Amazon Work-From-Home Job Opportunity: Starts At $10/Hour (Select States Only)
One way that you may be able to earn extra spending money from home is to apply for a work-at-home job via Amazon’s Virtual Contact Center! Amazon is currently hiring for seasonal, part time customer service associate positions. In order to apply, you must have a home residence in Arizona, Colorado, Delaware, Florida, Georgia, Kansas, Kentucky, Michigan, Minnesota, North Carolina, North Dakota, Ohio, Oregon, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, Tennessee, Washington, West Virginia, Wisconsin or Virginia.
*Base compensation is $10/hour.
Here are some requirements in order to apply:
- High School Diploma or equivalent
- Basic typing, phone, and computer navigation skills
- Ability to navigate the Internet, email, and Instant Messenger tools
- 1+ years in a service environment dealing with the public
- High speed hard wired internet (5 MB/second, no WiFi)
- Landline phone line for work only
Wondering if you should apply? Check out this email sent from reader, Jessica, last year…
Thank you so much for the post about Amazon work from home positions! I was afraid I was not going to be able to work for them due to the full time schedule they sent to me; however, I received a phone call on Sunday offering me a permanent part time position! I did not have to drive the two hours to the Amazon facilities – they actually allowed me to have the forms notarized and scanned to them. It was such a blessing and I’m so thankful for your post!
(Thanks, The Penny Hoarder!)
The amazon jobs that are currently listed (seasonal) are legitimate work from home jobs. I had worked for them last year and got hired on as a reserve customer service agent. There is no need for a landline phone and I never had to speak with anyone! I did everything online even the hiring event which was basically “your hired” was online. All paperwork was completed online with the exception of the I-9 and they actually set all that up to. The training is self paced and you get to decide how many hours you spend doing the training. Great job
Thank you Wendy for the info!!!
Wendy, I’m curious what the schedules were like when you worked the seasonal position? I’m still waiting on mine!
Got an email to check out, and possibly apply for this opportunity. Went on-line, began the application process the VERY SAME DAY. 2 pages in, the portal said it had a problem. Ugh! Logged out. NOW, I go in, and it says ‘Job No Longer Available’. Too bad. — “Bummed in Florida”.
very interested please
I am interested in the at home job.
Hi, my name is Angie and I am very interested in the at home job.
I am interested in the work at home job. I applied on my phone, but it said I had to use a computer. When I tried to apply it said the jobs are no longer available.
Hi Patricia! Looks like there is now a new link. Just updated it you wanted to click back through!
I applied this would be absolutely perfect for our senario and im a huge computer nerd *fingers crossed*
This sounds like a great opportunity for a work at home job but its not for me.
Super great you revealed this to the public freely thank you for your generous mind.
Just checking did anyone hear back or get hired by amazon
I recently applied and got hired! 😀 I start training soon.
Where do i go to apply and what, how long,
and where is training.
where can i Apply? Im a work at home agent for Apple an lifetouch
Hello where can i apply