*HOT!* $1/1 ANY Size White Milk Coupon
UPDATE: This is working again!
WOW! Here’s a great promotion for all you moms and dads with daughters! Milk Fits You wants to reward you with a great coupon! Hurry on over here and fill out the form to request a coupon by mail for $1 off ANY size white milk! You’ll receive your coupon in the mail within 6-8 weeks!
I rarely ever see milk coupons… especially for ANY brand and ANY size! So excited!
(Thanks, Melanie!)
thank you so much for posting!!!
I question why they want your mobile number and not your home number….
I think its to text you
This is great!! thanks
they keep telling me my zip is invalid. uh, i think i know where i live.
You think that’s bad, they keep telling me my first name is invalid. I’m ready to email them to let the state of Illinois know, since that’s what’s on my birth certificate. LOL
Thats funny because it said my FIRST name is invalid? Now I KNOW my first name, lol!
Me too. My first name is invalid………WEIRD!
Yeah apparently my first name is invalid too…really???
mine too
that’s crazy.
I get that too sometimes but I just delete the space between Anna and Marie and then it works. Not sure if that is the problem you are running into or not. Thought I would share.
That site is crazy. Changed all info to my husband’s name and it went through. Tried mine again and still get the invalid first name message…lol
Awesome! Thanks so much for this!
BTW I didn’t put my cell number, I put an internet number. I put that they can email me, not text. hehehe
Thanks Collin!
Thanks much! Even here in Wisconsin we can never get enough milk.
Thans Collin! You’re the best at posting deals. I think I got it!
Thanks, Collin.
Mine went through okay but since I live in a state where coupons on milk are usually not allowed, I probably wont be able to use it. Will see what it says if it arrives.
Why are milk coupons not allowed in your state and what state do you live in?
some states have very strict dairy laws – we are not allowed to receive discounts on stuff like milk, yogurt, ice cream (some states even cheese). Look at a yoplait coupon, it will list several states the coupon is void in.
Thanks so much!
I only have boys
It never asks about info on daughter so I filled it out even though I don’t have one!
Deal dead! Thanks anyways.
Yep, says its all out of coupons
Asks for all your information and then tells you all the coupons are gone. bummer. Thanks for the post though!
Well here we ago again…. They get all my information up front and then tell me the are NO more coupons. I don’t mind giving out my information as long as I get something in return. However, they should tell you up front on their website that there are no longer any coupons. It is just not right!!!!
You can use the coupon at Walmart. I live in California and they accept a Florida milk coupon I got a while back from coupons.com. Food4Less also takes out of state coupons for milk!
Tried it and said I would be receiving my coupon in 8-10 weeks.
I mean 8 weeks, not 8-10 weeks. Also just signed my MIL up for one and she got one, too.
its not gone…i just signed up!
I tried it on a fluke and it said I should get a q inthe mail in 8 or so weeks. And then something about trying on my daughter’s Justice jeans… lol!
I just now filled out the form (6:35 pst) and it said I should get my coupon in the mail within 8 weeks, so doesn’t look like it is gone
I just filled it out, said I should get it in 8 weeks!
Just got it at 9:58!!!
Still worked for me in SC!
Working again!
just worked. thank you!!
Thank you for letting us know
Thanks so Much! Luv zmilk
i would have loved to have a milk coupon but it keep saying wrong birthday guess i dont know when i was born
This website has some major issues. I tried it again and it told me my first name was invalid, again. After reading some of your posts I tried changing around some of the information and it was the email address. I used my secondary email address. Yay, excited for milk coupon!
I couldn’t get my coupon request to go through it kept saying my b’day was invalid.
Yes this is a good deal but if your over sixty and have no cell,your not able to get it just because you don,t have a cell phone. thats crazy and a lot of things are that way.
I recently entered a coupon deal on the internet and had to enter my cell phone number. My next Verizon bill had a $9.99 charge on it. I called Verizon and they said you have to read the terms very closely, this is how companies are getting funds. They said there was nothing they could do for me, because I checked the “I agree” box. Just a heads up!
All gone
gone again…bummer.
“OMG We’re all out of coupons!”
just got that too
I just tried this, and after I filled out the form – it said they are out of coupons.
My birthdate is invalid!!!
Gone again
I just tried again (11:05am EST) and it says the coupons are all gone.
Got one
I also just tried and it says they’re all gone