Send a FREE Febreze Set & Refresh product (+ Care Package) to the Troops Serving in Combat
Wow! I’m just lovin’ this Facebook promo Febreze is offering up! Just head on over to the Febreze Facebook page and click on the “Treat the Troops” tab, then click the “Donate Now” button to send a U.S. hero serving in combat a Febreze Set & Refresh product, along with a care package of toiletries, magazines, letters, and more! How cool is that?! 😀
(Thanks, Freebie Shark!)
This is such an awesome idea! I donated mine!
Awesome idea!!! I love when these kind’s of deals pop up! Thanks for sharing!
Cool! Thanks 🙂
When I click nothing happens!
That was so easy!! Thanks for this post 🙂
Clicked but nothing came up like thankyou or anything nothing changed on my screen so don’t know if it went through or not. 🙁
Very cool 🙂
No info. Just a blank panel were the post info should be – using Safari.
Does it go to a random soldier or can I sent it to mine?
To answer my own question in case anyone else is wondering, it just sends it, so you can’t send it to a specific soldier, still awesome!
Awesome! Clicked and Shared on my FB page to hopefully get others, as they only have 1k+ donations and would like to get 50k.
Awesome!! I just clicked to donate and shared!!!