Best Buy: Keurig Coffee Maker Just $69.99 Shipped After Gift Card
Update: It appears that the FREE Speaker is now out of stock 🙁
In the market for a Keurig?
Hop on over to Best Buy where they are offering the Keurig K50 CoffeeMaker in black or red for just $79.99 shipped (regularly $119.99). Even sweeter, you’ll score a FREE $10 Best Buy gift card AND a FREE Insignia Bluetooth Speaker with Google Assistant (regularly $99.99) – no promo code needed, both free items will be added to your cart automatically. Awesome!
The Insignia speaker lets you find your favorite songs with just the sound of your voice. Pair your compatible devices via Bluetooth or Wi-Fi, and Google Assistant is included to answer questions or search the internet.
The speaker was in my cart with the gift card and then it disappeared as I was checking out.
Darn! The speaker is no longer available. I updated the post.
Its not working
I bought this today and it worked!
Back in stock! I just got this deal now — the coffee maker, speaker and $10 for $79.99 plus they have same day shipping for an extra $5.99 so that way i don’t have to brave the mall today!