New Facebook Reaction Buttons Live Now
Starting today, February 24th, you may have noticed some new buttons on and/or in the Facebook app. With these new buttons, you now have a total of six ways to respond to a post or photo – choose from Like, Love, Haha, Wow, Sad and Angry. To use these new buttons, just hold down the like button on your mobile device or hover over the like button on your desktop/laptop and you should be able to see all six reactions images – then you just tap or click on the one you want to use. Check out more about these new buttons over on
And speaking of Facebook, be sure to check out the Hip2Save Facebook page!
In addition to posting all my favorite deals, I also post Facebook-only giveaways, videos, fun and inspirational quotes and more! So feel free to head on over and use those new buttons!
If you are an existing Hip2Save Facebook follower and you are not seeing Hip2Save as often as you’d like in your feed, I recommend you start using these new buttons to react to Hip2Save Facebook posts, leave comments, share posts etc – all these actions should ensure you see Hip2Save more often in your feed.
Still no dislike button, bummer!
and requires laptop/desktop…. double bummer… lol
It says “hold down the ‘like’ button on your mobile device,” so it doesn’t sound like it requires a laptop/desktop.
If you are on your phone, you just have to hold down “like” button longer and all other icons will show up.
You need an App update.
Isn’t angry similar to dislike?
Why on earth would you want everyone to DISLIKE all of your posts, Megan? That’s a no brainer. Facebook would self implode if they allowed that. People are already dissatisfied with it. We don’t need more HATERS in the world. Why can’t we turn off these opinionated buttons.
I agree! If you dislike something keep scrolling…
Sometimes I read a post that says someone is ill and don’t want to “like” it but would rather “dislike” that they are sick — I am think that is what she means ?? Or so I hope lol
I like that FB still decided not to have “dislike” button despite all the people wanting it. It could easily be used for cyber-bullying. If you don’t like something, just move on. We have enough negativity in this world already…
☺I agree
“Love” I couldn’t agree more.
I agree, Naomi! 🙂
LIKE ^^^^^^^^
How could a dislike be any less stronger than “haha”? Bullying isn’t going to stop b/c of something Mark Zuckerburg does or doesn’t do. Might be time to teach our youth to be responsible for their actions rather than all the “bully” this & “bully” that labels.
Eve – Agree with you on this one
Maybe I didn’t explain my thoughts enough.. With sad/angry button being there, I don’t see the need for “dislike” button. While “haha” could be used in offensive way, I still don’t think it’s as strong statement as being “disliked”. Wouldn’t you feel offended if someone dislikes your family photo? 🙂 Teaching kids about responsibility is necessary for a long run and while Mark/FB isn’t going to stop bullying, I still know that he is influential person in the world and I appreciate the fact that the company chose “positive reinforcement” rather than allowing more negativity on social media.
You couldn’t have been more clear, Naomi. I agree with you, but some opinionated, loud people just want to Dislike things that bug them for their own insecurities. People like us will never understand people like them.
Doesn’t work on my Samsung note4
Be sure your Facebook app is updated to the latest version. Hope that helps!
I can’t get it to work either???
Hi Fran! Be sure your Facebook app is updated to the latest version. 🙂
It took some time. Mine just did it about an hour ago
Doesn’t work on my Samsung Galaxy s5
Try updating your Facebook app to the latest version. Hope that helps!
I can see a lot of un-friending in the future….
I think the like button should go altogether. Comment on something and forget the junior high “like” button. And pokes..ugh don’t get me started on pokes!
This is nuts! I am so happy I have a life and no Facebook!! Lol! 😃