Gift This, Not That: 10 Teacher-Approved Appreciation Gifts (& 5 Gifts To Avoid)

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We ❤️ teachers!

They spend their days instructing and inspiring your kiddos, so it’s natural to want to show them your gratitude. But what do teachers really want?! We asked our Hip2Save community (specifically, teachers) about some of their favorite teacher-approved gifts – and which gifts to avoid – to help simplify your teacher appreciation gift giving.

Please note – all teachers are unique, with various needs, wants, and preferences. When in doubt, ask your teacher what he or she needs. And remember, gifts given with kindness and love are always appreciated!

BEST Gifts For Teachers

Gift cards

Writing on teacher appreciation gift card notes

“I appreciate gift cards to Amazon. I almost always buy stuff for the classroom, but that makes me happy, so I don’t mind an ounce!” –Wendy

Hip Tip: Check out these fun teacher appreciation gift card tags to make giving a gift card even more thoughtful!

Coffee, breakfast, or lunch delivery

Starbucks breakfast sandwich and coffee

“Having a special lunch or coffee/drink delivery is nice.” –Jana

“I had a parent order my family dinner from my favorite pizza place!” –Melissa

Letter to the principal

blank piece of paper with coffee cup

“I am a principal, and I really appreciate getting positive emails about teachers! I love being able to forward them and make their day!!” –Erin

Fun and useful teaching supplies

Expo dry erase markers in a package

“Colored Expo markers, colored pens, fun Post-it notes…” –Erica

“The best gift I’ve received was a laminator.” –Rachel

“Anything I can actually use in class (lamination sheets, fun pens, books, sheet protectors, etc.)” –Kelly

Hip Tip: Buy school supplies and then make this super creative school supply “cake”!

Beach towels and blankets

“Beach towels are always great! You can never have enough… unlike mugs and knick-knacks that sit around.” –Elizabeth

“I got a beautiful throw blanket once. It’s still on my couch.” –Samantha

“My most useful gift item was a beach towel embroidered with my name.” – Elizabeth

Hip Tip: Make it into a fun summer-themed gift with this printable summer tag.

Thank you notes from students or parents

little girl writing on paper

“I have kept the handwritten notes from children for years. I call it my ‘warm fuzzy’ file and break it out every once in a while when I need a smile.” –Liz

“Gift cards are certainly nice, but I also love handwritten notes from parents with specific details of what their child loves about our class and me as their teacher. I keep these in memory and often re-read them. Fills my heart!” –Sherri

“Letters from students mean more than anything to me. I teach middle school, and genuine letters telling me how I impacted them during the school year mean so so very much. If the kids aren’t old enough, then letters from parents. There are so many days where you question your impact and whether you are making an impact. There are also so many days you just want to quit. On those days, I pull those letters out and remind myself why I do it.” –Kimberly

Lunch crock

“I gave my student’s teacher a mini Lunch crock-Pot. He loved it and brings it filled for lunch regularly. Such a useful gift idea!” – Cindy

Hip Tip: Check out this post for details on how to gift these Crock-Pot Lunch Crock Food Warmers!

Small, low-maintenance plants

gift guide for homebody — succulents in owl planters

“I’ve bought succulents or small plants if the teacher has a gardening interest… with a coffee gift card on the [plant] stake.” –Mariah

Personalized interest gifts

Eating popcorn

“I like it when the gift seems personalized due to what they know about me. Like one of my families got us gift cards to the movies because we are huuuuge epic film nerds. Another parent gave me coordinating summer goods for my vintage camper.” –Wendy

“The best gift I received was a handmade BB8. My whole classroom is decorated in Star Wars and two of my students spent a weekend and created a paper mache BB8. I proudly display that every year. By far one of my favorite gifts.” –Ashlei

“When my daughter was in kindergarten, she LOVED her teacher’s shoes (they were apparently soooo fancy), so we got her a gift card to a shoe store, and I wrote her a note telling her how much her shoes had been admired! ” –Shelley

Thoughtful service

black car being washed with soap and sponge

“One year, the parents washed our cars during the day!” –Erin

LEAST Favorite Gifts

gift boox filled with homemade cookies

There are certain items that (while thoughtful) don’t completely win the praises of teachers:

  • Coffee mugs. Many teachers reported receiving numerous mugs even though they don’t drink coffee.
  • Anything “teacher” or “apple” related. Over time, these super specific gifts lose their novelty.
  • Candles. Some people have their own preferences for scents and brands.
  • Lotion. It’s the same argument as the candles.
  • Homemade food. Even though the treat could be totally delicious, teachers felt overwhelmed with too many sweets or weren’t comfortable with not knowing all the ingredients.

But pretty much all teachers agree…

oil pastel drawing of a pink heart

It really is the thought that counts! While there are certain gifts they love and others that they may not go crazy for, knowing that their students and parents appreciate their commitment is really what matters, regardless of the gift.

Make a thoughtful gift with these cute and clever Teacher Appreciation DIYs!

Join The Discussion

Comments 80

  1. Casey

    Agreed! I work in a school as an aide and my favorite gifts are simple thank you cards from kiddos. Chocolates have also been well received by me 🙂

  2. Noelle M.

    Yes yes and yes! I would never complain because it’s so thoughtful that parents even try to give a gift but unfortunately many things get given away or thrown out because I either have a ton of them or am not comfortable eating homemade food when I don’t know the people well enough. This is great and exactly what I wish every parent thought of!

  3. Deb

    I’ve been retired for 9years now, but am still using bookmarks students got me. I love thinking of that student as I read.

  4. KLS

    As a teacher, I will also add that it is not necessary or expected that anything is given as a gift at any time throughout the year. Please don’t feel pressured to give anything. Teachers did not become teachers for the money, recognition, or gifts. While it is so nice and very much appreciated, it is completely unnecessary and unexpected. Obviously, people will do what they want, but please do not feel obligated. Gifts, notes, or a lack of, have never changed the way I feel about a student. Also, even though there is a list of things that are not recommended, if you have the desire to give, give whatever you can/want as it is the thought that counts.

    • SJ

      Such thoughts are what defines a teacher. Thank you for making a better world!

    • Wren

      Great comment, KLS!

    • kayti

      I second this! My favorite things I’ve received are neat artwork and letters from my elementary students! I’ll take colorful artwork to hang by my desk any day!

    • Vanessa

      Love your comment, KLS.

    • Kat

      Such kind words! Your students (and parents) sure are lucky to have you!

    • Nicole

      As a special ed teacher, I rarely receive gifts, and I never expect them. A heart felt thank you would be appreciated!

      I feel A LOT of pressure as a parent to shower my child’s teacher from the school PTO and room mom with gift cards and I am agonizing over the decision right now. We just can’t afford it. We had baby 3 and I’m unexpectedly staying home this year. When did teachers start receiving $50+ gifts as standard practice – Christmas and Teacher Appreciation week? Did I miss something? A $5 gift at Christmas is what my mom sent to school.

    • Lisa

      I greatly appreciate hearing this. Sometimes I try to spend the money to show appreciation and forget that sometimes a nice note would suffice. I try to send some small supplies to help throughout the year (mine are in Pre-k and Kindergarten) as well as Christmas time and teacher appreciation week, but we can’t always do it. Thanks for taking some pressure off and remembering it’s not about the amount that is spent.

  5. Susan

    So glad you guys listed the “apple” theme as a no-no. I’m a bookkeeper – would I want to receive personalized stuff that says “Bookkeeper” – HECK NO! C’mon people – let’s be more creative than that. 🙂

    • Ash

      Or just be grateful that students even care enough about a teacher to get them anything. It doesn’t matter what it is.

  6. Jane

    I love to give consumable gifts so I feel like car wash tokens are another nice option.

  7. Shannon

    Check with your district before buying the crock pot. Some don’t allow teachers to use small appliances in their classrooms.

  8. kayti

    On a side note… Those cute owl plants are not super functional. I bought them along with the small succulents from Amazon and all they do is mold and die. The other half that I planted in a pot are doing great! I’m also a teacher and a few succulents to my teacher friends and theirs are living in the original pots.

  9. Beth Porter

    I know many frugal parents like to give a basket with the items they received for free or for pennies with their coupons (lotions, soaps, shampoo, laundry detergent, etc) and although the thought is lovely, my sister (a teacher) gets a basket every year from a family. She gives it all away as she can’t use anything scented. I know the family is showing their appreciation, but a note from the student would go just as far in the category of appreciation.

  10. Tm

    I kind of hate these posts. :/ I buy gift cards and some say they aren’t personal enough. I put together a “cozy” basket with a blanket, mug, hot cocoa, candle, fuzzy socks and some say no one wants mugs and candles. I’m already insecure enough about my gift giving. No need to make me feel worse. Lol I just hope our teachers know we love them whether they like Panera gift cards or cinnamon candles.

    • Ana

      What you do sounds nice.
      Also, you know your teachers and some may like stuff on the “what not to give” section. 😊

    • Noelle M

      Any parent who is trying to express appreciation is a blessing to us no matter what the expression is. Posts like this encourage creative thinking in the gift department, but please don’t think your gift isn’t appreciated, because no matter what it is, it makes our day.

    • Susan

      I totally get where you are coming from. I appreciate the tips in posts like these because I love to read the suggestions. Sometimes I get great ideas that I hadn’t thought of before. I have some picky family members that make it very unpleasant to buy gifts for. No matter how hard I try, it’s the wrong brand, I spent too much money, or they don’t need it. They are no fun to buy for!!! Through this experience, I have learned to be a gracious recipient of gifts. I am always thrilled to be thought of! I am appreciative of any and all gifts that I receive. If it’s not something I like or can’t use, I will donate it or pass it along to someone that can use it. It’s a win for everyone, while not having to hurt the person’s feelings who gave the gift!

    • Liz

      I am a teacher and would say that ANYTHING you give is appreciated! My sister stresses out about what to give her kid’s teacher and she never believes me when I say ANYTHING. I truly think the thought is what counts. My favorite present once was a slightly dusty glass “rose”. The student was so happy to give it to me and I gushed over it because she was so sweet to think of me and try to find something she thought I would like yet she could also afford. Anytime someone noticed it, I mentioned how sweet the student had been and how much I loved it. Any show of appreciation or gift is always appreciated and remembered, no matter what it is! Don’t stress out and just give from the heart and the teacher will love it!

      • Kat

        Really nice of you to say this! Your students (and parents) are lucky to have you!

    • Susan S.

      Tm, This is exactly how I feel.
      Well said.

    • KLS

      I agree with “anything”! For example, I love diet pepsi. A can, bottle, or fountain diet pepsi makes my day! Super cheap and thoughtful! Sometimes families give much more than I would want them to and I wish they had spent it on their own needs.

    • littlespeak

      Trust me. we appreciate gift cards or any thanks. Make it more personal by adding a personal note from you or students! I love the notes the most! I bet the teachers love you because you want to show them you care and appreciate them!

  11. Jacki

    And please, if your child works with another teacher closely (enrichment, speech pathologist, inclusion teacher), consider remembering that person as well!

    • KAJ-T

      Our Daughter gets many supports outside
      Of the classroom. This year we gave all of the professionals that support her a small token of our appreciation and her occupation therapist cried. I think sometimes some people get overlooked.

    • Allison

      We usually average 10 gifts between my two sons’ teachers, therapists, aides, and bus drivers. It’s more of a challenge to come up with gifts for that many (and without repeating since many therapists like speech, PT, and OT stay the same) but I appreciate each one SO MUCH for all they do for my kids!

  12. sad mom

    I have always given my sons past teachers a little something at the end but this year I’m struggling, he has not gotten along well with his teacher and I think she singles him out. She has even gone so far as to tell me that my son irritates her sometimes and she that likes him most of the time in class.
    struggling hard with this, just waiting for the next month to be done and hoping for a better teacher next year.

    • Saydee

      Listen dont be sad. As long as you are honest with your son, he will eventually realize that his teacher “not liking” him that much happens. I 100% believe you when u say and think your child may not be liked as much as other children because sadly i was that child in 3rd grade. EVERYONE from students to parents loved the teacher but i just felt left out and my mom saw it too. It was really uncomfortable for me many times. While i have no advice just know that others have been there. Teachers are human, they are going to dislike a student a parent or both. If they say otherwise, they arent truthful.

    • Marge

      I’d buy a pack of toilet paper as a gift to help her with her irritation. Sounds like a really awful teacher.

    • Drew

      We had this same issue with our son 2 years ago! It is SUCH a horrible feeling, knowing the teacher doesn’t like your child for WHATEVER reason, especially when they spend so much of their day with that person! We witnessed (repeatedly) her being so friendly and kind with other students in his class, yet barely acknowledging him. We saw her at several non-classroom, but school related functions, & my son would avoid looking in her direction. She would see us & not acknowledge us. As a kid, I remember seeing my teachers outside of the classroom & I would RUN up to them to say hi! So for Saydee & for your son, I FEEL YOU & you guys are not alone! I hope we never have to deal with that feeling again & I hope your son has a great teacher after this one. He has just LOVED every other teacher since that one!! 🙂

  13. Tia in FL

    My husband has always taught in inner-city schools and is now a principal of one where 99% of children qualify for free lunch. How comfortable some of these teachers are to be able to say “enough already” with a certain gift. I’d rather gift nothing than think for one second a teacher turns her nose up because all a child’s family could afford was a small candle.

    • Seeking

      <3 <3
      My mom is a teacher is poor Appalachia and would say the same.

    • suzanne skero

      I would consider giving these teachers / feedback the benefit of the doubt. Not every teacher is in the same situation as your husband. Most teachers that I know are truly grateful for the thought more than anything!

      I teach in a similar district as your husband. Peace to you and your husband.

    • molly

      I don’t think most teachers are saying “enough already” when they provide feedback about their “least favorite” gifts. I’m a teacher and I appreciate EVERY gift, especially personal notes of thanks from my students, which are absolutely free. With that said, I’m a parent as well, and I’d rather use my gift giving money toward something that my child’s teacher is more likely to use or enjoy than not. Thank you for supporting teachers and giving them the benefit of the doubt.

  14. karen

    I buy blank note cards at michaels. They sell boxes of 60 with envelopes. All different designs. I split them up into packs of 10 and package them with a bow. A great gift

    • Gigi

      I do the same!

    • Gigi

      I also do this and it is well received, especially at Christmas when they try to write their notes same day.

    • suzanne skero

      That is a great idea!

    • Sheri

      Why is this a great gift? I am a teacher and already have plenty of these.

      • Yuli

        It’s a card that most likely they will write something nice to you.

      • Tracey

        Don’t lie, Sheri. Your not a teacher.

    • CandisMamaSeata

      Yeah…what am i missing here ? No insult intended but what is so special about a small stack of blank envelopes and cards ? Id feel silly giving that, but again im not sure what the scenario is.. just a pack of already opened paper/envelopes ?

  15. Lo

    Last year I gifted the lunch lady with random candy throughout the year. She’s just fun and would occasionally slip me a breakfast pizza slice 🤣. I also gave chocolates to the random teacher ( not my kids teacher) that always sent my kids out when she saw me walking to pick them up.

  16. Jennifer

    At the beginning of the year, we ask our teachers to fill out a “favorites” questionnaire… it has questions about favorites candles, favorite stores, favorite color, sports team, classroom needs, etc and some questions at the bottom that are “yes/no” like … Coffee? Tea? I have found that these are really helpful in buying gifts that are tailored to the teacher and you know your gift will be a win!!

    • Casey Meyers

      That is a great idea. At least you have an idea what to get them and don’t just buy something that will be wasting your money.

    • Shauna

      Our school does this too and when teacher appreciation comes around they post them. I love it! I bought my daughter’s teacher a set of pastels because that is something she wanted for her classroom. They did a fun art project with them.

  17. Marleah

    I love the idea of the embroidered beach towel. Would you put the teachers first name? Initials?

  18. suzanne skero

    I am a teacher at a high school. I have gotten $5 gift cards to Panera and Dunkin Donuts. I also received thank you cards as well. Every gift or recognition of my efforts is so appreciated!

    I must share though, I asked my son if his teachers had automatic pencil sharpeners. He said they didn’t so I bought $10 sharpeners that were well received! These things break constantly so even if a teacher has one already, a backup is a great idea!

  19. Kate

    My husband is a 4th grade teacher. A few years ago, one of his students (who was deeply troubled and came from an impoverished home) was watching all the other students present their Christmas gifts to my husband. This young man asked to go to his locker to get his present … and came back beaming, having pulled his prized blue hot wheels car from the bottom of his backpack, as a present for his teacher. With tears in his eyes, my husband accepted this gift wholeheartedly. We still talk about it to this day and cherish that blue hot wheels car! I can tell you that 100% … when it comes to giving from the heart, it truly is the thought that counts.

    • kayti

      I had a young student once give me a pair of socks “because you are always so cold”! Sometimes they teach us things we over look on a daily basis!

    • Katrina

      Oh my goodness, I’m crying! <3

    • Ellen

      Such a sweet, sweet boy. Thanks for sharing that story….just makes me feel good. 🙂

    • Lesli

      That story just made me cry! So sweet and heartwarming!! Thanks for sharing

  20. K80

    I appreciate all sides to this debate. Im glad the general gist is that the teachers are all appreciative of their gifts. But to all the people slightly put-off at suggestions from the teachers, some of their most loved gifts are free so maybe dont balk at what they say.. im getting the feeling that the majority of teachers really do want inexpensive, personal things. So maybe pay attention and save the money to put towards the less expensive paper and pen for personalized notes. Not all teachers are saying Gift cards or candles. There really doesnt seem to be any reading between the lines… they kind of are clearly spelling it out.
    God bless all my past teachers and all the spectacular ones out there now. You Rock !! 😁

  21. Pixie mom

    Most classrooms have “room mothers” who help coordinate parties etc.

    at our school, room mothers often collect a few bucks from the parents and buy a nice gift for $50 or so. The room mother (or dad) often knows the teacher well enough to purchase something special to that teacher. Strictly voluntary. If a parent still wants to buy their own thing, they can buy usually all the parents participate.

  22. Meliza

    I ask my son “soooo you’re teacher mention anything she needs or wants”? It helps him become more thoughtful and better listener and then we get to surprise the teacher with something she wanted.

    • Nicole___

      I had a student ask me where my favorite place to shop was, because I mentioned once that I loved buying shoes. A week later she brought me a Nordstrom gift card for my birthday! I also had a student last year who noticed I wore a certain brand of clothing and got me a giftcard to that store for the holidays.
      It’s so appreciated and sweet when the kids notice little things.

  23. Raizi Lindenfeld

    I’m not sure if this falls into the homemade food category…
    I make homemade vanilla for my children’s teachers. I then write with it a note about how vanilla is like their teaching. How it makes my child special like vanilla makes baked goods special. I’ve only received positive feedback. It’s only vodka and vanilla beans so no crazy ingredients.

  24. Laura

    Our school district has an option to “Thank a_____” Teacher, bus driver, office personnel, custodian, whomever you want. The ask for dollar amount is $10, with options to do more. The money goes to the school district advancement center, which gives grants, provides teacher, school and employee events as well as family events throughout the district. While this is not a physical thing that you give to a teacher it is something that shows the district how much you appreciate the teacher, office, workers, etc. If your district has something like this I urge you to nominate the person you want to thank, this means more to them than anything you can actually give them. This is like writing a letter to their boss to say how much they mean to you and in the long run can help their educating career.

  25. Bargain Shopper

    When did a gift stop being a gift? When did it become acceptable to tell someone what they can and cannot give you? When did bridal and baby registries become I wants and give me lists instead of suggestions should you decide to gift? Now it seems school staff in various positions have issues with what they receive for a gift that was purchased or made as offer of appreciation. I have been on the receiving side and the giving side. With the hip2save deals I can put together some really awesome gifts that I feel as the giver is how I wish to express myself at a price point I can afford. If I’m going to be told how much money I have to put in or what exactly I have to buy to get what the recipient says it has to be, I’ll still have the same level of appreciation but they’ll be no gifting. I would be after all the one deciding to give a gift to begin with.

    • Miriam

      I’m so sorry that teacher appreciation bothers you so much. Most teachers say that we appreciate ALL gifts. Just read above! I would not want to cause this much grief for a family, as gifting should be a kind-hearted thing to do. Maybe your child can share some nice words with the teacher instead.

  26. Julia

    I don’t think teachers needed to be gifted anything at all they are doing what they signed up for. I mean, they already have more perks then any other person I know that works for a living. Finished by 3pm, spring break, winter break, summers off, all holidays off, snow days, in service days. All days off are paid, of course. Lets face it, the facts are the facts and most kids today are not turning out too smart according to state test scores. I hear they want even shorter days of work time with the kids. Please…

    • JB

      Well aren’t you a ray of sunshine?
      How about this, I challenge you to volunteer either an entire school day or a a few hours spanning a whole week at your local public school. Then we can compare your experiences with my volunteer experiences. Deal?

    • Mary

      How ridiculous

      • Julia

        Exactly! This is what I was trying to say. Thanks Mary!!

    • Liz Suber

      Because nobody wants to feel appreciated. The average teacher works 20 hours more a week than they get paid for. They don’t get paid for days in the summer. They get paid for 190 days. It’s just spread out over 12 months of paychecks. Actually, one of the best gifts you can give a teacher, watch their class to let them go to the bathroom. If their planning is taken up with a meeting, they don’t always get a chance to go. Walk a mile in their shoes and see how wrong you are.

    • JL

      “..most kids are not turning out too smart…”

      A teacher can only do so much. Parents need to be more involved. It’s obvious that you have no appreciation for teachers. Your entire post speaks volumes about this. It comes across that you’re jealous. Jealous of men and women who go to college for four years to become teachers. You should volunteer at a school and see first hand what goes on.

      • Julia

        Jealous of what? If I wanted to be a teacher, I would have been. I went to college for more than 4 years and decided upon a Nurse Practitioner as the pay is much better. Thanks though.

        • Jane

          Well, Julia, Americans aren’t turning out so healthy anymore, so does that mean nurse practitioners aren’t very good at their jobs either?

      • Dana

        I don’t think she’s jealous. I think she must’ve had a bad educational experience at some point and feels the need to take it out on all teachers. Obviously she has no clue what teachers go through, and she has no clue that teachers can only do so much when kids come to school with not enough sleep, not enough food, no support at home, possibly no home, and/or having spent their entire waking hours that they are NOT at school staring at screens, or else caring for siblings while parents work, or parents are out being irresponsible. But maybe we teachers should take a pay cut because our students don’t pass standardized tests because of all this.

    • An Awesome Art Teacher

      Go spend a week in a school and come back and talk to me about those “Finished by 3pm, spring break, winter break, summers off, all holidays off, snow days, in service days. All days off are paid, of course.”
      I don’t have summers “off”. My check gets held back for part of the year so I can be paid during summer. It’s my earned money.
      I don’t have “weekends off” I spend 5-10 hours extra a week, many on weekends planning, grading, making examples, meeting and doing other stuff.
      Not to mention the fact I serve as my department’s team leader, run an after school club and also attend various events as asked to support my students.
      And you are right, we don’t NEED to be gifted anything.
      I would happily go the rest of my life with ZERO thank you gifts in return for a full funded public education system with enough money so I don’t have to buy art supplies for my students from my pocket, and with enough wrap around services to take care of our high and low needs kids, and so I don’t have to worry about them during “all that time off”.
      I do all I signed up for, and more than you will ever know.
      And that doesn’t include my side hustles to make ends meet, all things that take away from my own family.
      So good day.

  27. Liz Suber

    Before you give coffee or a Starbucks gift card, please make sure your teacher drinks coffee. People think everyone does but a lot don’t. I appreciated any gift I was given, but usually ended up passing those on to someone else.

    • Susanne C

      For me as a teacher the best gift is being acknowledged for your hard work and love of the children. I also like it when the parent talks to their child about what they think their teachers like and then take the child when buying a gift. It shows that the parent is teaching the children to think of others! It’s really special when a child brings you something they chose and you see the pride and joy on their face 😊

  28. E

    My dad is a teacher and we always looooved Christmas when he would get gifts of all sorts of homemade Christmas cookies and breads! My mom couldn’t eat them because of allergies, but everyone else loved them! Honestly, it never even crossed my mind that someone’s kitchen might not be “clean enough” to eat from until I heard someone recently say it. Some people are too picky. Keep showing your teachers you appreciate them in whatever way YOU feel right!

  29. ProudMama

    I love this reading post every year because it helps me see the different perspectives from parents & teachers about gift ideas. I love getting new ideas from comments because the same gift each year to a new teacher DOES get boring! Thanks H2S for putting this post out!
    This year, because of a few comments above, I’m making a special note to the teacher, letting them know it’s okay if they want to regift my gift, if they have too many of that item, without feeling bad about doing so!!! 😊

  30. Dana

    As a music teacher in an inner-city school I don’t receive much (usually nothing), and I don’t expect much. Any gift, thank you card, Christmas card, homemade bracelet, flower, drawing or anything a child gives me is a great blessing.

  31. Eduardo Torres

    As an educator and parent of a 4th grader I always gift my sons teacher and support staff a little something. Its a beautiful feeling when you receiving a gift from a child ; it makes you feel special knowing someone appreciates you and remembered you on a special day.

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