*HOT* $5/5 Kellogg’s Cereals Coupon
Wow! Hurry on over to Coupons.com and use zip 84121 to print a **HOT** $5/5 Kellogg’s Cereals 10 oz+ coupon! This coupon should make for a GREAT deal when paired with a sale. In fact, tomorrow 2/18 and Sunday 2/19 ONLY, all Kellogg’s cereal will be on sale 50% off at Publix which should make for a pretty sweet deal.
Also, starting 2/19, you can score the following deals at CVS and Walgreens:
CVS (starting 2/19):
Kellogg’s Raisin Bran or Raisin Bran Crunch 15-18.2 oz 3/$7
Use the $5/5 coupon found here
Final cost as low as $1.33 each!
Walgreens (starting 2/19):
Select Kellogg’s cereal 12-18.2 oz 2/$5 or $2.99 each
Use the $5/5 coupon found here
Final cost as low as $1.60 per box!
*Note – 4 boxes will ring up at $2.50 each and the 5th will be $2.99. If your store is well stocked, you could buy 10 boxes and pay only $1.50 per box.
This coupon won’t last long so RUN on over to Coupons.com to print it while you can!!
(Thanks, Ariel!)
Thank you Cortney! I was so upset about missing it!
90014 Just printed @ 6:50pm CA time.. and it’s still working!
THank you! We desprately need to stock up on cereal! 90014 worked for me too!
Thanks got it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
any other zip code please!!
sweet! 90014 worked for me too at 10:20 pm =)
90014 is still working at 10:30pm EST. Many thanks for the zip!
got it with 90014 Yeah you guys rock
Just printed it with ZIP 90067!
thanks all! worked for me
and mine only has one barcode too
I just printed two and they have two barcodes, One is on the bottom left and one is on the top right under the experation date.
That is the new way the coupons are being printed, collin did a post about it a few weeks ago. It works. The coupons are coded more specific to prevent using them on items they are not intended for.
Reset??? Just printed mine!!!
Got it at 11:23 pm in Cali using 90014. If your having troubles getting it post your email and a friend can send it to you. team work
Don’t forget you can print it twice, buy 10 and send the UPC in for $10 gas rebate. Limit 5 rebates per household, so really you can get up to $50 in gas on mastercard. If you go to Walmart online, it’s $3.28 a box, minus the coupons is $2.28 minus the $10 gas card it $1.28 a box.
Where is the rebate information?
thank you just printed mine too.
i don’t see it
Food lion has select kelloggs for 1/2 off as well till tues. I got cocoa krispies and frosted flakes for .89 a box.
Got it at 8:51AM TX using 90014
THANK YOU! If your Publix honors Target coupons (typically if the Target is very near the Publix), I used a $1 off 2 on select cereals. I got the Kellogg’s Krave for 49 cents a box thanks to the Target coupon stack with the $5 off 5 manufacturer coupon!!! The other cereals I got were $1.00-1.50.
YEAH!!!!! Thanks for the new zip code (90014) everyone! I just printed mine at 8:30 PT. So excited to use these with the next big Kellogg’s cereal deal
It only let me print it once before listing it as “print limit reached”:(
Is there any other zipcode available to still get the coupon today? Help if possible please!!