Amazon: 5 FREE Kindle eBooks (Anne of Green Gables, The Secret Garden & More)
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For a limited time, head on over to Amazon where you can download the following eBooks completely FREE (regularly up to $2.99)! If you don’t have a Kindle, keep in mind that you can still read books on your computer or other mobile devices with the FREE Kindle Reading Apps found here.
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(Thanks, Shop the Hot Deals!)
You’re welcome!
Only for Kindleunlimited?
It should have a box for kindle unlimited then below that a box that says “buy now for free”
thank you
Thank you
You’re welcome!
I love it when you let us know of these free books. I like to snatch them up for reading to my daughter.
Happy to help you snag them!
Thank you very much !! I gave up shopping for lent !! So if it’s free it’s not really shopping !!!! Love to read books !! And these will add to my collection of free books !!!
Oh perfect! Happy you could snag them! You’re so welcome! 😉