FREE Tonsillectomy Care Package From Edy's!
Do you have any children that may be getting a tonsillectomy in the near future?
If so, your invited to request a special FREE kit full of fun and refreshing surprises from Edys Fruit Bars. The Tonsillectomy Care Package contains a gift certificate for one free box (6 or 12 bars) of Edys Fruit Bars, a crayon set, a coloring/activity book, a fruit bar key chain and a lime rubber bracelet! Just mail in this form here and your freebies will be delivered within 2 weeks!
(Thanks, Mrs.BuysMore!)
Do they still perform those????? (LOL)
I had mine out when I was 38! This would have been nice… I thought I was gonna die!!!!
Yep, my daughter just had hers out last week. We will be getting this-once we go for the check up so the doctor can sign it. I guess they really want to make sure that you had the procedure.
WOW I almost cried when I saw this my 2 year old has to have them out FEB 15th she has what they call kissing tonsils meaning they actually touch. She has a hard time breathing so they have to take them out. But this offer would be neat for her thanks!
JoDee, I know exactly how you feel. My teenager daughter who is now fifteen, had the same thing when she was two years old and had to have them removed. I felt so sorry for her, but to my surprise she made a quick recovery.
I had mine out about a year ago at the age of 27; two of my children have had theirs out as well. I couldn’t eat anything because I caught pneumonia while having my surgery so this would not have helped me. Also, when children have the procedure done it is extremely difficult to get them to drink the amount of fluid the doctor requires; they are so miserable and the medicine knocks them out. My son was also 2 when he had his removed due to sleep apnia; that is a scary thing.