Huggies Coupons Reset??
I have had several readers email to say that the Huggies coupons on have reset again! Have the $1.50/1 Little Swimmers, $3/1 Little Movers/Snugglers, and the $2.50/1 Pure and Natural coupons reset for you?
(Thanks, Laura and the other readers who emailed!)
Now for a deal to match them to!!!!!!!!! 🙁 Anybody know of any coming up soon? My diaper stash is getting low…unless Medco rolls out a $10/10 every other day. lol
Yesterday I saw diapers on sale at Rite Aid at 50% off. I got 2 packs of 42 and 50 for 8.99 each and then used the $3 coupons. I would check your Rite Aid if you have one close by. 🙂
mine isnt reset. 🙁
not reset here 🙁
Are there still baby clearance deals going on at CVS? Were any Huggies diapers included in this? I never got a chance to go look.
At my cvs’s the size 5 and 6 mega packs were on clearance for$4.49 so $1.49 after coupon!! At only one of my stores they weren’t labeled as clearance so there were still some left! The other sizes in mega packs were on clearance for $8.99 so not as good but still a low price with coupon for a package of over 40 diapers!
Thank you for the information!
Our store in Peru is wiped clean, but yes there were mega packs of huggies sizes 4 & 6 on sale for $4.37. Then with the $3.00 off coupon it made them $1.37. I was able to grab three packs of size 6. My son is only in 4-5, but he will eventually wear them! : ) It’s worth checking out!
Ugh, I need to get my printer working for all of these wonderful coupons!!
Mine reset as well…
no reset for me
No reset for me:(
not for me 🙁
They reset for me!!! TYVM!!!!
Reset for me! Why in the world would anyone pay full price for diapers?? Love all the coupons.
No such luck! My baby is due next week and I have been stocking up everytime I get those $3 off coupons!
no for me too
Mine didn’t reset.
me neither:(
no reset for me 🙁
Mine reset!
I’m getting a weird message now when i try to go to the site maybe they are resetting for the rest of us now
XML Parsing Error: not well-formed
Line Number 95, Column 12:
Mine didn’t reset…….
I would keep checking at CVS when you are out, the cashier said that they are no longer selling that size and the warehouse is still sending them out to the stores so you still may find some if you are there at the right time. I think I have 14 packs now!!
And take your Goodnights coupons too. The boxers are clearenced at 2.99 with the 2.50 coupon …………that is only .49;-)!!!!
no reset here!
Not for me….yet…still hoping! *fingers crossed*
No reset
Reset for me, Thanks!
No reset for me either.
Mine didn’t reset this morning but I checked again this afternoon and they DID reset!!! Try again if yours didn’t reset!
mine reset!
Mine reset this afternoon too as well as the Swimmers and Littlest Pet Shop ones! Woot!