Rare $1/3 Capri Sun Coupon (Limited Prints)
Hurry on over to the Capri Sun Facebook page, “like” them, then click on the “ELECCIONES” tab (in Spanish), and scroll down to either answer Comidas Saladas or Comidas Dulces (sweet or salty), then click on the “RECIBIR CUPON” to print a coupon valid for $1 off 3 Capri Sun Juice Packs!
This was available previously and didn’t last long, so you’ll want to hurry and print.
(Thanks, Ketsy!)
Does the coupon print in spanish??
Just answered my own question….yes, it does print in english!
Coupons are gone!
I just printed mine twice.
English and Spanish
It is in Spanish and English
It didn’t work for me the first time, but I went back through and then it did!
I have tried several times and I can’t get it to print for me. Perhaps it’s because I’m using Google Chrome.
using chrome and i just got it to print
I never saw…“RECIBIR CUPON” after I clicked on Comidas Saladas or Comidas Dulces . It didn’t work for me.
I had to press the back arrow and then I found it HTH
Thanks for the tip, Becky! I didn’t see it either until I used the back arrow.
Thanks Collin!
i checked all over and it didn’t show the coupon
Yay! It printed just fine in IE. Thanks!!
Just Print it! Thanks!
Just printed mines, Thank You Collin! This will come in handy in 2 weeks when the kids are home for vacation.
This is great I think Farm fresh has them on sale for 1.99 and with them having a mega coupon event this weekend will make for some cheap juice thanks!! :0)
Didn’t work when I answered “dulces” but did when I clicked what “saladas.”
I got mine to print, but it will only print 1.
Gracias! yay!
De nada lol
Thanks! I was able to print from Safari! Publix has them on sale 3/$6, so I will be purchasing some today
Thanks Jen! Mines printed in Spanish and was able to get two.
Youre very welcome! Be on the look out. Capri sun usually offers a coupon at Awesomeness! the beginning of the month and sometimes English prints are gone in seconds, but the spanish are up for grabs. Couponing is just barely getting its groove in the hispanic community
It prints in Spanish and English! I got 2! I always miss this! Thanks, Collin!
i wish i could print but im out of ink and will go tonight to buy!
i hate it that Target closes at 10 P.M. i wish it stayed open til 11 P.M. or 12 A.M.
i cant ever get a ride til late at evening or night.
plus cuz of the deals i have Target GCs so i like to buy ink from there.
will if there are any coupons left by the time i get ink i’ll print some too for my siblings.