Walmart: Buy 1 Coffee-mate Creamer and Get 1 Free Coupon–1st 40,000 (New Offer!)
Wowza! Here’s another awesome Coffee-mate creamer coupon for ya (yes, this is a different coupon than the one highlighted in the post below!). Head on over here to snag a coupon for Buy 1 bottle of Nestle Coffee-mate creamer and Get 1 Free valid at Walmart only. Hurry and print your coupon now as it is only available to the first 40,000!
I can’t get in to save my life! Anyone else have any luck with this? I was on right when it started, too. Good luck!!
me too…
Site not loading…

Ooh, something’s popping up on my screen…fingers crossed!!
got Walmart’s, thanks, while the other creamer offer isn’t bringing up the form to fill out.
This one worked for me – it’s a coupon that prints quick! Also, I went to Food City today and bought a few things (not coffee or creamer), but I got a coupon that printed for a free Coffee-mate creamer too. Wow!
Awesome! Thanks! Printed this while waiting for facebook page to load. I love Free Flavor Friday
The print button is not showing up for me.
Thank you!!!!
Got it! Thanks Collin =) Happy “Free Coffee Creamer” Friday!
Thanks for the heads up about the buy one get one free!! They let you print two!
This page is just as bad as the coffeemate page lol
They love screwing with us couponers!
got mine! printed 2 times for both of them! thanks Collin!!
Got it!! Thanks!!
I got one yay!!
Where’s the button? I only see $1.00 of Natural Bliss?
Don’t hit the coupon button. It should automatically load w/ Collin’s link. Worked better in Google Chrome for me.
After you print 2, hit the “Help” button and also request it to be MAILED to you! I was able to snag 3 this way. I have just started requesting these by mail after I print 2 abd they are actually mailing them to me– and fast!!
where do you go in help?
This is so true guys always click the help button, too and fill in your info”!!!
Got it thanks. Liquid and powder coupons!
Got the Walmart Q’s – THANKS COLLIN!!!
Nothing but errors on the FB or website for Coffeemate. Bummer!! Hope everyone else can get in!
how are you guys getting it mine won’t even load!
Try Google Chrome. Mine would not load in Internet Explorer.
Aw, I wish I could get one. Lol. I really need some creamer! MUST. have. coffee.
FYI-these do not say you have to redeem them at Walmart when you print them!
I used firefox and logged in again and it worked i got 2 coupons
Does the q print, valid at walmart only, on it? That is my least favorite store and I am not sure it is worth it for me to wait for the page to load and then have to go to walmart.
It says manufacture coupon on it, so I am assuming you can use it anywhere
I finally got them. It doesn’t say valid only at walmart so yippie! BTW I was able to print 2 of each, the bogo powdered and liquid.
Please allow 2-3 weeks for delivery. Once it arrives, you can start discovering the many delicious flavors of COFFEE-MATE®, like Italian Sweet Crème, Peppermint Mocha or Caramel Macchiato.
Finally got one of the buy1get1’s
Yay! Thanks!
I printed all 4 coupons mine DO NOT say redeem at walmart . Their logo is not even on them
It took a while but I finally got to enter my information for a coupon Facebook. It says it should arrive in 2 – 3 weeks.
It took me about 30 minutes but I finally got 2 coupons. Thanks for the link.
Thanks Brigitte, I didn’t realize you could print both liquid and powdered, got all my q’s now! There is also a $1/2 Coffee-Mate Natural Bliss coupon available on the Walmart website….
I printed the liquid one, nowhere on it does it say “valid at Wal Mart only”. Does anyone else’s? Only place that Wal Mart is mentioned is on the bottom right where it lists “”. Thinking it can be used anywhere?
You can use this coupon anywhere in the U.S.A that accepts this manufacture coupon.
As long as it does not say “REDEEMABLE AT WAL-MART” you could only use the coupon for that store.
Also, if the coupon even had “AVAILABLE AT WAL-MART” you CAN STILL USE IT ANYWHERE cause all that means is that that product is available at wal-mart is all.
There is a difference between REDEEMABLE and AVAILABLE…..tell that to the cashier!
TY! Collin’s post said “valid at Walmart only” so I wanted to make sure I wasn’t missing something on it.
Finally got, mine say Manufacturer powered b coupons (dot) com..only walmart in lower corner too for the source of the coupon. When I printed the liquid one, it printed two automatically up to a $2.11 value and the powder printed one up to a $4.10 value.
Bummer, I think the WM q is gone, I’m only seeing $1 of 2.
click the free friday on that scrolling screen and the coupons are there just printed. The liquid printed two automaically for me, and there is a powder too
Thanks, I got two.
WooHoo!!! FINALLY got in for the free one on their website!!! Looks like they took off the Captcha thing. Maybe that was the problem?? Anyway, didn’t take long to get in at all. BTW: according to their rules, you can have 2 coupons per household – BUT you must have 2 different email addresses. Good luck everyone!!!! Took me almost an hour to get in. We have Internet Explorer 8.
It says 1 email and coupon per person, and 2 coupons max per household! Awesome!
I just got my BOGO coupon from walmart. The Coffemate form finally is working and snagged a free coupon, too!
Awesome, thank you Collin. I have 2 sons in college and they love, but can’t always afford, Coffeemate. This way they can both enjoy their coffee the way they like it best!!
How sweet of you!!!
I just went to website and you can add a coupon BOGO Coffee -Mate creamer to your Safeway Club Card and then you don’t even have to print a Coupon! How awesome is that!
printed 2 of each, and got my free one, too. thanks for all the heads up! You save me a lot already on the walgreens and cvs deals that you match up … yours is easier to understand.
Thank you so much! I printed four.
Thank you! My DH will only drink Coffeemate Vanilla in his coffee so he also thanks you!
Target’s coupons section on its website also has this BOGO coupon!
Thanks Sydney!!
Printed two of each and then had one of each mailed to me through the help!! Woo hoo was even able to score the free at coffeemate!
I am a newbie to couponing. I am wondering if I can use the walmart coupon and the facebook coupon to get 2 free creamers?
Hi Lori,
Go check out Collin’s “Coffee with Collin” here –
and WalMart’s coupon policy here –
Best way to learn is to find out! But yes, it appears that you can use one BOGO coupon and then the FREE product coupon. However, it could take 4-6 weeks to receive the coupon so the printable coupon might expire before the FREE product coupon gets to you.
Good luck!
Thanks! I will look that up:)
Can you use the $1/2 q with the b1g1 q?
Nope. The scanner will tag both items with the first coupon. Just use the BOGO coupon for your best value off. Some people say it’s okay to use a $1 off one item and a BOGO but read Collin’s previous posts thoughts on that.
Thanks. I will give this coupon to my mom who use coffeemate.
I’m really bummed that I missed this.
You’re AWESOME!!!
I <3 hip2save!