Self-Driving Cars Are Now Delivering Domino’s Pizza
Tired of speeding pizza delivery drivers?
Domino’s is giving automated cars a pizza the action! Domino’s Pizza is teaming up with robotics company Nuro for autonomous pizza delivery vehicles to reduce both delivery time and traffic accidents!
Did you know? Nuro is already using the R2 for local deliveries of everything from dry-cleaning to groceries from Kroger.
Technology is the best, especially when it brings us pizza!
Domino’s has been “safely and successfully” offering an unmanned delivery experience to select customers in the Houston metro area since March 2019. They’re hoping to expand this offering to even more of their online customers later this year, with a nationwide roll-out as early as 2020!
How do I order Domino’s using Nuro?
- Select customers who order online from one of Domino’s participating locations will have the opportunity to select Nuro’s autonomous delivery.
- You can still opt to have a human deliver your pizza if you prefer!
- Those who choose Nuro as their delivery method will be able to track their order online.
- Customers opting for driverless delivery will also receive a PIN code to unlock a compartment and retrieve their order.
The idea of driverless pizza delivery leaves us with lots of questions. High on the list: Does this mean we won’t need to tip?
Have you ever received a driverless delivery?
Given the chance, would you opt-in and try it? Let us know in the comments below.
So no more tipping???
Yep I will not tip a robot! Lol
Oh boy..
Is it April??
Well we are our own worst enemies. Everytime someones curiousity gets the better of them, there is one less job for our peers, neighbors, family members and friends.
Just think of how many people were employed designing, building, and testing these cars though.
Yep, the whole world changes. One industry looses jobs and a new industry is created.
Yup, it’s called “technology “ Either move on with the times or fall behind. Time does not stand still.
Not as many jobs as the self-driving cars and delivery drones will replace, though.
What gets forgotten is that MOST workers are not highly educated, and do not have the skills, nor are able to develop the skills needed to work these technology jobs that are created. And I am including myself, here. I do have a bachelor’s degree, but can barely grasp Microsoft Office, despite using it for my jobs and taking a class.
Technology does not open up jobs for everyone. It leaves many more people behind.
I’m just wondering who’s seen one of these next to them on the road yet?!
That was my first thoughts too!
If the third picture is accurate, that is a horribly designed vehicle. You will now have to worry about someone else taking your order. That picture shows only two open compartments. I wouldn’t use this unless there are separate compartments for each order.
I was thinking the same thing!
I think thats where the pin code comes in. I bet there are 2 more compartments on the other side making room for 4 deliveries. I think they showed the picture just to detail, it can hold anything you could order. Thats my hopes anyway
It says there’s a pin number
That doesn’t change anything. You can have a PIN for one big compartment.
You will have the PIN for your own compartment, which will only contain your own order.
Please tell me this is a late April Foold joke. This is ridiculous
My kids ate growing up in a completely different world. I can’t decide if it’s sad or not but I’m leaning toward yes.
Ditto! I’m still trying to deal with malls dying! My kids think I’m weird when I tell them that’s where everyone hung out!
Time does not stand still. Why would you want your kids to grow up in the same childhood as you did 20+ 30+ years ago? How sad would it be if technology did not innovate and improve?
This is going to be the future for many things.Fast food employers have great difficulty retaining employees. I would think in my lifetime robots will be the norm for most things. Since I do not like to tip and we do not eat out much having a robot car deliver my food would be awesome. It is nice not to have to leave the house after a long day of work.
Is there a reason why you dont tip?
I think she means that because she does not like to tip, she therefore does not order delivery or eat out much, to avoid having to tip.
At least I hope that’s what she means, lol
I won’t participate in this.
The long term effects of this nonsense are too great a price to pay. I’d rather tip a person.
Good. Another reason to not buy Dominos “Pizza”.
So robots are taking our jobs?! Walmart is getting ready to unleash an army of robots also to take peoples jobs away. It’s less waiting for us but still. It’s sad!
Walmart is already getting rid of most cashiers, and making us do the work of checking out our own groceries. My local Walmart now has 22 self-check lanes, and only 6 with a cashier.
And you still have to pay full price for your groceries, despite doing the work.
I can argue for both sides. While there will be a reduction in jobs, SOMETIMES good customer service is lacking and it’s a reminder that anyone is dispensable.
I will not be a part of this. Sadly they’re going to lure people in by offering free extras or coupon codes for robot deliveries. Even at our Costco I don’t use kiosk to order my food but rather stand in line to order from actual person.
Do you guys remember the movie WALL-E? With all the technology we have right now, I started to think our children/grandchildren’s future might look like that. It’s kinda sad to think our humane interaction will be replaced with self-absorbed individuals. Yes, new jobs will be created but we loose something greater!
I like the idea. Times change. Industries change. More jobs will open up to upgrade and maintain robots. The ones refusing to accept change, will end up stuck in the past while the rest of the world moves ahead.
This is just sad..
I delivered pizzas for years to put myself through college as a single mom and pay off debt. I always worked hard and tried to do a good job and people only tip sometimes
How about push for companies to stop charging delivery fees that the driver never sees and tip an actual human who needs a job? No it is not ideal but it keeps a lot of people with families going. If you’re that determined not to tip don’t order takeout.
Oh and the reason “fast food companies can’t retain employees” is because they pay you bare minimum and expect you to devote your entire week to the company. Yes, it is dominantly supposed to be a teen job, but I have known A LOT of folks with families to do what they had to do to feed them.
It’s nothing more than a marketing scheme at this point. It will costs millions to finance and the savings will be minimal since pizza delivery drivers don’t make much money (without tips). Dominos tried something similar in 2017 and it fizzled out quickly.
Perhaps their marketing and/or IT Group tweeted some areas and would like to try again. The original post indicates that it is Domino’s participating in this auto delivery service.