L.O.L. Surprise! Series 2 Dolls $9.99 Shipped at Best Buy
Hurry over to BestBuy.com where they have the L.O.L. Surprise! Series 2 Dolls in-stock for just $9.99 shipped. Each L.O.L Surprise! contains a mystery doll, secret message, collectible stickers, a bottle, shoes, an outfit and an accessory!
Ordering this as a Christmas gift? It should arrive by December 22nd!
I was able to order one just a few minutes ago.
Yay! Thanks for letting us know! Just updated!
It is still available, one per person, but they are available to order. Just did one.
Awesome! Thanks for sharing! The post has been updated!
Thank you!! I have not been able to find these anywhere. This is the only toy my child wanted for Christmas.
Aww, happy you can snag it!! You’re so welcome!