About Social Networks and RSS Feeds
I would like to make it easier for all my readers to be able to share about all the great deals and bargains that are readily available on Hip2Save.com! If you find a post on Hip2Save that you like, use the Share emojis towards the bottom of the post to share via text, email or your favorite social platform.
Here are the ways to receive updates, get special info, and become a part of this site!
RSS Feeds
Really Simple Syndication (RSS) is one of the oldest ways to stay current with a website. It is similar to a newspaper subscription and is generally a free service via a RSS reader. You save time by not needing to visit each site individually. Test it out for fun!
Whenever Hip2Save is updated, this news is delivered to you! Hip2Save provides a variety of RSS feeds, but these feeds require a RSS reader:
Amphetadesk works with Windows, Mac and Linux; FeedReader (Windows); and NewsGator (Windows – integrates with Outlook). There are also a number of web-based feed readers available, including My Yahoo, Bloglines, and Google Reader.
Our feed link is:
- RSS : https://hip2save.com/feed/
You can add the feed to your reader automatically by using the following links: