Kids Balance Bikes Just $25 on
Walmart is a great place to score bike deals!
Have a little one learning to ride a bike? Head to where you can snag these KaZAM Balance Bikes for as low as $25!
Intended for kids ages 2 to 5 years old, KaZAM balance bikes (featured on Shark Tank!) offer a better alternative to training wheels. They focus on the most essential element of learning to ride a bicycle – balance! With KaZAM, children develop balance and proper steering, while at the same time building confidence and independence.
These balance bikes are the perfect beginner bikes as they allow kids to learn how to balance without the fear of falling. The innovative step-through frame and footrest allow kids to push off at the speed they are comfortable with. Plus, the air-filled tires never go flat and help add traction and stability.
Up next –>> More kids deals!
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Links not going to bike?
Hi there, Fran! I just checked all the links, and they’re all going to the balance bikes for me. Maybe try on a desktop or in another browser to see if that helps!
If you try to open with the Walmart app, the link won’t go thru to the bikes, but if you open the link with a browser, it seems to work that way.
What age is this bike for?
My 3 year old granddaughter uses one and her 4 &1/2 year old brother went from the balance bike to a bike with no training wheels at 4yrs old.
Ordered and says arrive by July 31 🙁
I ordered one the other day and it said delivery by July 31. Today I got an update that said it has shipped and will arrive next week! Woo Hoo