Kmart: VERY Inexpensive Purex Laundry Detergent

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Kmart has Purex Liquid Laundry Detergent (50 oz – 32 load) on sale 2/$5 this week! Even sweeter, when you buy $20 worth of Purex, you’ll score a $5 Catalina coupon to use like cash on your next order OR buy $30 worth of Purex and get a $10 Catalina coupon to use on your next order.

Deal Scenario:
*Buy 8 Purex Liquid Laundry Detergent (50 oz – 32 load) 2/$5
Total = $20
Use 8 $1/1 coupons found in the 2/20 RP
Pay $12
Get back a $5 Catalina coupon
Final cost $0.88 each
**Or if you have enough coupons, you could buy 12 and after the $10 Catalina, you’d get each detergent for just $0.67!

The Purex Complete 3-in-1 Laundry Sheets and Purex Complete with Zout detergent are both also included in the Catalina promo, but they are not on sale. You can still score a pretty sweet deal, though, by combining the Catalina promo with the $3/1 coupon that’s available…

Deal Scenario:
Buy 5 Purex 3-in-1 Laundry Sheets or Zout $5.65 each = $28.25
Buy 1 Purex Liquid for $2.50
Total = $30.75
Use five $3/1 coupons found in the 2/20 RP
Use one $1/1 coupon found in the 2/20 RP
Pay $14.75
Get back a $10 Catalina coupon
Final cost only $0.79 per item!

(Thanks for the heads up on these deals, Clippin’ With Carie!)

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Comments 108

  1. Carissa K

    My Kmart ad states that to qualify for the $5 coupon your total must be $20 AFTER all coupons and other discounts. (Same goes for the $10 coupon)

    Not sure if this will work…

  2. Stevie Nanstad

    I am heading there tonight..I just saw this on another site that did it and it worked

  3. Crunchy Deals

    That’s a great deal! But that’s a lot of coupons to have . . .

  4. Cfernq

    How could anyone get EIGHT coupons for the same item unless they bought EIGHT Sunday papers? Really, where do you get so many of the inserts? I wouldn’t mind a few extra! =)

    • Collin (Mrs. Hip)

      I also wonder the same thing 🙂 How people get so many of the same coupons to use for products?

      • Stevie Nanstad

        Buy them online. I just recently bought 20 Purex coupons for $.05 each 🙂

        • Jenny

          Me to! I bought 20 of these on EBay for $4!!

      • Lori

        Ebay! 🙂

      • Caitlin

        I live in an apartment complex and I pull about 10 inserts out of the recycling bins each week. I could get more if I wanted to go down there every day but I just check it when I get the mail (my husband normally gets the mail and won’t get them for me– thinks I’m NUTS!). We get the Redplum inserts in the mail each week rather than in the paper, so I end up with tons of those. That was really nice when the $3 Gain coupons were in there 🙂

        • Cfernq

          Awesome idea. I will have to check out some apartment complexes on Monday!

      • Karen

        I do coupon swapping with friend and co workers. We all don’t use the same items so it works out really well. So if there a specific coupons I want more than 4 of I will be extra papers other wise I don’t have to.

    • Jill

      I have a few old men at the local liquor stores that save inserts for me come Sunday night 🙂 I’m also not ashamed to pull the Sunday papers out of the public recycling bin right behind a local party store after they dump them 😉

    • zinkemomx2

      People buy whole inserts and individual coupons online all the time. Some of the rest of us scavenge the paper recycling trailer a few times a week.

      Today I was able to find multiple free admission coupons for a local play area. Regular paid admission for two kids and myself is $18 a day. We will get in FREE!

    • Laney

      I actually bought 20 of these coupons off Ebay a few weeks ago for the CVS deal. I think I paid about $2.50 shipped for all 20! Wish I had a Kmart close by cause I still have 10 more coupons to use up.

      • Natalie

        Laney… you could send them to me! I would use them 🙂

        • Laney

          I wouldn’t mind Natalie. Where do you live? I’m in Florida.

    • Bonnie

      If you live near a city where they sell the papers in the streets on Sat/Sun, try getting your papers from the guys in the streets. I am able to buy “just the insides” of the paper from my guy for only$.50 each, they have extras and I only pay for 10 papers what some people pay for 2. I can save so much more when I have multiples of the coupons that it is definitely worth $5/week on papers.

  5. Monica

    Thanks for posting this deal!

    I buy 10 papers a week for $1 each, and I make my money back 20+ times over with my savings.

  6. magellan_02

    Is there a website I could go to to get more coupons. I only have one right now.

    • Ana Maria S.

      I order extra coupons from My Coupon Hunter! Great customer service. I am pretty sure she still has lots in stock too. 🙂

    • Collin (Mrs. Hip)

      try ebay They have buy it nows I bought the $3/1 purex coupons and I had them in my mail 2 days later

    • TereSaves3

      As long as we are all sharing, I will also mention how I get extra inserts. Well first of all, my newspaper is notorious for having really bad inserts…So I have started ordering from “The Coupon Wizards” on Facebook. All their info is on their website which is coupon-wizards dot com – the inserts usually run only 50cents each!!! I love all their info plus they do webinars for FREE which has helped me understand couponing so much better! I highly suggest them to everyone!!!

  7. Eliza

    I’m not a huge fan of this detergent. Cheap or not. There was a great deal a year or so back and I bought 4 containers to try and I swear my clothes felt dingy after coming out of the dryer. It didn’t seem to clean them well. I switched to Gain/ Tide and haven’t had a problem since. Laundry detergent is one of the area I will pay more for quality. 🙂

    I have a question for you couponers out there that have been at this awhile. I was at Walgreen’s the other day getting a few things on sale, with coupons and had all my items in my basket, coupons in hand and when I got in line ( I was third) the lady at the register was a couponer as well, and had quite a basket full. I usually cheer at seeing others with coupons, but she had close to 40 items and rang 8 or 9 separate transactions thus causing the line to increase and people to get anxious. What was the most painful to watch was the was a little unorganized, which added to the already inconvenient time.The manager did come over and open another lane… but not before the crowd lined up let her know how they felt. It was 3:00pm in the afternoon, and I’m just curious…is that normal to do so many transactions? The man behind me was furious ( to say the least) and voiced his hatred at “people like her”. I did chime in and explain not all couponing experiences are like this, and explained how my transaction would hopefully go. I think I’ve done two transactions at the most, and come back later if there are more things I need, as to not hold up the line at the busiest time of day. I mean, is the attitude ” I will take whatever time a I need to save as much money as I can”? I guess my point in all this, as I can sort of see the man behind me frustration, but yet, understand what she was trying to do.. just think it was a little over the top at the wrong time of day. Are any of you on here ” people like her” that can shed some insight?

    • Kiesha

      I’m sure some will disagree but I believe that kind of behavior is downright rude and gives couponers a bad name.

      • zinkemomx2

        I agree with it being rude. The most I will do is two organized transactions if there is anyone else waiting. Then I move to the back of the line to finish the rest. Thankfully I live in a pretty small town and the cosmetics counter is always open for us couponers to use at Walgreens.

        • Eliza

          Thanks guys! I know my post didn’t “relate completely” with the Purex post, but I was curious how other people who coupon feel. I know some people do the roll over deals which require more than one transaction, so I was wondering how far people go. For me, I try to take into consideration the people behind me in hopes to perk up the couponing “stereotype”.

    • ANDREA

      I agree with you on the dinginess. I just recently ran out of purex and switched to 7th generation. Our clothes feel lighter now and cleaner feeling.

    • ROSE

      I have a different perspective on this couponer. We assume too much of others.. We have no way of knowing if she is only able to get to the store one time during a week period. and we are also expecting her to have a different standard of how she shops then the rest of us.Maybe it did take long time and maybe everyone had to wait. She shouldn’t be embarrassed or harrased for her time consuming checkout. . I say open another checkout sooner manager, take the next person in line and if that was you, you could say I’ll wait here, take this gentleman who has other things he needs to get accomplished. thank you.

    • steven

      I am one of those people who does several transactions each time in order to use my coupons and rewards money at the same time for each purchase- I also let them take customers in between my purchases and usually I use my store card for that person which saves them some money and adds to my total rewards / points. I am also a customer who will spend 3 hours shopping my store and then over an hour checking out. But I am always willing to let others go in between my sales so i dont hold up lines and I am always prepared with coupons in hand for those items that i am purchasing.

      • Tracey

        Should have taken items out to the car… get organized, figure out what RR to use and come back in do another few transactions and repeat if necessary. I have been doing couponing for 2 years now and I think it is rude to make others wait while you tie up a line. Just not good couponing in my opinion. Of course it gives us a bad name. It is completely rude in my opinion. They are more likely to make a mistake too if doing that many transactions without a breather in between. Be a little kinder to the folks that may have to run in to grab a thing or two.

    • Collin (Mrs. Hip)

      I don’t want to judge another person because I was not there. My thought was this person might have been rolling RR or something????

      I usually do only one transaction while I am in line and then if I have another transaction then I get back in line to do another. I also try to do only a few items at a time when I am at Walgreens, CVS, or Walmart. I often let people go ahead of me even if they have a lot of items. I don’t have to worry about someone behind me in line. People are more in a hurry at drugstores.

      Target I usually will do a few more items but I had a pnly a few items the other day and the cashier scrutinized my items and coupons before she rang them up and after she rang them up and then a third time if one beeped. I was in line for 30 minutes. I felt bad for the person behind me.I was organized and prepared but not prepared for the scrutiny.

      Moral of story, we don’t know all the facts about the couponer. Most of my transactions are quick but every once in a while I hold up the line. I just try to be a “role model” and be polite and take my turn and try not to hold up the line if I can avoid it. I don’t pay attention to others.

    • Collin (Mrs. Hip)


      I, at most, request 2 transactions. And feel bad for doing that even if there’s one person behind me.

    • Caitlin

      I agree that it’s very rude, HOWEVER it’s not something to get so upset about like the man did. There are a lot of people who can only get to stores once or twice a week and this may be her only way to get items that she needs for her family. That being said, I have done things similar but NOT at 3 pm. I prefer to go during the day or later in the evening on week days. I just get really annoyed by people who are irritated by couponers because they don’t understand what it’s like to NEED to save money and think using coupons is a novelty or eccentricity. I hear snide remarks every time I’m at Target and I pull out my 1/2″ thick stack of coupons and it gets very old, very fast. I’m sorry the economy isn’t kicking your butts like it’s kicking mine, but I am not going to apologize for doing what I can for my family. /endrant! 🙂

    • Angela

      My walgreens has a policy that states that whenever there is more than one person in line then you can only do one transaction at a time. I had three transactions to complete. I did transaction A, went to the back of the line to wait my turn, did trans B, again went to the back of the line and did Trans c. I think your walgreens needs to put a new policy in place!! I don’t mind waiting to save money.

    • Collin (Mrs. Hip)

      Eliza, I would be curious to know where you live, because we have a lady that fits that decription here in Utah. She has no problem tying up a registar at Rite aid or Walgreens to do her 8 transactions. If her one of her coupons is refused for whatever reason she will pull out her cell phone and call corporate and further tie up the line. It’s very annoying, she once tried to get a cashier fired because she refused to accept her coupon (rumor from the cashier was it was for the wrong size/oz. and she threw a fit). Sad that people will do this because this poor cashier got written up because of her and almost lost her job after 16 years of employement. I love a great deal as much as the next guy, but being rude to other people is just not acceptable. Always try to think of others, go to the back of the line after each transaction and most importantly be respectful to cashiers. There is just no excuse to treat them badly over a coupon!!! Thanks for sharing your story.

      • Eliza

        I’m from NC actually, but I wouldn’t doubt there are a few of them out there. She wasn’t ” rude” per say to anyone, but it was more the fact that the line was obviously growing behind her, and even after opening another register, it was a busy time of day, and I was shocked she continued to stand there and not finish a transaction and go to the back of the line. I don’t blame her for not wanting to leave and come back, but it would make sense after reading some other comments on here for her to take her place at the back of the line. Again, I’m not professional on coupon etiquette. Just wondering if couponers hold the ” right” to hold up the line. I have seen people like the one you mention there in Utah that throws a living fit when the coupon beeps and it’s everyone’s fault but her own that it’s the wrong one. It’s a shame. I love the comment someone said on here awhile back on another post about stores having a “coupon lane”. I think that would be awesome!

    • Collin (Mrs. Hip)

      Well i must say the women did nothing wrong know matter what time of the day it was.She stood in line just like anyone else she was there to buy.And sometimes to save money you have to do seperate transactions.And with the cost of gas today who wants to come back later,Sorry but i love my coupons and i will hold everything up to save a dime.Not trying to be nasty but i love holding on to my money.So hats off to her hope she saved a bundle,

      • pianomom80

        I agree that there’s nothing wrong with saving money and doing several transactions….but she should’ve gotten out of line each time she was doing a transaction. And I don’t know why you think that people would have to leave and come back just to do transactions. You can do several in one trip, but be courteous and get out of line for others. That’s all I have to say about that! 🙂 🙂 🙂 Love your site Collin! 😀

    • Collin (Mrs. Hip)

      I am a walgreens employee and always ask the customers with multiple orders to go to cosmetics next time because they are not as busy and can take the time to do more than one. There won’t be anyone waiting behind them.

  8. Collin (Mrs. Hip)

    I think I’d rather pay full price for an item (gasp!) then go into a Kmart store. LOL! 🙂 Thanks Collin for posting all these deals. I LOVE your site!

    • Miriam

      Agree. I still have a bad taste in my mouth from all my childhood Kmart visits. I’m 30 an every once in awhile my mom drags me there.

      • Caitlin

        I agree. I hated Kmart as a kid… but we go in there every once in a while and the toys at our local store are AWESOME. They have some of the same kind of toys there that I had when I was a kid… like stepping into a time warp! I wonder if they’re the actual toys that have been sitting there 20 years?! 🙂

        • kayla

          i also will not go to a kmart. i used to work at the only one in my town and i already know how the cust. service is and will not go. but i might send my mom in for me cause im on my last bottle of detergent.

  9. Amanda

    Can anyone tell me if this includes the Purex Free & Clear or Purex Baby? I’m trying to stock up for the little one on the way.

    The closest K-Mart is 40 minutes away but I might have to go check this out since I have a bunch of these Q’s to use up! Thanks for the heads up 🙂

  10. Collin (Mrs. Hip)

    So if someone could help me figure this out i would appreciate it.. I can go into a store with 8 of the same coupons and pick out 8 of that product and the casier will accept all 8 coupons in one transaction?

    • zinkemomx2

      Some coupons do have a limit on them. Crest and Pringles are both notorious for a limit of four like coupons in any one transaction.

      • Collin (Mrs. Hip)

        thnak you 🙂

    • Amy

      Mmhmm! Because you have 8 different bottles of Purex. The coupons are all for x off 1. So you’re good 🙂

      • Collin (Mrs. Hip)

        thank you:)

    • Amanda

      ….and in my days of couponing I’ve had multiple cashiers say to me “you can only use one, it says ‘1 per purchase’. Make sure you, as a couponer, know the difference between ‘1 per purchase’ and ‘1 per transaction’. I just had this happen to me yesterday but since I know the difference I’m able to explain it to them and complete my transaction with no issues. (this was on a P&G coupon too so it clearly stated 1 per purchase/4 like coupons per transaction)

      • Jenny

        This happened to me Sunday to. I was like no.. one per purchase NOT Transaction. I got the cashier to take all my coupons after that.

        • fran

          Don’t you love, that we have to educate store employees????

  11. Lindsey Birth

    I have a question. The coupon is for the Ultra Concentrate Purex, so will the coupon work for the ones in the picture? I have 20 Purex coupons that I want to use, and it would be great if the coupon would work. Please let me know.

    • fran

      The concentrate are a different size.

    • Stevie Nanstad

      The one pictured IS the Concentrated. I just recently stocked up using the $1 coupons and bought these 🙂
      They say ULTRA right about the word Purex

  12. Monica

    If I am doing multiple transactions at Walgreens I always let the people behind me go first, or else do just one transaction then go to the back of the line.

    • Sadie-Lynn

      I love couponers like you 🙂 ( I’m a cashier)

  13. Michelle Schaal

    What is a Catalina coupon? Sorry for the ignorance!

    • Caitlin

      A Catalina coupon is one of the machine coupons that prints after you pay for your item. In this case, it’s a Catalina for $5 or $10 off your next purchase (of anything in the store!) but sometimes you may receive them for products and special store offers! HTH 🙂

  14. Yolanda

    Sorry I don’t know where to post this buy I have a 20% off amazon diapers in case anybody wants it!

      • Yolanda

        i just send it to you!

    • LC

      I’d love it!!!

      • Yolanda

        can you give me your e-mail address so I can send it to you!

        • LC

          orrns at yahoo dot com

    • Crystal

      I will take it if you still have it hdlstn (at)

    • Jenny

      I just sold mine on Ebay for $5 bucks! Cha-ching.

      • Yolanda

        I don’t like to do that, if I don’t use it I’ll rather give it to someone who would use it! Just hope they don’t sell them too.

        • Jenny

          It just makes up for the money I buy my other coups with.

  15. LC

    do Kmart’s catalina’s work like cash like walgreens? (don’t shop there typically)

  16. chris

    This is sort of off topic, did anyone sign up for the kmart birthday club a while back? I did & we never received any of the items-which is fine, whatever. But they email me EVERY DAY saying my son’s birthday is only weeks away (at this point is months away) and give me gift ideas. I unsubscribe following their link at the bottom, and I still get these emails! I’ve been getting them for over two months now and it is so annoying! I have emailed customer service several times, talked to them, done a live chat and they always promise to take me off the list. I know I can just block these emails but its just the principle. Anyone else had this problem?

  17. Kiesha

    The only problem I have with catalina deals at KMart is finding something to use them on later, their prices are OUTRAGEOUS!

    • Amanda

      I was wondering the same thing. I don’t shop there normally but the prices are evident by glancing at their ad. I’m thinking I’d pick up toilet paper, paper towel, or another need and not feel guilty about the price since it’s not coming OOP.

    • Caitlin

      Their prices on kid’s clothes are okay– the quality isn’t awesome but I’ve snagged some cheap shirts for my son for $2 or so, and that’s not bad for “play clothes”. Also, I am not sure what the exp. date on the Catalinas is but if it’s not too close, you may be able to save them for the times that Kmart doubles up to $2 coupons!

    • Wendy

      Use them at Walmart, since they released a new coupon policy last week saying they will take them 🙂 They’re soooo not my favorite store, but there are a few things that I have to get there occasionally LOL

  18. Mrs.Hall

    I love a great deal..but sadly I have no Kmart close by. But I’d be kinda of reserved on this kind..and I’m a pretty good “tight woad” when it comes to things. But I too find this detergent to be on the less then clean feel/clean scent too. I remember using lots of dryer sheets to freshen the clothes up lol..sometimes my wet clothes smelt like just that…wet clothes…nothing fresh. But its a great deal if you have a way to make the clothes come out right so I’m not knockin’ the deal 🙂

    I use for the cheapest..Era is my favorite from Walmart…followed by Arm and Hammer. Gets the job done and leaves a fresh scent for a good price. Wish I could find some Era coupons 🙂

  19. Lara

    I would love to know if anyone can verify if this deal is $20 before or after coupons.

    • Jenny

      Yea, me to. Do you still get the catalina if you use the coupons?

    • Amanda

      I can’t confirm it personally but this deal says it was posted thanks to Clippin’ with Carrie ( I went over there and she did the deal personally…received the catalina after buying 12 bottles of detergent.

      Also…I regularly do catalina deals at our local grocery store. The ad ALWAYS says calculated after coupons but it always rolls off of shelf price. I’m guessing this is a similar situation. The store wants you to believe it’s after coupons so you spend more 🙂 Hope that helps!

    • Clippin with Carie

      It is $20 before coupons or $30 before coupons depending on which deal you are doing!

      I bought $30 worth, paid $19.05 after coupons (includes tax) and received my $10/10 coupon.

      • Lara

        Thanks, all. I may be brave enough to head out now! I’ve got the coupons, just don’t want to make the journey unless it’s worth it!

  20. Stevie Nanstad

    I signed up for the bday club and never got anything..but I don’t get emails..(Thanks goodness!)

  21. Anonymous

    I’m still looking for $10 Amazon baby store code and YT code. Anyone have them, please let em know! I can trade any coupons you want if I have them!

  22. Aljewels

    Hi everyone, this same item is on closeout was 2.64 but now ranges 1.99 – 2.12 depending on your region. That is the prices in Atl and NC which is cheaper that Kmart’s 2/5.00 I didn’t know about the CAT but I will try this sale and see what rings up and get back to you. HTH

  23. Lori

    Leaving Kmart, got 2 of the 3 in 1 sheets, 3 of the $2.50 ones and 2 of ones with stain remover that you can use the $3 q on. My $10 did not print because I didn’t have a rewards card, but they signed me up for one and made the $10 print off. So not including tax about $5 for all!

  24. Stacy

    Anyone know if the Free & Clear variety is included?

    • Collin (Mrs. Hip)

      When I went the white free and clear bottles were included.

      • Stacy


  25. MEL

    OFF topic here, but I have a yt amazon code that I need to trade for either a yj or a 10 off code, if you have one you are willing to trade please email me at 4kiddos08@livedot com. TIA

    • Katie

      Mel – I have a YJ to trade with you! I just emailed you!

  26. Melissa

    My Family Dollar had these on sale this week down from $5 to $3.50. I got 10 @ .50 a piece:)

  27. Anonymous

    today i was able to get 4 boxes of cereals ,gallon of milk ,box of garlic bread and 2 four packs of diced fruit for 7 dollars thank you for all that you do to help us save money.

  28. Sue

    Redeeming coupons and holding up the line is no more rude than buying up lottery tickets and holding up the line.

  29. Collin (Mrs. Hip)

    Is this soap really as bad as some people say, I just got 19 bottles for free, well better than free. My kroger store clearanced the light green lily scent last week and there was a promo along with it so I made .50 profit per bottle after coupon and catalina. Now I don’t want to use it if my clothes are going to be dingy. Anyone else feel this way?

    • Kathryn

      I have used this, and my mom swears by this. It doesn’t not make your clothes dingy. I actually love it!

      • Collin (Mrs. Hip)

        Thank you Kathryn, that makes me feel better!

  30. Kathryn

    Has anyone tried it? Is it working? Does anyone know how to verify if the promo is actually running at their store before you do the transaction? I just ordered 20 off of E-Bay, and I’m hoping to get them before my store runs out 🙂

  31. Carla

    I went in a tried the deal, and the Catalina won’t print unless you spend the amount stated such as $30 after coupons and tax. It’s stated in the ad and is a new policy they put into effect. The manager at my store said he has a lot of angry women. 🙁

    • Stevie Nanstad

      Oh wow. Not cool!

    • Lara

      I ended up getting a $5 off of a $30 purchase catalina coupon after my transaction. NOT what I was expecting. I’m not too thrilled right now. But I suppose $1.50 per bottle isn’t so bad.

      • Lara

        I retract, I retract, I retract!!!! I had some additional rewards that printed out, but when I checked my actual receipt, there it was— a $5 off merchandise purchase! I guess I was in a rush this morning and didn’t slow down long enough to see the light! ha. I’m much happier now!!!!!!!

    • Kristin M

      I would like to see this policy. Nowhere in the ad does it say the total must be before coupons. It says before other discounts, but a coupon is NOT a discount. They receive $ back for them, so basically the store IS getting $30 for my purex purchases.

      • Kristin M

        How is Kmart on their return policy? If this is the case I will purchase 17, use $12.00 in coupons this will bring my total to $30.50 cash. I’ll then return 5 bottles and receive $12.50 back making my total bottom line $18 with a 10 “register reward” if you will. The store will have received $18 cash from me and an additional $12 in coupons to redeem, totaling $30.

        • Crystal

          Did this work?

  32. Laney

    NATALIE if you’re still reading this thread I will send you the 10 extra Purex coupons I have! Please post back if you’re interested.

  33. Carla

    This must only work if you use your rewards card. which is good to know for any future deals. 🙂

  34. Amanda

    Tried the deal today in South Jersey with no luck. I scanned my Rewards card first and purchased the following:

    12 Purex Free & Clear $2.50 = $30.00
    -(12) $1/1 coupons
    Subtotal $18.00
    Tax $2.10
    Total $20.10

    I did not get a coupon at the bottom of my receipt. I did get a separate coupon for $4/40. Boo 🙁

    • Lorie

      We have double coupons this week at our Super Kmart..YAY! What a great deal.

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