Made by Design Non-Slip Hangers Only $5.95 at Target (Great Reviews)
Through March 16th, head over to Target where they are offering 15% off Made By Design Storage with this Target Cartwheel offer.
Keep in mind, if you’re a Target REDcardholder, you’ll save an additional 5% off!
Target Deal Idea (Thru 3/16):
Made by Design Flocked Non-Slip Hangers $7
Use the 15% off Made By Design Storage Target Cartwheel offer
Final cost $5.95!

On the fence? Check out these reviews…
These hangers are slim and our clothes do not slip off at all!
I liked these hangers so much I ordered another box.
My husband even helps with the laundry now with these hangers!
They glide smoothly over the closet rods and the clothes don’t fall off.
I’ve been looking at these online but still hesitant to pull the trigger. After washing clothes I hang them to dry on hangers, can I do that with these? Thanks for your help!
Yes! I use these and really love them. They save space in your closet – and are amazing with keeping clothes ON the hanger. I always cut those plastic/fabric loops off tops or dresses as soon as I buy – I know they can help things stay on the hanger but I HATE them. So I love these hangers b/c I’ve never seen any piece, any fabric that these didn’t hold perfectly! They also hold a lot of weight – so are great for pants, heavy robes, jackets/coats, etc.
When I do laundry, I only fluff things in the dryer for 5-10 minutes on low and then hang to dry. I use these hangers and they are great for that! I can’t recommend this style of hanger enough!
Are these similar in quality to the flocked hangers from Costco? I’ve bought them before (50 for $12.99) so I was wondering about these.
They are basically the same. Costco is always the Best Buy. They had 100 on line a few weeks ago and sold out in less than a day. Around back to school/college time they have them on sale.
They have 50 of these at Aldi for $10. Great deal!
That IS a great deal! Thanks for sharing Mandy, we’ll have to check our ALDIs for these too!
I love the Amazon Basics velvet hangers. They sell 100 for only $35! I’ve used them for almost two years now and they’re awesome. I never have to worry about my clothes falling off (always had that issue with plastic hangers).
Thanks for the recommendation Anna! We’ll have to check those out!
Do these hangers leave the bumps on shoulders?
They have 50 of these for 9>95 at Costco. I bought 2 boxes yesterday 🙂
Oh cool! Thanks for the heads up on your score!