$1/1 Chinet Product Coupon = FREE Napkins?!
Head on over here to join the Chinet Club. After doing so, you’ll be able to print a $1/1 ANY Chinet product coupon! The coupon link will be sent via email. Make sure to hit your browser back button to print a total of 2 coupons. I’m thinkin’ the small packages of Chinet napkins go on sale for around $1, so FREE after the coupon! Let us know if you come across any other deals!
(Thanks so much, Momof4spoiled1s!)
Thanks Collin! Just signed up. Haven’t got any e-mail yet. Hoping for the coupon soon and a sale to get free products!
Update: Just got my coupon via e-mail and it exp 4/16:)
OT: If anyone still have any YT code and $10 amazon baby store code. I would love to have them. I will take any expired ones off your hands as well!
If you have any that’s not expired and willing to trade for $3/1 Kashi cereal Q or free chef Beyordee Q and any other coupon I may have, please let me know!
kr200851 at yahoo dot com
why would u want expired coupons?
Expired code works sometime:)
I received the e-mail for this and teh website won’t work for me. I just tried your link, it doesn’t work either. I get the oops, this page appears to be broken message. Anyone successful?
Jen, I just signed up and received e-mail with few mins and printed my coupon as well!
Try changing browser?!!
Firefox & Safari won’t work but IE will!
would be free chinet paper plates for those of us with a Food Lion. They are on sale for $1.00/pkg of (?30). that’s thru 3/22
does walmart or target carry this product and how much if so?
Checked my local WM and Kroger yesterday. No napkins. Lowest price on paper plates so far was 4.19. I am holding on to this one for a while.
i am going to walmart tonight and was just woundering if walmart had the napkins for 1.00 or under…..