Almay Deodorant Only 54¢ Each After Walgreens Rewards
Through February 23rd, head into Walgreens where they are offering 5,000 Bonus Points ($5 Reward) when you spend $15 on select Almay or Mitchum deodorant products.
Pair this offer with a high value $2/1 Almay product printable coupon for a great deal!
Walgreens Deal Idea (Thru 2/21):
Buy four Almay Deodorants $3.79 each
Total = $15.16
Use four $2/1 Almay product printable coupons (exp 2/21) – will need two computers
Pay $7.16
Get 5,000 Bonus Points ($5 reward)
Final cost $2.16 – just 54¢ each!
hello, in the main heading you have this deal running thru 2/23
in the body of the ad you have thru 2/21
just letting you know. thanks annie
The coupon has a short expiration date. Seems like P&G to me with such a short date.
Thanks Annie! The Bonus Points offer is available through the 23rd, however the coupon itself expires on the 21st. That’s why you’re seeing two dates. Hope that helps!
I want to apologize. I see now what you mean now. my bad. lol : (
hi there, in the main heading of the ad for almay you have the deal running thru 2/23.
in the body of the ad, you have the deal running thru 2/21.
just letting you know. thanks annie
sorry for the double post. my Mac seems to have “computer jet lag” lol.
LOL! No worries!
If I need two computers for print 4 coupons (2 each computer) Do I need 2 phone numbers to receive code from coupon website to print them??
Yes- now with the verify it counts each number as 1, so if you want 4 prints, you need 2 numbers that can receive the verify texts. (Even stranger if I use the same browser on both computers, it counts them as one- not sure if it’s just me- but as soon as I say use Crome on one and explorer on the other, it’s fine- but we verified each computer with a different number)
If you don’t want to use two computers, I’m going to be trying this: Print two coupons online, use the app to add another coupon, then add one to your Walgreens card. Here’s hoping it works..
I purchased this before and found it did not last very long, or was not effective for everyday use, even with low key activity. I definitely would not try it before working out.
I agree with Sue. I got several of these during another deal about a year ago and ended up giving them all (except the one I tried!) away.
This sensitive variety works well for me for everyday use. My body chemistry makeup must be off or something. This deodorant doesn’t clash with it. It does not leave an odd smell on my armpits or clothing like many others I have tried and moved away form.
In my Walgreens, the price is $3.59. So 4*3.59 = 14.36.
You will need to buy another product to reach the $15 before tax.
I purchased two at Walmart today for 53 cents each. The coupons did not work, so the sweet cashier keyed them in. Sometimes I am not that lucky and some cashiers say they can’t key in. The coupon will probably beep at Walgreens too.
Same here. My coupons didn’t go through for some reason, so the manager just keyed it in. Unfortunately I was only able to buy one.
Pure rubbish! I purchased 4 of the Almay deodorants at $3.79 each from Walgreens. I used 4 of the $2/1 Almay manufacturer’s coupons and redeemed a $5 reward and paid $2.16 plus tax for everything. I did not get $5 back when you purchase $15+ of select items in the store.
Hi there! Sorry you had trouble with your transaction! Walgreens will only allow you to spend and earn rewards on the same transaction if the offer is for “unit offers” – such as buy two, get 2,000 points. You aren’t able to redeem rewards on a threshold offer – such as get $5 when you spend $15 – and still earn rewards, too. Because you used a reward to pay for the deal, you weren’t eligible to earn new rewards on that purchase. Hope that helps!