! If you email or call the company (855) 746-6781 they will match any lower price + give you an additional $5 off!
It’s been 215.95 on Amazon for a week. However, I absolutely hated our owlet. Much preferred the Snuza.
Could you please elaborate? I will be in the market in the next few months and would like some honest feedback.
I had a snuza hero for my first daughter born in 2015 and it fell off her diaper, giving a false alarm, every few weeks once she started moving around more . I stopped using it when she was about 11 months old. I did a ton of research and got the owlet for my second daughter born in 2017 and I’m still using it (she’s 16 months old). I’ve had one false alarm in 16 months due to the sock being loose. I’m still using it mostly out of habit now, but when she was an infant, it gave me great peace of mind to be able to see her stats in the app at any time or to look at the base station and see the light pulsing indicating she is okay. I paid full price and I consider it worth it! I’ve never gotten the sense that my daughter finds it uncomfortable, I just make sure to take it off as soon as she wakes up so she doesn’t walk with it on.
Sure. It has given me many false alarms and if you look at reviews online you’ll see this is very common. I just think it’s poorly designed- lights up the entire room when on, very loud to turn on, simple things like that that just weren’t thought through. If you talk to most doctors or nurses they’ll tell you that O2 monitors (which is what the owlet is) are very finicky and even in hospitals and doctors offices they have trouble getting them to function correctly. Mine is constantly giving a reading that my daughter is wiggling and I look over at her and she’s dead still, makes me wonder how much of the night she’s not getting readings because she’s “wiggling.” We continued to use it despite our concerns until she was about 4 months when she had a cold and it randomly started giving 85% oxygen readings (which is like drop everything and run to the ER levels). Since she had a cold I thought they were real readings so I called my dr office and they said take it off and put it on yourself. After waking my sleeping child up to take it off, it gave us the exact same readings on myself and my husband. The Dr said O2 monitors often don’t work correctly when the battery is fading. She said that if they were true 85% readings my child would be blue in the face and lips and restless, not sleeping peacefully. The owlet had been charging all day, it should have been fully charged but sure enough we plugged it in for a few minutes and then it was reading in the 90s again until it started fading back to 80s after a couple minutes (when on me). The app is very slow to connect to the WiFi, connect to the base station, and give you a reading, and I have very fast WiFi, and no issues with any other apps, so it’s not because of that. The sock was constantly falling off, especially when she was first born despite being a 7.5 lb baby wearing the 6-8 lb sock. We tried putting it on tighter, looser, everything in between, didn’t matter, still fell off. Overall there’s just been too many instances of it making us more paranoid instead of helping us to sleep easier, which it is designed to do. I also tried to reach out to their customer service very early on when we were having issues and heard absolutely nothing back. I have never had any issues with the Snuza falling off. I like that it’s a physical monitor of breathing, not an O2 reading, and easily portable. I much prefer it and it’s much cheaper. Just my two cents.
Thank you both for the responses. My daughter (now 5) actually stopped breathing in the hospital nursery while she was in for her hearing test. I didn’t sleep for the first 5 months we were home. The only reason I did after that point was pure exhaustion. We couldn’t afford anything like this at that point on time, but I’m due again in the spring and would love the peace of mine these would offer!
I’m not sure these actually look comfortable on the baby? Idk how I’d like sleeping with that on my foot all night but i guess better safe than sorry.
Our daughter doesn’t mind it one bit. It’s a very soft fabric, it really is like an open toed sock. We love our owlet, I sleep so much better this time around than I did when we didn’t have anything with my son.
Does anyone know anything about the available bracelet to try to get pregnant. It’s expensive didn’t know if it was worth the money!
Ava bracelet
We used the Owlet for nights and the Snuza for the day. The Owlet checks oxygen levels, which in itself is amazing technology that use to only be available at hospitals and doctors offices. I had a baby niece die from SIDS, and had they had this, they would have known her oxygen levels were dangerously low (what they later found out led to her death). We’ve even used it on my 18 month son when he was sick to show us his oxygen levels. Definitely was worth every penny.
I bought one for my daughter before she was born. She turned out to be a premie and I had to take her home with feeding tube and hospital grade monitor because she would stop breathing often. At one point we used both the owlet and hospital grade monitor and owlet did not work every time she stop breathing. The owlet also had several false alarms. My doctor did not recommend it. She was actually upset that I would even consider using it. She feels companies make these monitors capitalizing on parents’ fears. On the other hand if you have extra money, it doesn’t hurt the baby and it gives some people piece of mind.
We had one with our last baby and I loved it. It was great to have and helped calm my mom nerves. Never had an issue and my baby slept just fine with this on his foot. I highly recommend!
Same! Absolutely love ours
Most SIDS causes are following 2,4,6 month vaccinations. Sids is really VIDS
Stop spreading fear based, heavily disproven, lies.
Completely agree with you. Lies like this are what created the autism fear. All are unfounded and also the reason we’ve seen measles and chickenpox again!
And don’t forget whooping cough outbreaks too! Thanks antivaxxers!
I developed extreme anxiety after my first daughter was born. (I think it was actually postpartum anxiety but went undiagnosed.) I breastfed and still got up every hour to check on her for the first three months. I honestly don’t know how I survived. Second time around, I knew I couldn’t do that again – so we got the owlet. And although I was still nervous, after a few days using the owlet, I was able to sleep and not worry excessively. So thankful to have found this product! We did have a few false alarms but once we got used to positioning the sock on her foot, it worked great. Plus as mentioned in other comments, customer service was amazing – happy to answer any and all questions.
The Snuza is way better than the Owlet. I used the Snuza Go! with both of my kiddos and never once had a false alarm. I feel like false alarms w/ the Snuza are really just due to user error…you have to put it on the diaper securely and then put a onesie (and pants, preferably) over it. Once that’s done, that thing really shouldn’t budge even with baby rolling around in sleep…and my kids were both big movers in their sleep.
These things give us peace of mind which is important for our mental health, but they can’t prevent SIDS- so people do need to manage their expectations. If SIDS were preventable, then it wouldn’t be called “Sudden” Infant Death Syndrome. It’s a silent killer unfortunately, one that is silent and not entirely understood.
OMG those TOES!!! Precious.
Cool technology but that kinda scares me since it is transmitted via wifi and the EMF wifi emits. There are all kinds of reports on how bad wifi is for people especially children. My kids came home with headaches everyday and I thought it might be the chemicals in the cleaning products the school uses. I found out how bad wifi is and realized they use tablets and chromebooks all day so I researched EMF protectors. After long research, I bought my kids shungite necklaces on ebay and they no longer come home with headaches. So I would advice parents to do their own research and recommend using EMF blockers like shungite if they have this monitor. Just food for thought.
My daughter was born at 36 weeks so we made the decision to purchase the owlet when we came home from the hospital.. It gave me peace of mind to see that glowing light and It helped me sleep easier. my fear was that we would be so tired we might not hear her cry out. We have only 1 false alarm over the past year and it was definitely not something you would sleep through. . She has never minded it and I just purchased bigger everyday socks so they were not tight over her foot with the owlet and so she wouldn’t try to take it off as she has gotten older.. Only trouble I have encountered is it does not fit in all footed sleepers well. My daughter might just have a big foot.