It's Mega Swagbucks Day… So Start Searching!
Just a reminder, today is Mega Swagbucks Day! That means that instead of just winning 100 to 200 Swagbucks– you can possibly win up to 1,000 or even 2,000 Swagbucks… and remember, that’s just for doing a simple search!
You can also earn 2 Swagbucks (or more) daily by heading to the “Special Offers” section. Just go to the Swagbucks homepage, click on “Ways to Earn” in the top left, then click on “Special Offers” and then click on the “View Our No Obligation Offers And WIN Swag Bucks” on the right. One you get to this page, it will state, “Welcome to Swag Bucks Special Offers. Sign up for the free money-saving offers you like, feel free to skip the rest, and find a special swag code reward at the end.” Skip ALL the offers by clicking the skip button or the See Next Offer button beneath the advertisement. Finally after about 4 to 7 pages you’ll be awarded with 2 Swagbucks (possibly more)!
…And finally, if you really want to rack up the Swagbucks quickly, then go to the “Special Offers” section again and click on “Sign Up For Limited Time Offers And Earn Swag Bucks”. There are lots and lots of limited time offers that you can sign up for to earn Swagbucks. Some of these offers are for free trails and require NO money out of pocket. Some are completely FREE offers. I would take your time and browse through these offers. I’m sure you’ll find a few that you can complete and that will definitely help you earn your first Swagbucks reward pretty quickly!
**New to Swagbucks? Check out this post.
Can’t complain about easy/free stuff, but i’m just curious…My special offers used to be at least 2 sometimes 3 bucks but everyday for 2 weeks its consistently 1. Anyone else?
As well as my searches never get me more than 12-18 bucks. Am I doing something wrong? Or is it just random?
I guess it is random. I got 49 swagbucks few seconds back for the search word “Yahoo mail”. Keep trying and i am sure you would win big. Good Luck 🙂
To isavecents,: you’re the first person that I’ve heard earn larger swag bucks on MSBD. Cool beans! For me, I’ve only gotten 11 or 12 sb’s at most. 🙁 I haven’t heard of anyone winning 100 sb’s on MSBD yet. Have you?
I’m the same with the special offers. use to be 2-3, now it’s always 1. i think it’s because they added more ways to get swagbucks, they reduced the payout of the “quick and easy” ways.
I noticed the same thing. It’s always been 1 swagbuck for special offers and the daily polls. I haven’t gotten more than 11 swagbucks at a time in weeks. But I’m happy b/c it’s free. And we all love FREE! 🙂
Mine have also only been 1 for the last week or so 🙁
Mine is only one too and i usually never get higher than 20 and that is rare but i still love swagbucks its free
Yes when they added the daily polls, the NOSO went from 2-3 down to 1:( But I won my first REALLY big one a few minutes ago, 49! WOOT!
I just got 49 for a search…i’m on a roll!
I agree that now it’s always only 1 swagbuck for the special offers. I think it’s because they added the daily poll. So you have to do both to get the 2 bux you used to get just doing the special offers search. You aren’t doing anything wrong, it’s just random. I’ve been doing swagbucks for months and only got 49 swagbucks ONCE.
I hardly get any Sbs on fridays 🙁 I have been searching all morning and haven’t gotten any yet.
Thats just like me all the time. Mega fridays never work but sometimes I have a mega wednesday or tuesday lol
I also just won 49! That must be today’s special number or something…..
I also just won 49!!!
LOL OK, I won 49 a bit ago too, wonder if it was all about the same time? I was stoked that was my highest at one time so far!
what do you search for to get SB and how do you know if you find them? Please help I’m new to this. Thanks
Khara, searching is all random. Just search like you normally would. If you happen to be on SBs wall and you see that a lot of people are winning for their searches, that is a good indicator that you could win also. Whatever you do, don’t search too quickly, as this can get you deactivated…I know, I’ve been there. Allow a few minutes between searches.
Sorry Kara, for spelling your name wrong. I guess it’s out of habit…there is a Khara on SB wall.
Also, you will know when you win…you will see the denomination of money show up, and it will be added to your account. Check out the Swag Bucks facebook page and you will see what they look like…some people take screen shots of their wins and post them.
Wow, a lot of you got 49 today…congrats. I need that luck today.
I did get 2 megas last Friday…36 and 49, but today, I only got 7 for midnight bucks. You know me, I will keep trying 🙂
Whoot whoot I finally got mega swagbucks, I just won 49 and it’s the first time I’ve ever won a lot at once, that’s another $5 towards my Amazon holiday shopping 🙂
Swagbucks is like working for $0.05 an hour, and you’re making the world a worse place for encouraging this kind of profiteering. Do you look at your kids and think to yourselves, “I hope he/she grows up one day to be the kind of person who searches online and clicks ads to get supplemental income?”
does anyone ever win more than 1 time a day like 2,3, or more?
YES!!! At least twice. I do it once before I leave for work, once around lunch time, and once before bed. Usually win 2 of those 3 times. On a random note I checked my account and it says I have 2,791 Swagbucks!??! Not sure how that happened but I’ll happily be getting a boatload of Amazon giftcards today! Lol.
OH! It was b/c I signed up for an emergency credit card. It gave me about 2,400 swagbucks for that.
Don’t forget about “Daily Polls”. With a couple of clicks of your mouse, you can earn one extra SB. 🙂
how do you get the swagbucks for the special offers? not the ones you skip through to get the 1 swagbuck but the other ones, there are some free if you sign up for a newsletter or something. i just signed up for one of those and my swagbucks are nowhere to be found. it said there that it would only take minutes. can somebody please tell me where would my swagbucks would show up? thanks.
What am I doing wrong? It looks like to me that a $5 Amazon card is 450 swagbucks? Am I looking at the rewards wrong? I just joined swagbucks today.